on Men and Crying

Oct 5, 2011 at 7:34 AM
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Crying is pretty much taboo among teenage males and adult males alike, but I'm sure we all have varied opinions on it.
Personally the concept of my associates shedding tears doesn't really bother me, being jaded is for losers; I'm sure there are a few times when it's really weird, or times when it's generally accepted.

Related question, when was the last time you cried? Be it a single, manly tear for your country or full-on bawling, it doesn't matter. For me it was probably during the most recent episode of a certain show I've taken to watching. No shame, that episode had me going for a few minutes.
Try and top that for pure lack of masculinity, I dare you.

Yes these are the questions that plague me in the night.
And since I posted so late this will probably be bumped down a notch by royaltyler's doppelgänger post on some worthless thread and this will never be seen again. Oh well.
Oct 5, 2011 at 7:50 AM
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What? Crying is no shame. Never liked that "man's pride" thing. Also "manliness" is often times an empty shell of words. Often women are stronger or equal, and man just like the idea of "manliness" to compensate.

@ontopic. I cryed last time when I was recomissioned to a new workplace (the nurse cryied too). I really liked my old place and I was preparing to renovate/modernize a small village's ordination via an European donation fund. I've made arrangements, talked to people and *bam* got recomissioned to another place. All my efforts were in vain.
Oct 5, 2011 at 7:57 AM
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I'm not the weepy type, but not because men don't cry. Men do cry, we just do it differently from women.

Anyway, a few things have made me come close. Some of them were art and some of them were personal experiences.

Oh right I also cry when I hate myself but that's not related to masculinity at all.
Oct 5, 2011 at 11:44 AM
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I can't remember the last time I've full-on cried. Hell, it must have been at least three years now.. Something to do with my ex-step-father reducing my self-worth to a fine powder.

I'm a very introspective person, so I probably just look like my brain is turned off in situations where you would expect someone to cry. Or if it's really bad, I'll start laughing, and then maybe cry later when I'm alone and have had time to think about what just happened. That doesn't happen very often though.
Oct 5, 2011 at 11:58 AM
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Well I ussually Cry whilst playing Video games or watching epic Movies. For instance I watched the finale of Doctor Who last week and that made me cry, There was an epic scene with an really good piece of music in there. I guess I get caught up in the moment during games.

Some video games have worked the same and near the end of the game I've cried due to the fact that its like the "Final hour" And you have to run to escape or your just constantly smashing a boss trying to destroy it.

These tears are more tears of glory and tears of anger rather than tears of sadness.. Cus I never cry over a film or a video game when someone dies and cry because im sad. I cry because the moments very epic and Its how I handle it :)
Oct 5, 2011 at 12:20 PM
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Re: on Cripples and Crying

Masculinity/manliness/manhood is something I hold little to no value in. People have emotions regardless of gender, etc etc etc

The last time I cried, let's see.... that I can recall, early this year I crushed my friend's heart when I mentioned I was dating someone. She had a crush on me, which I had kind of suspected for awhile, and did NOT take the mention well. Like, at all. Completely decimated, though she put up a damn hard effort to try and hide it. I felt like utter shit and wished I had kept my mouth shut. I didn't have a full-on bawl, but I WAS punching walls and doors and whatnot until I finally talked to her later that day.

haha dramapost :)

Worked out in the end though, she didn't hold a grudge or anything.
Oct 5, 2011 at 2:44 PM
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Wow, the got way more attention than I expected, awesome.
@trickybilly I'm not a fan of the social norms either, I was just presenting the fact that's a lot of people in the world expect men to be a man, never cry and have sex with lots of women and whatnot.
At least where I live it is.

Anyway, I talked to a few of my female friends about this and they almost seemed to fantasize about a guy who wouldn't be afraid to cry on their shoulder, and how they would always be there for them, etc, etc.
Not just for a partner either, for their friends too.
But I just can't picture that scenario which leads to another question: who do you feel comfortable (if anybody) crying in front of? It's a tricky question for me to answer, I honestly don't know at this point o:

Sorry I didn't reply to anyone else's posts, I'm a little rushed.
I'll come back to them though I swear.
Oct 5, 2011 at 2:49 PM
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Apparently, I have a distinct lack of empathy. As such, I don't really find myself crying that much.

