May 18, 2021 at 4:43 AM
Join Date: May 12, 2017
Location: when the
Posts: 6
Pronouns: he/him
Hello, here is a project I whipped up that re-implements a lot of existing hacks in CSE2, plus more!
## What is ModEngine / TSC Extended
This project is intended to be an enhanced "out-of-the-box" modding solution that contains a lot of commonly used hacks right out of the box.
# Feature Overview:
- MS4, PHY, MIM, CMN, OTR, BBP, NAM, CNV support by default. (Also more not listed here) (Usage/description in the manual)
- Full <VAR support
- Animated facepics using <FAA
- Large animated facepics using <LFA
- Live reload using the "T" key, allows you to make changes in Boosters Lab, then reload them without restarting the game.
- A 2d lighting engine (from RedSands)
- Ability to run TSC every frame, regardless of script state.
- Draw numbers and sprites to the screen/world
- BLink's BUY/SEL hack.
- A .txt file containing some variables that can be changed, like SPIKE_DAMAGE
- <IMG 2.0, draw multiple images ontop of eachother.
- Animated Tiles via <ATT
- Half slopes (not fully implemented)
- Custom (very simple to use) OGG loader for sounds & music
- <BKG
- Widescreen
- 60FPS toggle
- Smooth Scrolling
- PNG & full transparency support
- Removed event ordering, you can put TSC event #1000 before #0050, and it will work just fine.
- & More!
## FAQ:
Q: Where can I find how to use this?
A: The modengine_manual.txt file
Q: Discord server?
A: Just join the CSMC:
Q: Is this CSE2 Based?
A: Yep
Q: Do I need to compile this?
A: Nope, it will work without compiling.

Source code: you can probably figure it out based on the link above
Lighting system in action. Your mod can look like this if you make it in ModEngine!

Large (& animated) Face pics???

BKG hack

Slopes, bug me on discord to fix the clipping issue

3 cion

Drawing the players X/Y Velocity above their head using TSC Extended (Event 9001 & <DNW & <VAR stuff)

## What is ModEngine / TSC Extended
This project is intended to be an enhanced "out-of-the-box" modding solution that contains a lot of commonly used hacks right out of the box.
# Feature Overview:
- MS4, PHY, MIM, CMN, OTR, BBP, NAM, CNV support by default. (Also more not listed here) (Usage/description in the manual)
- Full <VAR support
- Animated facepics using <FAA
- Large animated facepics using <LFA
- Live reload using the "T" key, allows you to make changes in Boosters Lab, then reload them without restarting the game.
- A 2d lighting engine (from RedSands)
- Ability to run TSC every frame, regardless of script state.
- Draw numbers and sprites to the screen/world
- BLink's BUY/SEL hack.
- A .txt file containing some variables that can be changed, like SPIKE_DAMAGE
- <IMG 2.0, draw multiple images ontop of eachother.
- Animated Tiles via <ATT
- Half slopes (not fully implemented)
- Custom (very simple to use) OGG loader for sounds & music
- <BKG
- Widescreen
- 60FPS toggle
- Smooth Scrolling
- PNG & full transparency support
- Removed event ordering, you can put TSC event #1000 before #0050, and it will work just fine.
- & More!
## FAQ:
Q: Where can I find how to use this?
A: The modengine_manual.txt file
Q: Discord server?
A: Just join the CSMC:
Q: Is this CSE2 Based?
A: Yep
Q: Do I need to compile this?
A: Nope, it will work without compiling.

Source code: you can probably figure it out based on the link above
Lighting system in action. Your mod can look like this if you make it in ModEngine!

Large (& animated) Face pics???

BKG hack

Slopes, bug me on discord to fix the clipping issue

3 cion

Drawing the players X/Y Velocity above their head using TSC Extended (Event 9001 & <DNW & <VAR stuff)

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