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No more Theories left to discuss?

Oct 5, 2009 at 6:45 AM
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There seems to be a real lack of theories to discuss to the point where we either talk about something that has already been talked about, we get stuff from the bottom of the barrel, or we talk about completely retarded subjects like the sexuality of the characters.

So to solve this problem I have come up with an idea. We pool one million dollars together and pay Pixel to make a sequel to Cave Story that is three times longer than the first, and 40 times more mysterious so this forum will have enough to talk about for the next 100,000 years.

This may seem like a joke thread, but it is serious in the fact of the lack of things to talk about.
Oct 5, 2009 at 7:43 AM
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MetaSeraphim said:
So to solve this problem I have come up with an idea. We pool one million dollars together and pay Pixel to make a sequel to Cave Story that is three times longer than the first, and 40 times more mysterious so this forum will have enough to talk about for the next 100,000 years.
To be honest pooling together that much money is dangerous, especially since whoever is holding the money could just run off with it. There is also the matter of development time and time removed from the RPG title Pixel is working on. Plus if the interest isn't there (and there isn't, as Pixel has pointed out many times before) then you cannot guarantee the quality of the final product. It may be a good idea to ask yourself why Pixel prefers to go freeware. I've found that doing something for free is more enjoyable than being paid to do something.

Actually something that will really encourage discussion would be the release of the 2003 beta of cave story. I cannot imagine the treasure trove of information that lies in there. The new WiiWare translation will surface any mistranslations that we may have relied on and will encourage re-discussion of any theory that may have relied on misinformation.

So basically the WiiWare release and a release of the beta will encourage large amounts of activity in the Theories subforum, and paying Pixel for a sequel is a bad idea.
Oct 5, 2009 at 8:31 AM
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andwhyisit said:

You didn't have to take it so seriously, it was a joke.

I seriously doubt all the members of the forum put together (besides myself) would come close to one million anyway. Unless there is another member on the forum that is secretly rich.
Oct 5, 2009 at 9:27 AM
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MetaSeraphim said:
There seems to be a real lack of theories to discuss to the point where we either talk about something that has already been talked about, we get stuff from the bottom of the barrel, or we talk about completely retarded subjects like the sexuality of the characters.

So to solve this problem I have come up with an idea. We pool one million dollars together and pay Pixel to make a sequel to Cave Story that is three times longer than the first, and 40 times more mysterious so this forum will have enough to talk about for the next 100,000 years.

This may seem like a joke thread, but it is serious in the fact of the lack of things to talk about.

All we need are more long/completed mods :/ Look at how much activity Jenka's Nightmare invoked! And it isn't even finished yet, but sensational and long enough to keep the forums on it for quite some time. Schism is another good example :rolleyes:

Perhaps if more people tried their hands on modding...
Oct 5, 2009 at 9:28 AM
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Metalogz said:
All we need are more long/completed mods :/ Look at how much activity Jenka's Nightmare invoked! And it isn't even finished yet, but sensational and long enough to keep the forums on it for quite some time. Schism is another good example :rolleyes:

All of that goes into the Mod section though. What I am talking about here is the main game.
Oct 5, 2009 at 9:41 AM
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MetaSeraphim said:
All of that goes into the Mod section though. What I am talking about here is the main game.

Ohs. Well I don't quite see that as a problem though. I mean, making and discussing mods is kinda related to the main game.

Anyway a single game can only offer so many topics to discuss about. Each topic can only present so many possibilities. This forum has been here for at least a year now, which is more than enough time for a whole internet community to squeeze every last topic worth discussing about from a single game.

I highly doubt there's any way to solve this, if there is even a need to o.o...
Oct 5, 2009 at 11:37 AM
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Metalogz said:
This forum has been here for at least a year now,
Mo' like there's been nothing much new to talk about for a year now >_> CS Wii DLC might add some new stuff for a while but probably not very much.

I can put in like ten bucks and a cookie f'you want.
Oct 5, 2009 at 12:27 PM
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I have no money. Sorry.

MiraiGamer's been around for like seven years. If that's not enough time for a section to die, I don't know what is. I say our best bet is to find something else and make a whole new section.
Oct 5, 2009 at 1:04 PM
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Regular video game theory/discussion? Oh wait that was meant to be GameFlaws. Oopsie~
Oct 5, 2009 at 1:16 PM
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Which died off before the Cave Story section, how weird is that?
Oct 5, 2009 at 9:06 PM
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Maybe we can find another tale of epic proportions with gameplay to boot.
This may take some time.
Oct 5, 2009 at 9:36 PM
Um... Chosen One? Yeah that'll work. : P
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I got nothing.
Except for why Quote is ambidextrous.
Oct 5, 2009 at 10:48 PM
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he is? O.p
aw well... hey! where does he keep his guns!?!?!?
Oct 5, 2009 at 11:51 PM
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andwhyisit said:
There is also the matter of development time and time removed from the RPG title Pixel is working on.
Pixel's working on an RPG game? How the hell did I not know that? *Jumps up and down like a weeaboo fangirl*
Alright, the Theories section has run out of steam and the main forum's threads are getting sillier and sillier. Hopefully Wii Cave Story is released in the next month or so, and maybe we can get Pixel to release the beta if everyone complains loud enough. I don't know why he's holding onto it so tightly, maybe he's got a lot of porn on it, but that would be enough to revive this forum and then some. "That" being the beta, not... whatever.
Oct 5, 2009 at 11:58 PM
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Go explore some more