The last time? Probably in the summer.
Oct 5, 2011 at 3:50 PM
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cultr1 said:
But I just can't picture that scenario which leads to another question: who do you feel comfortable (if anybody) crying in front of?

No one ever, but it happens anyway.
Oct 5, 2011 at 4:19 PM
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Last time I cried? I'm not sure. I remember shedding a tear when my whole day was going to crap and my cousin was being a bitch. It was also out of guilt for not meeting up with my friend. Also, like Jethawk, I tend to cry during epic moments in movies or when something drops a nostalgia bomb on me.

But I just can't picture that scenario which leads to another question: who do you feel comfortable (if anybody) crying in front of?

Pretty much no one. Again, I live in a country that has many many social taboos. So if you cry infront of people, it would be pretty much on the papers: MAN CRIES LIKE WOMAN.
Oct 5, 2011 at 7:11 PM
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Oct 5, 2011 at 8:59 PM
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also this one time a baby squirrel was found by my parents
we took care of it for a bit, but it was suggested by this wildlife federation thing that we put it out and wait for it's mother to pick it up or something
we put it out on a towel, and waited for like 4 hours
eventually another squirrel came and sniffed at it, but left
it kept doing little cries and eventually
Oct 5, 2011 at 9:14 PM
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WD said:
I think it's good when guys are sensitive and show their emotions.

Unfortunately, it's not a conscious decision I make every time something makes me sad. Crying is simply not my first impulse sometimes. I still feel the same emotions as other people, I just don't have the same biological reaction.
Oct 5, 2011 at 9:18 PM
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I guess I should have used the word "express" instead of "show". Like, if something is bothering them they will speak up about it instead of bottling it in like the usual male stereotype.

Of course, when it's necessary and appropriate to do so.
Oct 5, 2011 at 9:47 PM
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The male stereotype is called a "tough guise".
If it isn't, it should be.
Oct 5, 2011 at 9:50 PM
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I'm glad you made this thread (though I'm not sure why it's in the SPOT). This is one of the many stereotypes that really irks me.

Captain Fabulous said:
Unfortunately, it's not a conscious decision I make every time something makes me sad. Crying is simply not my first impulse sometimes. I still feel the same emotions as other people, I just don't have the same biological reaction.

It's pretty much the same with me. I wouldn't really be ashamed or embarrassed to cry in front of people, it just doesn't really happen. The main thing that can make me cry is nostalgia. Like when I listened to Lugia's Song after having not seen Pokemon 2000 in about a decade (which, in my childhood, was like the greatest movie of all time in my mind).

WD said:
But I think there is also a point where they should "man-up" (forgive the gender-stereotyping).

Lol, reminds me of that one episode of Jersey Shore (no, I don't actually watch the show, but my roommate last year did - a lot :)) where Ron and Sam were super pissed at each other (as usual), and he told her to "be a woman and man up" (exact quote). At that point I just had to laugh.
Oct 5, 2011 at 9:55 PM
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Oh yeah.
Why do people keep making reasonable threads in the SPOT?
As far as I know, it is supposed to be a garbage can (hence Spam/Off Topic). This is a good thread.
Oct 5, 2011 at 9:57 PM
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Nostalgia has never made me cry. It's a happy, wistful feeling.
Oct 5, 2011 at 10:04 PM
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Generally my imagine construes much more horrible situations then life ever does, so generally when I cry it's because I am lying awake at night imagining all my loved ones dying in fiery blazes.

Not that that happens often.

The only time I remember crying because I was physically hurt was when I snapped my collarbone in fourth grade, but there was probably stuff when I was very ikkle.
Perhaps I cried after I got in that crash (due to feelings of inadequacy, not because anything bad happened to me)
Also when I was in like second grade I bullied someone without knowing it and cried when I was sent to the principal's office?
Annnnnnnnnd when my grampa died.

But generally speaking, I am a very happy person.
I don't get sad often.
Oct 5, 2011 at 10:05 PM
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same here
hell I usually don't cry unless it's a super intense moment and even then
I can get upset, but rarely cry
hell even when I get badly hurt I never cry :s