Mimiga Animation

Should the story be divided into 2 parts? Episode one ending with a cliffhanger...

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Feb 5, 2016 at 9:41 PM
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That's what I've been suggesting this entire last couple of days actually.
Feb 5, 2016 at 9:46 PM
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Weve git more than enough scripting fir awhile. Zxin its not that you cant animate, its, would you want to do that much? Another idea is something similar is sonething oike stop animation.
What is this grammar? >. <

Well if you already have enough people for scripting. Is there ANYTHING ELSE I could do that does not include animation?
Feb 5, 2016 at 10:36 PM
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That is called typing off a phone, half asleep in a hospital bed before a nurse takes your phone and forces you to rest. Scripting has been taken care of, and music is in the works.
Feb 5, 2016 at 11:08 PM
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What about a webcomic?
deviantART? Maybe just on a separate thread here on the forums for the loyal fans to enjoy? :D
The hardest part will be getting it's name out there.
Feb 6, 2016 at 1:34 AM
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What happened? I was only gone for two weeks, and there's like 7 new pages of dialogue!
Anyway, @Aeternum, hope whatever it is you're going through (heart problems and family, from what I gather) gets better, and soon. Don't stress yourself over this, if you're in a hospital the most important thing for you to do is recover.
Also, it appears the project is back on track, so yay!
Unfortunately, as I have mentioned before, I am SHIT at drawing, music, animating, and I can't do voice acting. The only thing I could possibly do is story, and there already seems to be an abundance of that. I suppose I could look into drawing classes or practice more often but it's not a skill that is gained within a month - and life can be very punishing in terms of time.
I have some experience with Latin from a certain family member of mine, but it's rudimentary at best. It's basically a loose assortment of nouns and verbs with a few poorly conjugated adjectives, but that's it in terms of something new to offer.
Feb 6, 2016 at 2:52 AM
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I actually got to participate with my school's pep band tonight. That was fun, but back to the friggin bed and constant monitorization. ( a word I just made up) I honestly lead toward the webcomic more so than the full blown animation. I'd think something halfway between a comic and an animation would be cool too.
Feb 11, 2016 at 1:24 PM
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what do you have in mind? Should I set up a poll to see where we stand on animation/ vs webcomic? Without everyones opinions, or much responses, I don't feel it save to lean one way over another. Here's a link to the poll! No need to talk to much in THAT thread, lets keep it here. http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/animation-webcomic.6755/
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