Oct 5, 2009 at 6:45 AM
Join Date: Apr 29, 2008
Posts: 2459
Age: 20
There seems to be a real lack of theories to discuss to the point where we either talk about something that has already been talked about, we get stuff from the bottom of the barrel, or we talk about completely retarded subjects like the sexuality of the characters.
So to solve this problem I have come up with an idea. We pool one million dollars together and pay Pixel to make a sequel to Cave Story that is three times longer than the first, and 40 times more mysterious so this forum will have enough to talk about for the next 100,000 years.
This may seem like a joke thread, but it is serious in the fact of the lack of things to talk about.
So to solve this problem I have come up with an idea. We pool one million dollars together and pay Pixel to make a sequel to Cave Story that is three times longer than the first, and 40 times more mysterious so this forum will have enough to talk about for the next 100,000 years.
This may seem like a joke thread, but it is serious in the fact of the lack of things to talk about.