Dec 2, 2013 at 1:39 AM
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
Part 1: Welcome to MapleStory
Maple Story is an old Japanese Cave Story mod about Jean Chrétien fighting members of parliament, Newfoundland, and dudes with cream pies. Its main features are Canadian inside jokes and a beaver-riding minigame.
MapleStory is a free-to-play MMORPG developed by the Korean company Wizet. Sometimes I like to talk about how shitty it is, and how much of my life I wasted playing it.
Part 2: Spookerpowers
Maple Story is an old Japanese Cave Story mod about Jean Chrétien fighting members of parliament, Newfoundland, and dudes with cream pies. Its main features are Canadian inside jokes and a beaver-riding minigame.
MapleStory is a free-to-play MMORPG developed by the Korean company Wizet. Sometimes I like to talk about how shitty it is, and how much of my life I wasted playing it.
A long time ago, in a basement far, far away, I discovered MapleStory. It did a great job of drawing me in at first, with its quaint visuals, charming music, and the impression that anything you do matters. It seemed like a worthwhile game. I soon became disillusioned, however. For years I had an on/off relationship with MapleStory, wherein I would get sick of the monotonous gameplay, quit for a few months, and then remember all the things I liked about it. As more bullshit was added to the game, and I grew older, the off stages lasted longer and the on stages were shorter. The last time I played MapleStory before this, I was shocked and dismayed at how much stupid, time-wasting, money-draining bullshit Wizet had crammed into the game. It barely resembled the thing I had played in 2006. The thing that actually resembled a game and not the gift shop at Disneyland.
So now, I come back to MapleStory not to squeeze whatever drops of nostalgia are left from it, but to expose it to those of sound mind. Those who would never play this fucking game, but need to witness the cash vacuum that GIR claimed "is still good if you play on a private server."
What a chode.
I hope to undertake this LP with fresh eyes, judging this game by what it is, not what it was. Old MapleStory is dead to me. What horror awaits us in New MapleStory? Still the same fucking tedious process of installing and running the game, of course.
A web-based launcher for a game that's installed on my computer. Any sane man would stop here, and only a fool would call me sane. Does it get better or worse from here, though?
Definitely worse.
Those errors apparently affected nothing, because the game is starting now. After loading two different anti-cheat programs, of course. Can't have people skipping hundreds of hours of grinding, they might have fun instead of paying money.
Okay, the game is "starting."
Welcome to MapleStory. That's quite the title screen. I'm already scared of playing this game, Wizet, don't make it even more intimidating. Now, which world do I want to play in? One without unwashed masses of preteens. Ha ha, I kid, I kid. They're all like that. I choose Meridia, though. The underwater levels always suck, but it's a relatively empty world AND it's allied with Kraid. I don't know how servers can be allied, but good for them.
On this screen, we enter the Infraworld. The realm of spirits that exists past our own dimension. This is not a place for mortal entities, but to enter MapleStory, we must bind a lost soul to a newly created character. Then it can ruin our character's life, fuck up her romantic dates, and murder everyone that tries to rape her (a lot of people). Yeah, having your souls tethered sucks, go cry into your hamburger phone.
Time to select a victim.
Take the soul of a member of the Resisty. As you can see, these brave fighters are always angry, because they're forced to use fucking cats and shitty mechs to fight, and are completely useless without them. If you enjoy having a terrible character, join the Resisty.
Exploradoras are the four classes that MapleStory started out with, plus the Pirate class that was the first of many to be added. The level cap is 50 levels higher now, presumably because the zombies at level 200 demanded more grinding. These guys are old news, though. I want to see what kind of new, wacky and exciting bullshit MapleStory has in store for us.
Wow, I get to play as this hot goddess chick? Oh, no, that's just the bitch I'll be working for if I choose the prestigious Knight of Cydonia class. The stats say that's the easiest class in the game, so NO THANKS! We're not here for casual fridays, motherfucker, these are some MLG-level skills you're going to see.
The Aryan class, who are brown in this universe. Thanks, Obama! You can tell they're still racist in MapleStory, because their ultimate enemy is black.
Here's something I haven't seen before. A Hero. Mercedes. The stripper class, I guess. "This ruler of Elves was the first hero to penetrate the Black Mage's front lines." Yeah. This is the stripper class. If you can find any woman named Mercedes who isn't a stripper, it's because they're not a stripper yet.
Original character © MapleStory do not steal
Oops, how did Touhou get in here? I was tempted to choose this character for their sheer kawaiitude, and also to see if they turned the whole game into a shmup, but then I saw THIS lovely creature...
THE BUSTY ANGEL. This character is perfect. Dragon-ghost companion, frilly dresses, being the awesomest superhero of all time, and having a damage potential that is through the roof. The roof won't even know what hit it when I whip out my enormous DPS cock. This character was obviously destined to be played by me. Our threads of fate are interwoven. I must know this busty angel's story, and see how her life got flipped, turned upside down by some evil priests. Alright, buster, let's get this shitshow on the shitroad.
All the good names are taken. In fact, I was starting to think that everything but random strings of characters is taken. There are a lot of preteens playing this game. Perhaps including the windsofwinds we all know and love?
But wait, that character looks nothing like the busty angel I was promised! This is nothing but a commoner, a frilly-dress-lacking peasant with no superpowers or dragon ghost. Okay, maybe the dragon ghost is invisible, but the frilly dress is the important part!
Now that I've found a name, I can at least make myself an intelligent-faced, purple-haired peasant. Things are looking up. I'd hate to go through the game with regular hair and a stupid face. I could have done some kind of Elfen Lied homage since red hair and horns are an option, but what kind of faggot names their character after some gay cartoon?
Having created a non-faggot character, I can now get a part-time job. What a fantastic method of escapism you've concocted, Wizet. I can truly lose myself in this world that is unlike anything I have experienced.
Oh. I'm unemployable. What a refreshing break from reality. Man fuck this character creation bullshit, who cares about part-time jobs and character cards, let's just start the god damn game.
Here we get our first look at MapleStory's crisp and uncluttered interface, and our first look at this bitch who annoys the fuck out of you whenever there's an event. I don't care about your stupid Decemberween tokens or whatever timesink you've got this time. Skip the tutorial cutscenes? Are you crazy? Without the rich backstory, I'll have no investment in the game! Narrative is everything, let's get going. I have no idea what that Monster Life thing is. Let's ignore it. The cinematics begin...
If that is your real name, Ms. Childhood Selves!
I put 8V at the end of my name so that I can imagine NPCs making that face as they speak. I hope it makes the experience more bearable.
You can see the basic controls tutorial trying to peek through the dialogue, but to no avail. It is concealed by the heavy and intricate narrative about Nimona cryin' again 8V
Yeah asshole, I can't help being differently magicalled. Check your fucking privilege, magiscum.
That tutorial box went away once it saw the dialogue hogging the spotlight. Poor guy. I still care about you, basic controls tutorial!
I won't conform to your magiriarchy, stop oppressing me. It's not my job to educate those shitlord bullies.
Wow what a bunch of assholes.
Later, we find our heroes in the city, eating candy, because that would be a logical jump in narrative:
Or we find them here. In Super Nimona Construction. Not eating candy.
How many times do I have to explain to you what Tourette's Syndrome is, you ableist shitlord super Nimona construction 8V? I can't believe the amount of oppression that's happening in the first minute of this game.
Iron Dickfort 12!
Or that I GUESS
Some of us are Lawful Good, some of us are Swole Neutral. All of us are mirin'. But Iron Dickfort 12 is still an option, right?
CURSE YOU FOR TAKING OUR LANDS, KILLING OUR HEROES, AND SUMMONING LAVOS—no wait, he said Magnus. Well, he's probably still an asshole. Fuck that Magnus guy, right?! I'm 100% sure that this supervillain will be central to the plot and not virtually forgotten!
Lol, plot.
So anyway, Iron Dickfort 12 will be the official base of operations for the Heliseum Force.
A real RPG would let me call it Iron Dickfort 12. 3/10, get Bethesda to make the next MapleStory.
So far, despite all my expectations, MapleStory is better than I remember. Solely because I haven't had to play it yet. There's a whole lot of oppression of muggle-kin going on, and I've been triggered like 3 times so far, but at least the story doesn't suck every kind of dick it's possible to suck. Tune in next time for... frilly dresses maybe? Superpowers? Possibly a dragon ghost? Or maybe
dare I say it
So now, I come back to MapleStory not to squeeze whatever drops of nostalgia are left from it, but to expose it to those of sound mind. Those who would never play this fucking game, but need to witness the cash vacuum that GIR claimed "is still good if you play on a private server."
What a chode.
I hope to undertake this LP with fresh eyes, judging this game by what it is, not what it was. Old MapleStory is dead to me. What horror awaits us in New MapleStory? Still the same fucking tedious process of installing and running the game, of course.

