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Mini-STGT majigger

Aug 9, 2014 at 12:31 AM
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It's based on the honor system iirc. If you want, you can still post a snapshot since a lot of other people do that
Aug 10, 2014 at 10:07 AM
Bonds that separate us
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So it turns out by "midnight" they actually meant "the first second of the following day" and we had an extra day after all :droll: There'll be at least one extra day after that before the first week starts.

Further addendum: MAME will not be used, but I've realised future week(s) may well involve console or home computer emulation. As far as dumb banner options go, this isn't especially terrible, but it's also lazy which may be a good thing.

(This to be merged.)

The first game has been announced, although the score thread isn't up yet - it's Kaikan.
Scoring guide (contains a replay)
Type E seems like it should be fairly easy to unlock if you want to go for it (edit: it is), otherwise Type A and B are probably the easiest to use. Enter toggles fullscreen and space is pause.

More edit: Score thread. It doesn't specify, but scores will almost certainly be one credit only, because they always are. Make sure to let the continue timer time out.
Aug 11, 2014 at 3:20 AM
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Wow I really need to focus on getting better scores, I've barely passed 6 million so far :/
Aug 13, 2014 at 1:00 PM
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Couple more mini-notes:
-It's possible to reset the game without exiting, you can check the button in KeyConfig.exe (default on mine was Q). It has to be held for a few seconds to work.
-While sucking in medals is the main mechanic, they can still be picked up normally, which can actually be useful for extending shooting lengths by getting small clusters/ones in a column.

You guys seem to have the hang of this one pretty well regardless :mahin:
Aug 13, 2014 at 2:50 PM
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I'm still trying to get my score up; highest I've gotten is around 70m but I feel like I'm getting the hang of it. Thank god there's a way to reset :V
Aug 16, 2014 at 2:29 AM
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FYI there is now slightly under one day left to play/sumbit scores for week 1. The exact time can be checked in the first post of the score submission thread. Remember it well, because it'll be the same every week!
Aug 16, 2014 at 5:38 AM
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Before I forget:good luck, you guys. I hope you do well :D
Aug 16, 2014 at 4:54 PM
Um... Chosen One? Yeah that'll work. : P
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i would totally help but i can't play shooters
Aug 17, 2014 at 12:35 AM
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Then don't bother posting? If you read the thread you'd know that they already chose a team.

But yeah. Good luck guys. The current games mechanics with the medals seems irritating but keep at it
Aug 17, 2014 at 1:34 PM
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Well it looks like they finally have week 2 ready to go. I'm hesitant to get too optimistic yet, as another team is being disbanded and their members being reorganised which could affect the results greatly, but due to some awkward twist of fate as of this moment we're winning awfully hard. Regardless you can now bow to your new shmup overlord SEBTi until I take the title back next week. For the record I;m happy with how everyone did :mahin:

Week 2's game; note the bug problem mentioned there. Some people have been having other problems with the game too so let me know if this is the case. As for scoring, I haven't looked much into that yet so I'll get back to yous.
Aug 20, 2014 at 1:42 AM
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Just as a note you can't actually save your replays. After you get to the replay screen (it's after when you put down your initials), press the XED button or else the game will exit.
Also this game has gamepad support and I can't really get this working with my DS4, so if that's the case use something like Joy2Key.
Oh and this game always runs in fullscreen

From what I understand from scoring so far you have to kill everything. The XED ability helps with that since that's really strong, but from what I've seen so far it will only work when there are bullets inside the box denoted by the 4 green corners. OH and you're also temporarily invincible when you do this for about a second


DT did you had any luck with the Stage 3 boss? I only beat its first phase so far and god damn that difficulty spike is killing me
Aug 27, 2014 at 12:48 AM
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I haven't played a whole lot yet unfortunately. I will mention that Xed-ing itself does give score, based on the number of bullets fired back, which may be bleeding obvious but I can't recall seeing it explicitly mentioned anywhere yet. In stage 1 there's room to use a few extra, but later on I try to keep one spare on me ('green' level) in case I run into a bad spot.

Some strategy stuff, includes the bonus shield on stage 2 and demonstrates how to effectively reflect the boss's lasers for real big points.

(Auto-merge) Week 3's game is finally up; make sure to set the difficulty to Hard in the menu before playing. General advice is to stick with the blue spread shot* and grab shinies.
*I like to pick up one red one to start with then switch to blue so I'm not stuck with the single shot for so long. At max power it turns into a debatably-less-useful lightning spread; if you dislike this it might be worth trying to stay one level below max. Also while it is much better for use in the stages, it can make it hard to damage the bosses before they run away unless you can get in close and blast them.
Aug 27, 2014 at 2:56 AM
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Pretend you're me and play for me
I'll even give you my account info
Sep 3, 2014 at 9:36 AM
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What cooked your gander?

Turns out all the weapons upgrade to laser form eventually, but it takes different amounts for each type; on Hard blue maxes out early stage 3, green takes maybe one extra, while red takes even more despite being the starting weapon. The only place I'm considering switching from blue currently is the final boss on stage 5, because without it the stages become a lot harder to manage. It also allows for large enemies to be destroyed while scrolled off screen where they can't fire bullets, which is particularly useful on stage 4.
The organisers don't appear to be interested in extending the playing time either, meaning there are now slightly under two days left and we could do with some more scoreposts.
As most of you now know, there was an extension of two days after all, leaving at this time slightly under 36 hours to play. Week 4 options are also up.

Alrighty, week 3's results are now posted; we lost a couple of points but are still on top by quite a solid margin. The final game as also been announced; it's Tumiki Fighters! It would be nice to see everyone get involved this week so we can finish strongly; you should want to anyway because this game is fun! :D I won't go into extra detail yet though, partly because the thread isn't up yet and also I'd like someone to acknowledge this message lest this post grow any larger and start to develop its own consciousness :koron:
Sep 3, 2014 at 12:44 PM
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If Hayden's posts haven't walked off and started a family by now, I'm sure your post will be fine. -w-

Tumiki Fighters looks fun. Then again, all of these look fun...I like the art style for some reason :3
Sep 5, 2014 at 2:13 PM
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Heyy thanks for the bump. TEAMWORK YEAH!

Here's the score thread, which links a high-scoring replay a few posts down. Like a lot of shmups this game rewards playing aggressively, in this case by turning the ship into a ridiculous lego monstrosity of death. This genre is great :D Z is regular fire, while Shift locks the direction and absorbs all of the stacked pieces so they can't be hit, but cuts their tick points to 1/5 value and prevents other pieces from attaching. I don't expect any of you (including me) to be able to play like the person in the video by the end of this week; to start off with it's probably better to catch and hold onto what you can safely, especially large pieces, until you start memorising where all the enemies are. It's five stages, rather than three like I'd thought, but it's quite generous with the extends and the patterns on their own aren't too hard. Let's all take this week by storm and unleash the power of our architectural skills! :pignon2:
Sep 13, 2014 at 4:45 PM
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Week 4 results

I would like to thank the academy, an my mom, my acting coach and all of my fans you guys are the best
Sep 13, 2014 at 6:06 PM
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We :heart: you Wave Propagate! :D