What happened? I was only gone for two weeks, and there's like 7 new pages of dialogue!
@Aeternum, hope whatever it is you're going through (heart problems and family, from what I gather) gets better, and soon. Don't stress yourself over this, if you're in a hospital the most important thing for you to do is recover.
Also, it appears the project is back on track, so yay!
Unfortunately, as I have mentioned before, I am SHIT at drawing, music, animating, and I can't do voice acting. The only thing I could possibly do is story, and there already seems to be an abundance of that. I
suppose I could look into drawing classes or practice more often but it's not a skill that is gained within a month - and life can be very punishing in terms of time.
I have some experience with Latin from a certain family member of mine, but it's rudimentary at best. It's basically a loose assortment of nouns and verbs with a few poorly conjugated adjectives, but that's it in terms of something new to offer.