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Let's write a story

Feb 28, 2014 at 2:12 PM
Forum Administrator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jul 15, 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 6241
Age: 39
Pronouns: he/him
Quote ran into the room after the sound and saw a well dressed man punching another man in the ribs screaming "this is what happens when you break the rules"! A female offsider was screaming in terror. The other onlookers just.. watched, out of fear for their own safety.

Quote had enough of this. He walked up to the man, whom upon hearing Quote's approach looked towards him just in time to get a fist in the jaw. He didn't wait around for the man or the woman, who were notably dressed in rags, and refused them their courtesies, he had other things on his mind.

By Pixel! The room, if you could call it that, was actually a giant dilapidated warehouse. The walls were piled with thousands of decommissioned robots and assorted junk. But those piles of scrap metal were teeming with life. The warehouse had clearly become a home for the homeless. Looking up Quote could see white dots across the ceiling. On a second glance Quote realised that those weren't dots, they were stars! The warehouse roof was barely there at all! It looked set to collapse at any minute.

Then realisation dawned on Quote, and he smiled. "This is perfect" Quote thought to himself, one of these decommissioned robots may have a Machine Gun or climbing equipment to scale that cliff. Or so he thought. However, reality (or the pseudo-reality that Quote was faced with, being still somewhat unconvinced on that front) paints another story entirely. the next hour produced absolutely nothing of worth. Most of these bots had been stripped clean, and it wasn't until Quote reached the end of the warehouse that he understood why. Quote stopped in his tracks. There was a peddler before him, one that clearly used the warehouse and surrounding lands as his personal inventory given his wares. But Quote's attention wasn't on the peddler but rather his wares, or specifically just one item. One item that caught Quote's attention above all others. He would recognise it anywhere.

It was Curly's Machine Gun.
Feb 28, 2014 at 9:36 PM
Its dark in here
"Deaths: 4000"
Join Date: Nov 21, 2013
Location: farther
Posts: 922
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quote tested the machine gun to figure out that it was actually a notta machine gun and could only shoot one shot at a time and that obviously some jerk messed with it.
Feb 28, 2014 at 10:20 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jun 27, 2013
Posts: 2902
Age: 30
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"How did this break?" Quote asked himself. He realised that Curly never had it after the battle with the Core. This brings him to think that somewhere, there may be another robot still alive who has been following Quote and Curly's actions from the start.
Feb 28, 2014 at 10:33 PM
Its dark in here
"Deaths: 4000"
Join Date: Nov 21, 2013
Location: farther
Posts: 922
Age: 28
Pronouns: he/him
((I would like to apologize for my behavior of the last post I put on this thread post))
Mar 1, 2014 at 2:25 AM
Forever 12
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
Join Date: May 24, 2013
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Quote then got knocked out by a metal pipe, then he woke up 10 minutes later. He was on a conveyor belt of sorts, and he looked forward, and then he realized that he was in the COCA-COLA CAN PROCESSING MACHINE, and he was slowly heading towards the presser. He then heard a scream from a bit far away. "Help!" He heard the voice scream, and he recognized the voice. It was Curly. She was weakened, and almost near the presses. Quote then got up quickly, and scrambled and shoved his way through mountains of scraped parts, he got over to Curly. She was stuck to the conveyer belt. Quote used all his force, and with the power of the Silver locked Toroko gave him a while ago, Quote pulled Curly off the conveyor belt. He then shoved his way through the piles of scrap metal, with Curly on Quote's shoulders. Quote got to the end of the conveyor belt, and jumped off. He then heard a voice....
Mar 1, 2014 at 4:24 AM
Forum Administrator
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jul 15, 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 6241
Age: 39
Pronouns: he/him
"Stop" said the voice, "you have nowhere to run".

Behind him was the peddler, the same one that must have hit him with the steel pipe.

On second thought maybe running off with the Machine Gun without paying for it was a very bad idea. For as soon as the peddler spoke the residents surrounded him and Curly with knives, the peddler's goons pulled out guns. Quote couldn't take all these people on at once especially without a weapon, given they already took his. Even if he abandoned his morality and could somehow attack all those innocent people there was no way he could take on the gunmen as well. Not to mention Curly was out cold. This was bad.

