Seems like a great idea. Before I ever played Cave Story, I had always thought that "Now I'm Here" by Queen would be great for opening music for a beginning scene like that in Cave Story. Here are the lyrics for the first verse:
Here I stand (here I stand..)
Look around around around around
(Around around around around..)
But you won't see me (you won't see me..)
Now I'm here (now I'm here..)
Now I'm there (now I'm there..)
I'm just a just a new man
Yes you made me live again
Okay, I guess only that verse would really fit with the story... but then again, I don't suppose that rock/classic rock would fit well with the anime genre, would it?
Just a consideration. Maybe for the very first shot you could have Quote sticking headfirst into the mud at the bottom, and his joints are creaking.