Dec 6, 2008 at 5:00 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
Join Date: Jan 1, 2008
Location: Elsewhere
Posts: 1973
Dong, where is my au-to-mo-bile?
andwhyisit said:Fairly Accurate Translation:
Shut up! I was just making a point. God!
By the way, I look in the mirror every day, but if you did the same then the mirror would just crack. Oh, oh, did I just hurt your feelings? Well too bad.
Literal Translation:
Shut up! I was creating the god of pointiness by looking into a mirror a certain way each day. But unfortunately for you it would just break instead. Now excuse me while I go masturbate.
thanks i feel great now jacobJacobX891 said:This Odin n00b is an awesome member of this forum. He gives us something to make fun of
odin 2128 said:if u dont believe me verse the undead core if u hear the doctor right he says HOHOHO straight to missery and i dont think its christmas.
JacobX891 said:FINAL STATEMENT: The doctor is Santa Klaus.
That makes me feel much betterMetaSeraphim said:Eh, Odin is a pretty cool guy, makes stupid threads and gets made fun of by all the members.
ok first of all you are way to spelling and gramma technical
pics or it didn't happensecond my mirrors are perfectly fine
since im nice
I WILLill give you the money
pics or it didn't happenpay for yours that broke
jcys810 said:
We can't even tell what the fuck you are saying, so that would be rather natural.
pics or it didn't happen
pics or it didn't happen
You mean "The Stranger I Knew"?JacobX891 said:Well, except for that ONE fanfiction of 'Doom'...
. . .MetaSeraphim said:Flawless victory, Justin!
wait, is it on said:Well the 'The Stranger I Knew' isn't the best fanfiction I've ever read. The one I'm talking about is awesome because it is written horribly. At any rate, this fanfiction I've/we've stumbled upon deserves its own thread. any takers? I already have 2 active, and I'm too lazy to read the entire fanfic, I've only read the prolouge and the chapter this is, which, incidentally, has a scene mentioning Quote/Chaco's... one-night stand.