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Most Pleasant Surprise so far with Zelda3C

Jul 8, 2007 at 2:52 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
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Hello all,

First, a quick introduction. My name is Josh (kinda hard to figure out, right? :D ). I've been helping Gamemakr out with some of the graphics in the game, such as the enemies and trees. And, I'd like to say that I really appreciate the opportunity to be able to help him out a little in making this dream become a reality. I've been a fan of his work since he completed and released Zelda Outlands, and once I saw the start of Zelda 3C I instantly became excited to see what he'd come up with. I know he's not going to disappoint. :)

Anyways... onto the subject of my post.

I'm sure I'm not alone here, but once I heard about the Zelda 3C project, I started imaging all kinds of changes in my own head too. And, it's been funning seeing the bits and pieces that Gamemakr reveals to us in his diary entries.

I think that, so far, I've been most-impressed with how Calatia Castle has turned out. When he released the first version, I was a little... hmmm, how shall I saw.... underwhelmed. And, I emailed him at the time and was like, "Um, dude, the castle looks good, but it's just not quite what it should be." And wow, his second version is VASTLY improved. I really love it. My favorite part of the castle probably would have to be the 3D sloped edges of the walls. I'm real impressed with how he got that to all come together.
Jul 8, 2007 at 8:15 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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hey im the dark prince. i just found gamemaker24s project a few weeks ago, and i must say i was intrigued. neway as soon as i have a working comp (ours crashed, gettin new one soon(used my psp to type) ill be helpin on graphics too. but im kinda new at editing snes graphics so any pointers would be appreciated.
Jul 8, 2007 at 11:56 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Hi Josh! Good to see you on here. Yes, Josh has submitted some of the best graphics in the game so far, including those leafy trees you see everywhere. He submits stuff even when I don't make requests -- this week I got a wide selection of tombstones -- I never know what great things I'm going to find in my inbox. :)

The castle is a testament to how much better the same structure can look with better graphics. Looking back at it now, I'm shocked to see how weak the brick patterns used to be. I have lots more plans for the overworld that involve completely new designs. Too bad most of them should be kept a secret.

The dark prince is a new graphics vollunteer. Because of his PC situation, he hasn't been able to show off his skills yet. DP, the only pointers I can think of are to make sure you don't create things that are bigger than whatever things you're replacing (that is, pixel size), and stick with the same palette unless I've specifically said there are new colors in use. Good luck!
Jul 9, 2007 at 12:45 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Well, hello Dark Prince. It's nice to meet you. I'm excited to see some of what you can do. Basically, I've just been using the Windows Paint program and editing the original tile sets from A Link to the Past. The main thing to remember, when you want to replace a graphic, is they're all basically broken down into 8x8 pixel squares. And, as long as you stay within the size constrants, you pretty much have free reign to do what you like with the graphic. However, I always try to use the exact same amount of colors that the original had. I color them whatever color I want to, and I figure Gamemakr can just mess with them and make them whatever color he wants to. It's his game, after all. :D
Jul 9, 2007 at 3:44 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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hey. i was wondering how i should submit the graphics-should i send the 8×8 tiles or the completed sprite or what. knowing that would prolly make it easier to edit or for GM to put in the game
Jul 9, 2007 at 5:35 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Well, I usually use the original tileset that was pulled from A Link to the Past, I'm assuming with Hyrule Magic. However, it'd probably work best if you sent the picture as a .bmp file and have both versions; the completely assembled picture and then the "exploded" version broken down into 8x8 blocks.

If you want to tackle something specifically (and kind of boring, maybe), I know Gamemakr would like to see new cliffsides for his game, and I haven't gotten around to trying these. If you'd like to try your hand at improving the mountainsides, I know that'd be much-appreciated.

But, have fun with it. I know I do.
Jul 9, 2007 at 6:51 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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thx im sure i will
Jul 14, 2007 at 2:01 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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i wish i had a psp that could run homebrew programs. i found a paint program for psp that lets you draw, edit, and even SAVE bmp images (i bet you know where im goin with this). that program would make it SO much easier for me to create graphics (especially in my current pc situation). anyone wanna donate a 1.50 psp? just kidding (or am i?). cant wait till i actually help gamemakr! i have so many great ideas. just wish i could show them.
Jul 15, 2007 at 2:41 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Personally, I love the forest. But the castle is a close second.

The second version anyway. I didn't really like the original. No offense, but it just seemed too different from the surroundings in terms of graphics. Does that make sense? (sorry)
Jul 16, 2007 at 4:21 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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hey josh. can you tell me how to get the tilesets? thx.

my favorite area, in terms of gameplay, is the town. hookshotting from house to house will be AWESOME!:D
my favorite in graphics is the castle. it looks really good. but it does stand out a little too much from the surroundings.
my favorite in terms of hacking is the forest's river. good thinking, gm.;)
my favorite secret is epoch tower. dont know what it looks like, but i can tell that it will be amazing:)
Jul 20, 2007 at 5:37 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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ya my favorite is the town, but the forest is a very close second. cant wait to see epoch tower and the future/past world (dark world). keep up the good work gamemakr, josh, and reshaper, and eventually darkprince, and all other currently anonymous helpers! cant wait to play.:D
Jul 22, 2007 at 8:08 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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omg! gamemakr, i just looked at your site, and i almost soiled myself(just kidding, lol!:)) the forest looks AWESOME!!!:D I LOVE IT!

and have you read my ideas for the armos to be a new monster,what it could be changed to? what do you think?

a bit of bad news. cant go into why right now, but its gonna be sometime in sept. before i have a new pc. (notice i said "new". i may be able to get the old one fixed, but not countin on it.) still intend to help on graphics asap. just thought you should know that.
Jul 22, 2007 at 8:21 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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LOL, thanks for the encouragement. :) I don't remember reading any new Armos ideas, but I'm sifting through the threads again; if it's here, I'll reply. Sorry about your PC situation -- I'd go nuts if I didn't have a machine to call my own. No rush on graphics, as there's more than plenty of time.
Jul 23, 2007 at 1:05 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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good news(maybe):)! a friend just got a new computer, and they *might* let me borrow their old one (though nowhere near as old as mine;)) until the new one comes. not sure if it'll happen, but im looking foward to it.:)

the ideas, btw, are in lavos spawns thread.
Jul 27, 2007 at 7:58 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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hey josh, um, i have a question. how do you get the tilesets? does gm email them to you, or is there a website with the bmps, or do you extract them yourself with HM? im staying at a friends house for a few days, and i might be able to edit a few graphics, so i need the bmps as soon as possible. thx.

gm, if you email them to josh, could you send me something to work on that wouldnt be too long or hard? i might not have much time on the comp, so something short and easy would be good.
Jul 27, 2007 at 6:01 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
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Yes, initially I had them emailed to me. I think GM extracted them from Hyrule Magic. I have them at home, but I'm at work right now.
Jul 27, 2007 at 6:50 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Hi DP909, I'm at work too, and I'm rarely at my home PC on week nights. I hate to say this, but I don't have any graphics needs at the moment. Josh has been at this for years; I have a huge collection to sort through for monsters and landscape objects alike. One area he hasn't really addressed is indoor objects. You don't have to actually have the tile sets, as long as you make sure things don't get any bigger than they already are. There are plenty of blocks, switches, buttons, and tiles you could practice on, if this interests you...