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Oct 25, 2013 at 4:31 PM
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While there are many threads about Monster X and the cat driving it there is not much talk about Omega. The existing theories don't deal with it's origin, purpose...
It's a robot, but who built it? Why? Is it part of the island's defences? Curly does not warn the player about it (you get warned only about sandcrocs), but she lives in the Sandzone... What does it do in the Sandzone anyway?
Oct 25, 2013 at 4:48 PM
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Maybe its a security bot, Im not sure.
Oct 25, 2013 at 6:34 PM
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Very curious, Omega... What it is is very unclear...

One could try to interpret it as a machine, as it operates very much like one, and appears much like one. But then that begs the question, "what kind of connection does Omega have to the Sunstones?" Clearly it has some magical properties, given that its demise lifts the spell on the Sunstones. And apparently Misery was able to detect it from a distance. So there's apparently some connection between Omega and magic.

So very little is told to us about Omega, we can only speculate what it even is. The game hints at Omega being known throughout the Sand Zone, since apparently one of the Colons knew that to get to Jenka you had to lift the spell on the Sunstones. Whether or not she knew you had to defeat Omega in order to do that is debatable, though. Perhaps that's not the only way to lift the spell on the Sunstones, and the Colon was thinking you'd do something different in order to lift the spell.

All I can do is ramble on about what little we know about mega, and how mysterious it is. I'm lost for trying to come up with some theory, so I'll just leave it at this.
Oct 25, 2013 at 10:10 PM
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Maybe Pixel actually wanted Quote to fight Misery in the Sand Zone, but he then thought of making the level more fun and replacing Misery with a supposedly harder boss, saving her for the "final" level.
Oct 25, 2013 at 11:29 PM
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I had said in the look-alikes thread that Omega might have something to do with the last letter of the Greek alphabet, Omega.
Someone might be able to come up with a theory, but my best guess is that Jenka herself made both Omega and the sunstones for security purposes, and she would be able to release the sunstones herself with her magic.
Oct 26, 2013 at 1:26 AM
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That's an interesting theory. I had thought before starting a reply that omega could have been an old robot made by an old research group for excavation purposes. Perhaps Jenka used this machine to her advantage as a defense mechanism against others searching for the demon flowers?
Oct 26, 2013 at 6:23 AM
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Actually, I thought of something wrong with my theory. If Jenka had actually made the sunstones for her own security, she would have been extremely shocked by the fact that someone (Quote) bypassed it. But why exactly did Omega rise from the ground exactly when Quote walked in? Maybe it felt that something hostile was coming to challenge it. I really don't know.
But what about other unknown bosses like Ironhead, Puu Black and Ma Pignon? Would it be practical to convert this thread into a general Boss Theory thread?

[And what does 'Bitch' mean? (From your signature)]
Oct 26, 2013 at 11:53 AM
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IdioticBaka1824 said:
[And what does 'Bitch' mean? (From your signature)]
Doors' sig image is one pixel larger than it's "supposed" to be in each direction, thus it is a way of expressing his distaste for the presence of limitations on his free-spirited non-conformism
Oct 26, 2013 at 1:52 PM
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Oct 26, 2013 at 3:02 PM
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MagicDoors said:
That's an interesting theory. I had thought before starting a reply that omega could have been an old robot made by an old research group for excavation purposes. Perhaps Jenka used this machine to her advantage as a defense mechanism against others searching for the demon flowers?

That makes sense as jenka is not concerned when quote beats omega and meets her, but why would a research group go to the sandzone, and what were they looking for?

MagicDoors said:
Down with society and its ugly rules
Oct 27, 2013 at 7:16 AM
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Dunc2403 said:
This website exists for a reason
I understand that English is obviously not your first language but that doesn't excuse your incessant questions every time we use a swear word
English is my first language. And that is not a swear word. Swearing is basically a promise.
Oct 27, 2013 at 7:51 AM
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IdioticBaka1824 said:
English is my first language. And that is not a swear word. Swearing is basically a promise.
For someone with english as your first language, you sure don't know a lot about it (you don't even know what a swear word is). If I had to guess, I'd chalk it up to you being 12, and in India.
Oct 27, 2013 at 8:57 AM
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It's just nuts how words can have more than one meaning.

Anyway. Making a rare attempt to get a theory thread back on track without being 12 about it. It's late and I always try to do this shit when I'm way too tired, but yolo.

I think Omega is a mobile factory that early human colonists brought with them. Its main power is shooting dozens of shitty bombs that are obviously not military-grade, so it's not a weapon. Omega is only manufacturing the deadliest thing it can, which are probably not actually bombs. Some kind of fragile, exploding drone, perhaps.

Omega uses its mouth to dig out areas for construction, then nanobots inside Omega turn the earth it ate into useful materials. Machines like Omega, teamed up with construction workers, could turn solid rock into housing (like Grasstown) very quickly. Omega is autonomous enough to decide what to build if the need arises, as demonstrated by its spamming of round floaty bullshit when Quote fights it. Or maybe Omega was designed to build round floaty bullshit, who can tell with humans in the Cave Story universe.

Omega has legs because those are one of the best ways to traverse rocky ground, which cave floors usually consist of. An array of treads like Monster X has would be more effective, but slightly less cool, so legs it had to be. Omega might also have been designed to do heavy lifting, if it possesses enough power to jump ten feet in the air.

This doesn't explain why humans wanted their factories to make autonomous decisions, or why their factories would decide to attack innocent robots, or why blowing Omega up moves the sunstones, but it's a start.
Oct 27, 2013 at 9:20 PM
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This is my most plausible theory yet: Omega is just another monster of the island, like Sandcrocs and Skullsteps and Polishes. It just happens to be bigger, stronger and more dormant. When it felt Quote approaching, it probably fought in self-defense. I still don't know about the sunstones, but if we knew whether or not Jenka know about the sunstones, and that she was living under them, it would help a lot.
Oct 30, 2013 at 5:07 PM
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When you kill Omega you lift the Sun-Stones, that may mean he is the guardian but when you fight him Misery appears and she seems like she knows about Omega.

Maybe Omega is a guardian that was made by Ballos to stop people for getting past the gates.

Correct me if wrong, guys.
Oct 30, 2013 at 10:19 PM
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I thought that Misery just happened to noticed Quote and wanted to finish him off, but when she felt a quake, she understood that there was some random Island Monster which would do her work for her.
Misery's a bit lazy, don't you think?
Nov 20, 2013 at 2:39 AM
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I don't think the impressive part of Omega is how it jumps up 10-20 feet in the air, but the fact that it can land those jumps perfectly without any damage, robots aren't very good at landings. *Coughquotecough*
Nov 20, 2013 at 4:02 AM
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half-life213 said:
robots aren't very good at landings. *Coughquotecough*
doesn't ever take fall damage
Nov 20, 2013 at 4:06 AM
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It's assumed he takes damage from the Outer Wall Fall (Rhyme) and also because he's a bamf, he doesn't take damage, but if he did take damage every time he muffed up a landing, he'd have taken a lot of damage, especially assuming that he's time-skipped back down outside of the castle because he fell from that high and hurt his little apostra-knees (puns now too)