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Orlando Massacre and Terrorism

Jun 13, 2016 at 12:50 PM
Soup Man
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This is horrible. I just don't know what to say. I'm filled with the deepest sorrow for the dead, and their families. I hope that their families can cope with this horrible event, and I hope that the government figures out what to do. My sincerest of regrets.
Jun 13, 2016 at 6:29 PM
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Besides, if we marched into full scale war, we could create more jobs and boost the economy. And we could stop oppression and terrorism in the Middle East. It's a win-win for the U.S. overall.

(As long as we win).
There they go... my sides... have reached the stratosphere...
Believe it or not, you can't actually solve your issues with the Middle-East by declaring war again.
Jun 13, 2016 at 6:41 PM
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There they go... my sides... have reached the stratosphere...
Believe it or not, you can't actually solve your issues with the Middle-East by declaring war again.

Well then the problem will never be solved. We've tried to step back and take our hands out of it, we've tried going to war, and terrorists won't listen to any attempt at peace negotiations we could make unless we literally promised the world (look at ISIS' demands for a worldwide caliphate). The war on terror will probably never end, but the least we can do is remove groups such as ISIS and the Taliban from the equation.
Jun 13, 2016 at 11:16 PM
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OP, i kindly want to ask you to reword your entire opening post because it's pretty distasteful.

That being said, my deepest condolences for those involved in this disaster. This is horrific, and i cannot understand how someone could even be driven to do this. This has become US's worst mass shooting yet, and it was specifically against the LGBT crowd aswell... Words cannot describe how mad i feel about this situation. Fucking sickening.
Jun 14, 2016 at 1:42 AM
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I really question if the orlando massacre can be called terrorism instead of mass murder, given it is a guy who hates gay people shooting gay people. Now I am not downgrading the severity of what happened, but rather I am seriously questioning the logic of calling any deaths instigated by a foreigner "terrorism". I mean the boston marathon can be called terrorism because that's exactly what it is, but this situation in particular seems like a misguided personal vandetta on the part of the shooter rather than an attempt to inspire terror.
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Jun 14, 2016 at 2:46 AM
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what a time we live in
Jun 14, 2016 at 3:18 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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OP, i kindly want to ask you to reword your entire opening post because it's pretty distasteful.

That being said, my deepest condolences for those involved in this disaster. This is horrific, and i cannot understand how someone could even be driven to do this. This has become US's worst mass shooting yet, and it was specifically against the LGBT crowd aswell... Words cannot describe how mad i feel about this situation. Fucking sickening.

Distasteful in what way?

I really question if the orlando massacre can be called terrorism instead of mass murder, given it is a guy who hates gay people shooting gay people. Now I am not downgrading the severity of what happened, but rather I am seriously questioning the logic of calling any deaths instigated by a foreigner "terrorism". I mean the boston marathon can be called terrorism because that's exactly what it is, but this situation in particular seems like a misguided personal vandetta on the part of the shooter rather than an attempt to inspire terror.

The guy pledged allegiance to ISIS before committing the crime. It's terrorism AND a hate crime.
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Jun 14, 2016 at 3:57 AM
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Jun 14, 2016 at 4:45 AM
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If we stayed there and made sure the new government was stable, in control, and chosen by the people (whether they want a socialist state or whatever), it'd go a lot better than Afghanistan.

Isn't that exactly what they tried to do in Afghanistan?
Jun 14, 2016 at 7:34 AM
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I understand how you're justifying your argument Jaws (I don't agree, but that's another debate), but can we stop trying to find reasons to point fingers and wage wars for at least a little while?
Innocent people are dead, and it's a tragedy I can't even imagine being involved in. The most important thing that we can do is respect and give our condolences for people who have lost part of their family and their friends in this incident.
Jun 14, 2016 at 11:10 AM
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Distasteful in what way?
You basically spend about a handful of sentences about the incident itself, then went into several paragraphs on how to deal with terrorism. This in particular struck a nerve with me:

Besides, if we marched into full scale war, we could create more jobs and boost the economy. And we could stop oppression and terrorism in the Middle East. It's a win-win for the U.S. overall.