A web-based launcher for a game that's installed on my computer. Any sane man would stop here, and only a fool would call me sane. Does it get better or worse from here, though?


Definitely worse.

Those errors apparently affected nothing, because the game is starting now. After loading two different anti-cheat programs, of course. Can't have people skipping hundreds of hours of grinding, they might have fun instead of paying money.

Okay, the game is "starting."

Welcome to MapleStory. That's quite the title screen. I'm already scared of playing this game, Wizet, don't make it even more intimidating. Now, which world do I want to play in? One without unwashed masses of preteens. Ha ha, I kid, I kid. They're all like that. I choose Meridia, though. The underwater levels always suck, but it's a relatively empty world AND it's allied with Kraid. I don't know how servers can be allied, but good for them.

On this screen, we enter the Infraworld. The realm of spirits that exists past our own dimension. This is not a place for mortal entities, but to enter MapleStory, we must bind a lost soul to a newly created character. Then it can ruin our character's life, fuck up her romantic dates, and murder everyone that tries to rape her (a lot of people). Yeah, having your souls tethered sucks, go cry into your hamburger phone.
Time to select a victim.

Take the soul of a member of the Resisty. As you can see, these brave fighters are always angry, because they're forced to use fucking cats and shitty mechs to fight, and are completely useless without them. If you enjoy having a terrible character, join the Resisty.

