trickybilly said:
I just ignored my save and started over the mod, just to be in the Kitty Room again. It's the hardest level, too cute to pass
Well, I guess I should put more cats to make the mod even more irresistible :3
Kwote said:
The mod combined the combat-heaviness with powers pretty well.
I don't if it's intentional or not but many aspects of the mod mirrored the nature of the forum.
For instance, how exploitable the bosses are goes to tell that trolls usually end up getting trolled themselves.
And I think the meaning of the mod is pretty deep, intentional or not.
Glad you enloyed it!
MagicDoors said:
9/10 only because of the last boss being too hard.
Also I felt very sad that I was not found in the Herb Village D: (not really)
There are a couple spelling errors that I would be glad to point out once I actually look.
The Slingshot item still reads the "Gum base" text.
The ItemImage.pbm or whatever is in monochrome or something. Everything is grey and black except for the Gumshot.
When N0xid's talking to Hayden, when the Polar Star is supposed to show, the Fireball shows instead.
OH ALSO ALSO I really enjoyed this.
Spaling errors:
"If only the bed wasn't so flat and unsuppotive" --> "If only the bed wasn't so flat and non-supportive."
"<MSG<FAC0020NOOOOOOOOO<NOD<FAC0018No, u went down bitch.<NOD<CLR" --> "<MSG<FAC0020NOOOOOOOOO<NOD<CLR<FAC0018No, u went down bitch.<NOD<CLR"
Aaaaand then there's Winds which I'm not going to outline the spelling errors of because I'm kinda certain they were intentional. Also spambot text.
1) Congrats on being like the only person to bother looking into the menu which serves absolutely no point at all.
2) unsupportive is used correctly
3) You weren't in Herb Village? Let me fix that for you.
4) Actually, there were some errors in the Windsofwinds text. Some of them, such as monologe and ditracted, were missing from the script. Fixed that a while ago.
5) You were able to catch fireball, but not mention that the Sperm Shooter was just a modified Snake image? Off with you! Also, I retextured the fireball to make it more like a... polar body. How would I be able to tie that to a fucking gun?
Wild Desu said:
I agree with AM, it was rather combat heavy, but it pretty much symbolized how much shit Noxid had to go through.
Complantes: I agree with lunarshinedoors, I kinda wish that he was in there since he is the leader of Herb Village. Other cameos would be nice too, such as renaming Monater X and Balfrog. And as Magicmoonman also pointed out, there are quite a few spelling errors (the non-intentional ones). Such as Sattelite Lounge and Katawa Shaojo
Also yeah, the final boss was pretty damn hard.
My final complaint is that it ended ;_; But it was still a masterpiece. The spambot lair nearly made me die of laughter. .Seriously though. It got to the point of abdominal pain laughter.
But whatever, just the fact that this mod exists makes me happy. I kinda wish you planned to put more in it or make another though :c
-I still feel that the story alone does not make the mod, but rather the experience. Also, *has
-I guess I could change the name of some of the bosses.... (heh I could change Monster X to xViagraxCialisxViagrax)... Wasn't Big Fr0g leet enough though?
-Fixed those
-Will add the Sperm Shooter, the Polar Body Gun, and the Nemesis to the list as you fight Windos
-Tao Hao (Katawa Shoujo error was intentional), but if you insist. I'll change it back
But other than that I am glad that you enjoyed it!
Dunc2403 said:
Excuse me?
Although that one goblin seemed a lot like me, with all the "Agreed"s.
Yeah, since you became the new leader of the Herb Village, you got to play the role as "boss"
But no need to worry he'll just find a way into the mod.
I guess I'll release a new version tonight after I finish the work that I want to do. Stay tuned I guess.