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'Member Rank Name' Ideas and other forum possible additions to come

Jun 14, 2006 at 1:10 AM
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Hi everyone,

I was viewing the forums the other day when I noticed that practically everyone who has ever been here for about a month or more is classified as a "Senior Member" and that we really don't have too many rank names attached to post count. Now, keep in mind that this forum doesn't really need to have member ranks and that having a high or cool sounding rank doesn't entitle you to anything other than a hearty cyber-handshake of respect for being here as long as you have, but it's just something different and neat that I would like to implement sometime in the near future. Besides, I believe we have it so that people who are classified as "Senior Members" can already change their rank name to pretty much whatever they wish, so long as it doesn't conflict with forum rules or read something like "GameFlaws Admin" or "Miraigamer Admin"... ^_^

Anyhow, to the point, I would like to create a list of around 20 or so unique rank names that I can put into a post count list so that people will recieve a unique seniority rank name as their post count continues to rise. I want to try and keep the rank names within the theme of either "MiraiGamer Forums" or general gaming term names (Fairly open ended I think), "Cave Story" related names, and "XyZ" Action-Adventure-RPG related names. I have some ideas as to different names to try, but I would also like to hear some suggestions from you all.

So what would be some suggestions for rank names here at MiraiGamer forums?

*Also, I'm thinking of implementing some kind of small image that associates itself under certain rank names, but something like that may be implemented later after a list of rank names is implemented.

*Note* If you have already achieved a Senior Member status, I'm not planning on removing your option to create your own individual unique rank name.

Jun 15, 2006 at 12:01 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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I have about 8 different names for the XYZ forums.They are all LOZ though.
They could be like Wooden Sword, Wooden Shield,White Sword, Magic Shield,Magic Sword, Biggoron's Sword, Mirror Shield, Master Sword. You could make them have images too, so right after their name and avatar, you could have their sword or shield pic next to name and rank.
Jun 16, 2006 at 4:26 AM
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That's a thought. Having things like "wooden sword" as a low rank with an image of a wooden sword is creative. I might use a few of them in that way, though in the general listing of twenty or so, it'll have to be a combination of XyZ related stuff, Cave Story stuff, and general gaming terms so it can't all be Action-Adventure-Rpg related. It'll be a list for the entire forum to use.

Jun 18, 2006 at 12:15 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Maybe rankings like:
Neophyte Member
Novice Member
Junior Member
Senior Member
Advanced Member
Semi Prof Member
Prof Member
Bronze Member
Silver Member
Gold Member
Platin Member
Jun 30, 2006 at 11:34 PM
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I updated the forums with some new (and hopefully interesting :eek: ) forum rank images and user titles. Just to keep things a little bit more fresh than it used to be. lol

Thanks for your help you two, I used some of the ideas you've provided when considering these. ^_^

Jul 1, 2006 at 1:12 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Well, iam a veteran member now^^ lol
is there a fully list of all ranks?
Jul 1, 2006 at 7:03 PM
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These are the following Post Count Usertitles

Lurking in the Shadows 0
Novice Member 1
Neophyte Member 10
Regular Member 25
Junior Member 50
Senior Member 75
Executive Member 100
Veteran Member 150
Um... Chosen One? Yeah that'll work. : P 175
Been here way too long... 200

And the User Ranks:

"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"

"Officially Worth 1 Rupee"

"Fresh from the Bakery"

"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"

"It's dangerous to go alone!"

"Wahoo! Upgrade!"

"Master using it, and you can have this!"

"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"

"Fly, Fly, Fly!"

"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."


"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"

"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"

"Life begins and ends with Nu."

Jul 2, 2006 at 7:37 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
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it seems to be i have the most posts of all members i looked at the member list O_O!!
Maybe you need more rankins soon :) ?
Jul 5, 2006 at 6:19 AM
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Perhaps I'll add more later, but I think the ranks should be fine for now.
