Apr 1, 2018 at 9:46 AM
Join Date: Dec 26, 2014
Posts: 1615
Age: 124
Pronouns: she/her
A strange mod I made for April 1st titled "無理v2:四月一日エディション", or "Muri v2: APRIL 1ST EDITION" intended to convince or fool people into thinking that Muri's 26 month development had resulted in a minuscule speed-run challenge that could be beaten in under 40 seconds.
The mod contains a few small Easter Eggs for those who put in a few minutes of practice and actually got trough the mod quickly. Hey, if you want, PM your best time to me. I'm actually quite interested to see how fast it's possible to beat this mod.
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The mod contains a few small Easter Eggs for those who put in a few minutes of practice and actually got trough the mod quickly. Hey, if you want, PM your best time to me. I'm actually quite interested to see how fast it's possible to beat this mod.
Hey everyone. Muri v2's been in the works for ages, and I figured it was finally time to release a demo. Please tell me what you think, and what you hate, and I'll try my best to make improvements for more complete releases of the mod. So, download and enjoy yourself!

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