Clearly the man was more than a simple peddler. He must have been using the homeless residents as cheap labour in exchange for allowing them to stay here. No matter what they thought of the man they would always do his dirty work just to keep what they have.

The peddler broke the silence. "No-one steals from me." proclaimed the peddler, "However I admire your resourcefulness so I will give you a chance to live. Hand over that that robot, and I'll let you work for me", the man shrugged, "or you can just die right here".

There was no way out of this, unless... A thought occurred to Quote. There was a third option. Quote lept onto the conveyor belt and stated to run, Curly in tow.

The peddler gave the signal. "Then die" he said.

Bullets pounded into Quote's back. There was only one chance at this, and he had to time it perfectly. Leaping into a roll with Curly he slid under the press to the other side. The world turned black as Quote was pulled down the conveyor shaft. The further the belt travelled the hotter it got. After a short while the conveyor shaft opened up into a sea of red. The heat was unbearable. It was a furnace. His right arm was near useless from the bullet damage so he heaved Curly over his left shoulder and jumped off the conveyor belt as it exited the shaft through the nearby operator room window, showering the room with glass.

As he stood it occurred to Quote that nothing about this made sense. If Curly's gun was here, and someone else was likely using it then why was she here? Furthermore why was Curly sent to the aluminium furnace when most of the robots were just dumped in the scrap heap? Did she make the same enemies Quote did, or was there something else at play?

Quote needed to move. They would be onto him soon. As Quote moved for the door, internal systems somehow still holding it together, he wondered to himself just how long he would last like this. He needed repairs, weapons, and he still had no way to scale that cliff. His last objective was to fix the gaping void in his memories, and he could think of no better way of doing so than to go back where it all began.

Quote opened the door. Cool air flowed into the overheated room as he picked Curly up with his remaining good arm and ran as fast as he could.

((Important plot point for tl;dr-ers: No weapons, a near useless right arm, while the other arm is currently holding a comatose Curly who also has no weapons.))
Mar 12, 2014 at 2:38 AM
leader of the meme team feat. tom, snaf and polad
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Quote was certainly in a bit of a bind. He shifted his head left, then right, then left again. Long, bland hallways stretched on for what seemed like (to a battle-damaged, partially crippled robot) forever. Neither direction showed any sign of being the "right" way, but he took a guess as to which way was opposite of that of the people that tried to kill him. Thus, he turned on his heels and began to stumble down the left hallway, searching for some sort-of sign that this was the right decision.

The hallway was eerily quiet, save for the sounds of his own mechanics whirring and the steps of his heavy shoes clacking on the ground. Curly began to slip from Quote's grasp, so he hoisted her over his shoulder and let her slump there. Atleast this way he'd have a free arm incase he needed to fight...or atleast, he would, if he didn't have to keep adjusting Curly to keep her from falling off his back. If only he had the tow rope...

After a few minutes, he finally reached the end of this barren hallway, to reach an equally plain looking door that simply read "STAIRS". Pushing it open gently, so as to not make much noise, he quietly entered and tiredly slumped up against the side of the stairwell. Breathing somewhat heavily, he looked up to see that the stairs seemed to extend upwards for quite awhile. There were atleast...50 floors that he'd have to scale. Or was it 100? That couldn't be right...he couldn't be that far down. Such a thing wasn't possible. But staring upwards at the infinite spiral, it sure seemed like it.

Scanning his immediate area, he noticed the numbers "47b" spraypainted on the wall. He sumrised the "B" stood for basement, although there were stairs leading downwards aswell as upwards. So he was half-right...he was about 47 floors down, if the sign was any indication. There was no way he'd be able to climb up those stairs without collapsing, and although the peddler probably thought Quote was burning in a furnace right about now, it would be a trivial matter for him and Curly to be discovered passed out on some stairs. Looking around for any sign of a way out; anything, really, his eyes settled on the stairs leading downwards.

As much as he hated to admit it, he may have to go down deeper into the depths of this "Warehouse", which was clearly no longer an ordinary warehouse in his mind. As much as he wanted out, he also needed to rest, and find equipment, and revive Curly...all of which wouldn't happen if he got caught. Letting out a metallic sigh, he raised Curly onto his shoulder, and began to descend down the stairwell to whatever awaited him below. Despite the pain, it was significantly easier then going UP stairs, so he'd be able to make it a few floors, atleast. But if he didn't find something...