Jun 13, 2016 at 3:17 PM
Join Date: Nov 21, 2013
Location: farther
Posts: 922
Age: 28
Pronouns: he/him
Now answer the damn question.
- N.E.T. Story
- パンツ物語
- video game
- Muri
- Kenzo PS+
- Ghost kittens adventure
- Jenka's Nightmare
- Cave Rap
- Rave Story
- Fish
- NSFW Story
- NSFW Story 2
- NSFW Story Zero
- Escape the room story
- Cave Story (Aeon Genisis Translation)
- Metal Gear Story
- MimigaMod
- Explorer Story
- Noxid's Story
- Wind Fortress
- Nemesis Challenge
- Boss Rush
- Machine Gun Challenge
- Sanctuary Run Speed Challenge
- Cave Story: Heaven or Hell
- Heaven's Tower
- The Show
- Curly's Past
80? Wow...Fun fact: The mod archive is up to about 80 completed mods out of 220 and counting. No they're not all terribly long or complex but that's probably still a lot higher than anyone (including myself) would've expected.
Ideas and development was closed due to people coming up with ideas but not really developing anything and just asking for their mod ideas to be made for them.
Im kind of dissapointed though, my completed gaudi vs drolls isn't on zxin's list which would make it 30
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