-First of all, why is the video so slow? Playing at 75% speed not only makes the mod easier but makes the whole process longer to sit through. I'm not trying to be a bitch about the technical quality but If you're going to be playing through entire mods constantly reviewing them
all the while (when did critiquing turn into LPing?) this is something that should be fixed first.
-The tone throughout sniffs of trying too hard to be funny. This is neither constructive nor particularly amusing, because it makes a big deal out of things that aren't and as a consequence dulls the criticism that actually matters. It also promotes making fun of of 'easy targets' like the art/music/patchy English, which comes off as needlessly fawning over the obvious. It's pretty easy to tell that Randolf wasn't trying his hardest, and while that should be acknowledged it shouldn't be treated as a make-or-break deal. Especially yakking about the projectiles in the boss fight for a whole minute jesus christ they're just bullets with an outline get over it already

-Some of it is straight-up contradictory. Case 1: Saying that the G-Gun renders the sword pointless and then a minute later complaining about the ammo recharging. The sword is still there for a reason; this is not something that objectively needs improvement. Case 2: Complaining about the zombie skull sfx. One of the very few moments a CS mod has actually made me jump was when I first heard that sound, and it's one of the few effective 'spooky' things HHS actually does. Labelling a positive as a negative, even a minor one, is literally the worst thing you can do.