Exploradoras are the four classes that MapleStory started out with, plus the Pirate class that was the first of many to be added. The level cap is 50 levels higher now, presumably because the zombies at level 200 demanded more grinding. These guys are old news, though. I want to see what kind of new, wacky and exciting bullshit MapleStory has in store for us.

Wow, I get to play as this hot goddess chick? Oh, no, that's just the bitch I'll be working for if I choose the prestigious Knight of Cydonia class. The stats say that's the easiest class in the game, so NO THANKS! We're not here for casual fridays, motherfucker, these are some MLG-level skills you're going to see.

The Aryan class, who are brown in this universe. Thanks, Obama! You can tell they're still racist in MapleStory, because their ultimate enemy is black.

Here's something I haven't seen before. A Hero. Mercedes. The stripper class, I guess. "This ruler of Elves was the first hero to penetrate the Black Mage's front lines." Yeah. This is the stripper class. If you can find any woman named Mercedes who isn't a stripper, it's because they're not a stripper yet.

Original character © MapleStory do not steal

Oops, how did Touhou get in here? I was tempted to choose this character for their sheer kawaiitude, and also to see if they turned the whole game into a shmup, but then I saw THIS lovely creature...

THE BUSTY ANGEL. This character is perfect. Dragon-ghost companion, frilly dresses, being the awesomest superhero of all time, and having a damage potential that is through the roof. The roof won't even know what hit it when I whip out my enormous DPS cock. This character was obviously destined to be played by me. Our threads of fate are interwoven. I must know this busty angel's story, and see how her life got flipped, turned upside down by some evil priests. Alright, buster, let's get this shitshow on the shitroad.

All the good names are taken. In fact, I was starting to think that everything but random strings of characters is taken. There are a lot of preteens playing this game. Perhaps including the windsofwinds we all know and love?

But wait, that character looks nothing like the busty angel I was promised! This is nothing but a commoner, a frilly-dress-lacking peasant with no superpowers or dragon ghost. Okay, maybe the dragon ghost is invisible, but the frilly dress is the important part!

Now that I've found a name, I can at least make myself an intelligent-faced, purple-haired peasant. Things are looking up. I'd hate to go through the game with regular hair and a stupid face. I could have done some kind of Elfen Lied homage since red hair and horns are an option, but what kind of faggot names their character after some gay cartoon?

Having created a non-faggot character, I can now get a part-time job. What a fantastic method of escapism you've concocted, Wizet. I can truly lose myself in this world that is unlike anything I have experienced.

Oh. I'm unemployable. What a refreshing break from reality. Man fuck this character creation bullshit, who cares about part-time jobs and character cards, let's just start the god damn game.

Here we get our first look at MapleStory's crisp and uncluttered interface, and our first look at this bitch who annoys the fuck out of you whenever there's an event. I don't care about your stupid Decemberween tokens or whatever timesink you've got this time. Skip the tutorial cutscenes? Are you crazy? Without the rich backstory, I'll have no investment in the game! Narrative is everything, let's get going. I have no idea what that Monster Life thing is. Let's ignore it. The cinematics begin...

If that is your real name, Ms. Childhood Selves!
I put 8V at the end of my name so that I can imagine NPCs making that face as they speak. I hope it makes the experience more bearable.
You can see the basic controls tutorial trying to peek through the dialogue, but to no avail. It is concealed by the heavy and intricate narrative about Nimona cryin' again 8V

Yeah asshole, I can't help being differently magicalled. Check your fucking privilege, magiscum.
That tutorial box went away once it saw the dialogue hogging the spotlight. Poor guy. I still care about you, basic controls tutorial!

I won't conform to your magiriarchy, stop oppressing me. It's not my job to educate those shitlord bullies.

Wow what a bunch of assholes.
Later, we find our heroes in the city, eating candy, because that would be a logical jump in narrative:

Or we find them here. In Super Nimona Construction. Not eating candy.

How many times do I have to explain to you what Tourette's Syndrome is, you ableist shitlord super Nimona construction 8V? I can't believe the amount of oppression that's happening in the first minute of this game.

Iron Dickfort 12!

Or that I GUESS

Some of us are Lawful Good, some of us are Swole Neutral. All of us are mirin'. But Iron Dickfort 12 is still an option, right?

CURSE YOU FOR TAKING OUR LANDS, KILLING OUR HEROES, AND SUMMONING LAVOS—no wait, he said Magnus. Well, he's probably still an asshole. Fuck that Magnus guy, right?! I'm 100% sure that this supervillain will be central to the plot and not virtually forgotten!
Lol, plot.
So anyway, Iron Dickfort 12 will be the official base of operations for the Heliseum Force.

A real RPG would let me call it Iron Dickfort 12. 3/10, get Bethesda to make the next MapleStory.
So far, despite all my expectations, MapleStory is better than I remember. Solely because I haven't had to play it yet. There's a whole lot of oppression of muggle-kin going on, and I've been triggered like 3 times so far, but at least the story doesn't suck every kind of dick it's possible to suck. Tune in next time for... frilly dresses maybe? Superpowers? Possibly a dragon ghost? Or maybe
dare I say it
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