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Mobile Suit Gundam-themed mod ideas

Jun 22, 2012 at 10:02 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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A while ago, it occurred to me that the CS engine could be modded to make a pretty sweet game based on the Mobile Suit Gundam universe. Robots and other large pieces of machinery, flying around, guns and other weapons, explosions—the MSG and CS are practically the same thing when you think about it that way. Or something.

Anyway, all kinds of ideas started to stir and stew around in my brain as I thought of the possibilities. I'm mostly familiar with the Gundam Wing series (since I watched that a bit way back in the day), so that's what most of my ideas are based on, but I bet many of the other series could be made to work, too.

The long and short of it, though, is that I don't expect that I'll have the time to dedicate to seriously learning how to mod for quite a while, plus there's this whole problem I have of working on a mac. To make things worse, I'm pretty sure that many of my ideas (weapon hacks, physics hacks, multiple playable characters, etc.) would require some pretty big asm hacks, which would take me even longer to learn.

That being said, if a Gundam-themed mod gets anyone's creative juices going, I have some ideas that I'd be happy to contribute, and I'd be happy to go into more detail here if anyone is interested in hearing about them. Most of the ideas I have relate to gameplay rather than story, but I'd also be happy to brainstorm plot, too. I know that people are already plenty busy with their own mods, but I figured that throwing this idea out there probably wouldn't hurt.

Oh, and I also arranged Codename Heero Yuy (the music from the "next-time-on-Gundam-Wing" part at the end of an episode) in Orgmaker2 for kicks. If you want it to loop, set it from measures 1–17.
Jun 22, 2012 at 11:21 PM
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Mobile *Suit* Gundam.

Otherwise, cool idea!