Here's the button adjusted to the size of the normal icons that Ralren made (Quote, Multi Quote, etc)
I also changed the outline of Basil, because it was bugging me.
Each letter should be 7 spaces long, and a couple of them merge into other letters (so the combined length of those mentioned letters would be 13), although I'm not sure what letters they are, I'll let Ralren figure that out, 'cause he's the one who chose the font in the first place.
The red line represents where you should start and stop the text, and it's been appropriately sized (I hope). The rest is up to you.
I also changed the backround for Quote and his dark clone in the "Quote Post" button, cause it was bugging me. Also I just realized that there should be a space (probably 7 charecters) between where the letter ends and the border. Whoops.
(which one do you like better?)
-edit 2-
actually, the reply button on the PMs doesn't have a space between the letters and the border, so the current image actually keeps it constant. And I did another edit <.<
seriously, that bubble should NOT be black.