(As long as we win).

This wasn't a specific attack from ISIS, this was just some sick asshole who just joined them out of convienience for his raging homophobia. If anything, the threat of terrorism, bombings and mass shootings should be stopped from the mainland whenever it's connected to ISIS or not. Going to war won't solve anything, it'll just lead to more deaths.

I can understand people being awkward on this site, but show some respect please.
Jun 14, 2016 at 5:31 PM
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What surprised me even more was that before this he had scouted DisneyWorld and it's multiple parks and had bought the weapon at around the same time. And now that leaves actual Muslim Americans who are actually following the peaceful principles of Islam under even more hate, and during Ramadan too. My friend has faced so much prejudice for his beliefs and it sucks so hard cause that there isn't more awareness that people who aren't following these principles are not Muslims (or that people reject it). I give my condolences to those who were affected in the shooting and their families, I don't understand what you could ever accomplish with this.
Jun 14, 2016 at 11:46 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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You basically spend about a handful of sentences about the incident itself, then went into several paragraphs on how to deal with terrorism. This in particular struck a nerve with me:

This wasn't a specific attack from ISIS, this was just some sick asshole who just joined them out of convienience for his raging homophobia. If anything, the threat of terrorism, bombings and mass shootings should be stopped from the mainland whenever it's connected to ISIS or not. Going to war won't solve anything, it'll just lead to more deaths.

I can understand people being awkward on this site, but show some respect please.

My reaction to these sorts of things is often not sadness but anger and outrage. I apologize for not reacting in the same way as most people do, but when I hear about a tragedy that touches me personally my first reaction is usually to demand justice. After some of the things people were saying about the incident made me very angry, I felt a need to vent essentially about avenging the deaths of these people by removing the group of people I deem responsible for their deaths.

I understand that this was a hate crime against LGBTs, trust me, as I've said before I'm gay and I acknowledge that it was clearly an attack on the LGBT community during Gay Pride Month. But the fact that this crime was enacted based on homophobic ideology is just the tip of the iceberg of a much larger and malevolent ideology, and that's Islamic Fundamentalism. There are certain types of radical Christianity and Judaism that have homophobic beliefs as well, and although people who follows those beliefs do commit violent hate crimes, Islamic Fundamentalism tends to breed a lot more explicit violence.

What surprised me even more was that before this he had scouted DisneyWorld and it's multiple parks and had bought the weapon at around the same time. And now that leaves actual Muslim Americans who are actually following the peaceful principles of Islam under even more hate, and during Ramadan too. My friend has faced so much prejudice for his beliefs and it sucks so hard cause that there isn't more awareness that people who aren't following these principles are not Muslims (or that people reject it). I give my condolences to those who were affected in the shooting and their families, I don't understand what you could ever accomplish with this.

Now what I'm not saying is that all Muslims are violent Fundamentalists. But nearly all Islamic Fundamentalists are violent and Muslim. I have some very, very close personal friends who are Muslim and who have cried over how these fundamentalists are ruining their religion's reputation.

But the fact of the matter is, no matter which way you look at it, terrorism is the major problem here. If this man wasn't incredibly homophobic he would've just shot up another location and he still would have murdered people. As the above post states, he scouted out Disney World, which is not a location specifically associated with homosexuality.

The problem here is that many extremist nations view American support of LGBT rights as another layer of insult and sin which has to be punished and destroyed.

I know that many people are opposed to the idea of another war, but obviously we cannot keep these terrorists from influencing people inside our country, we cannot keep them from coming to our country (and some people want to make it even easier for them to sneak in by accepting refugees from the Middle East), and we cannot negotiate with them. There are really no other options less, unless you'd prefer to continue basically just poking them with a very long pole and angering them even more like we have been since we prematurely pulled out of Afghanistan.