I'll be honest. To me mobile gaming is going to stay the same as it is now. It may get bigger, but i dont think it will occupy a large chunk of the gaming market. Sure it has potential with games like zenonia,wild frontier,vector tanks, pico pico games,dropship,etc. But even with those games you still have to admit that a large chunk of the mobile games are either games that cost 99 cents but arent really worth anything at all,games that are addicting for a while but get old quickly, Ports of retro games or modern games that are most likely better on the original console (The port of the anniversary edition of FF lags in one town) or flash games that i could play for free on kongregate or newgrounds. And im noticing that some of the best games on the appstore are free (zenonia 3, wild frontier, vector tanks, pico pico games, dropship,pew pew,pico pico fighters,etc).