Captain Fabulous said:
Hopefully Wii Cave Story is released in the next month or so, and maybe we can get Pixel to release the beta if everyone complains loud enough. I don't know why he's holding onto it so tightly, maybe he's got a lot of porn on it, but that would be enough to revive this forum and then some. "That" being the beta, not... whatever.
He's said it himself several times before that he doesn't want to release the beta ever because of all the differences and bugs and overall incompleteness to it. He apparently really doesn't like half-baked things. :rolleyes:
I doubt we'll ever see anything more than a few pics of the beta...
Oct 6, 2009 at 12:04 AM
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Plenty of theories left, and plenty of good information or questions around.
Although at this point waiting for Cave Story Wii is relevant...

In the meantime, someone could gather up all relavant information already stated in old threads (quote and link all relevant information), combining/weaving each bit of relevant information into a question/answer or possiblity research thread...

Personally looking through a lot of the newer threads is...
well most people don't take it seriously these days; and therefore I don't take it seriously either. (Or at least that's my take.) Which is why I stopped reading them a while ago...

To answer/ask a good theory, you need some kind of evidence, some kind of valid information to prove why what you say should be accepted... Mehhhh

i.e. Classic question :
Why is Quote a mute?

First off,
Is Quote a mute? Point out specific instances in the game that prove or disprove your theory. [Use quotes or screenshots for most effective proof]

*exact quote from game about Kazuma or Booster learning information from Quote should be inserted here*

You see, Kazuma/Booster ask Quote a question and they seem to get an answer.
And there are no other cases in the game where someone doesn't talk and you get information anyways...
Therefore my guess is Quote must talk, but it is not shown.

What about if Quote's hat prints out what Quote is thinking? So he doesn't have to talk, his hat prints what he says.

No, the reason I don't believe that to be true, is that Kazuma and Sue didn't even realize he wasn't human... [insert quote's proving that here]
*which in turn could beg the question, did the Mimigas think he was human upon first seeing him? which in turn could beg the question, why did they act the way they did when they first saw him... not suspicious of Quote and quite open...*
*Those questions could continue to give more information into Mimigas... but now you are getting off topic, so save those for the next discussion*

How do you know that hats that print what you think aren't common?

Since there are no other hats, or information on hats that "print for you" and I can't think of any other game, movie or real technology that Pixel might have been influenced by that would make them be included as "common".
So, unless there is new evidence, it's more likely that Quote talks, probably like a normal human (boy), convincingly enough to fool most humans and mimigas.
The reason it is not shown, is just a convention used in other games (Chrono Trigger, Breath of Fire 3... etc) The silent protaginst; he talks, but it is not shown, probably to make it easier for you to relate to the character, or to imagine more freely and more accurately what you would have the character "Quote" say.

So bottomline/conclusion :
Quote is not a mute.

If someone thinks he still is, then they have to offer evidence that can cast sufficient doubt upon what has been written previously.

Personally I think to fix the trouble I have with the theory threads...
Is to have something like a wiki page for theories. Or to have the first post of the thread keep track of the question / theories / and answer. That way people can go off-topic as much as they would like; and still be able to stay on track. You could challenge existing theories if you have better evidence and then have the first post changed. [you even get credit for the discovery/theory/whatnot]
lol well anyways, that's just me :rolleyes:
Oct 6, 2009 at 12:07 AM
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You know what, having a wiki is a great idea. Someone should get started on that OH WAIT.
Oct 6, 2009 at 12:23 AM
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X-Calibar said:
i.e. Classic question :
Why is Quote a mute?
Didn't we already agree Quote's not a mute?
He talks right here:
<PRI<FLJ1105:0122<MSGWhat's the password?<NOD<FLJ1024:0121<END
"Litagano Motscoud".<NOD<CLO

andwhy even locked the thread.

But, yeah, I agree with everything else you said. :rolleyes:;
If someone gathered up some real data from all the old threads and people actually took it seriously, the Theories section would be alright.
People are joking and going off-topic way too much. Some isn't too bad, but you can see this section's suffering because of overdoing it constantly.
Oct 6, 2009 at 12:33 AM
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X-Calibar said:
So bottomline/conclusion :
Quote is not a mute.
You could have just said "tl;dr," Lowell.
Anyway, there are a few good theories still floating around that section. Post on 'em.
Oct 6, 2009 at 6:59 PM
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Have we?

Right i dont know but have we got a discussion forum for Ikachen here or other pixel works? I think Ikachen has a lot more story than people think like how it happened alnd sequels. Maybe an editor like Ikachens workshop and all nw projects? just an idea...