La-MuLana guide! Part 00 done!

Feb 18, 2007 at 6:09 PM
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EDIT: Why is the IMG tag disabled here, that makes i harder to read my guide effectively, but if there is an acceptable reason, I'll let it slide.

Ok, having played the game a little (and getting a short part through it, taking a bloody long time to get upto the first guardian) I decided I shall make a guide showing the simplest and easiest way through the game! The link for this fun (But hard) game is
Here but if you actually want a chance of getting anywhere you'll need to read the manual, but that is in japanese (Even for me :D) so download it from Here (scroll down its in the documentation section) and place it in your main folder to overwrite the old one. So far I have only done Part 00 (Getting in La-MuLana) so far so here it is!


La-MuLana Guide
Part 01 - Entering the Ruins

Ok after Downloading the game and patching it (If you get an error, it won't bug the game, just click next), then reading the manual to get the controls. You load up the game. On load up you get a little introduction, then click space and start the game. You watch the other little introduction and walla you appear here:

w00t your in the game, now what :/? Well see that hut to the left of you? Go upto it and enter it (Down key) to talk to the elder inside:

After that useless info (well partially, it tells you what will most probably happen ALOT! Death :confused:) go left one screen and climb upto the hut then leap across the gap to the platform that has a pot on it smash it to reveal a coin:

Use that coin will actually give you 10 coins, so head into the shop and buy the Game Master
cart and equip it in the rom cart menu:

Now with this cart equipped go talk to the elder again and you can now save your game, until you get the other saving cart, you will only be able to save into slot 0 for now, but by renaming the save file to end with .sa1, .sa2, etc, you can use the other four files for backup. Unfortunately this is the only way you will be able to save your game, but once you obtain the Grail (Part 01 of the guide will be for this) you will be able to warp back to the village instantly at anytime.

But anyway, back to the guide. At this point follow these directions: Right, Up, Right, Up. Once you have reached the last ladder, climb to the top, look right and whip to hit the bird, then climb up and kill all enemies (You may need to leve the screen a few times, the other bird has to die via whip) you can pick up the Shell Horn, so far I haven't found a use for this, but it will come in handy sometime later:

After that you need a weight, it looks like a tin of ham. If you already had one (Lucky git) you can just head down to the pedastal two screens back and place it there, otherwise beat up enemies and search pots till you get one and head to that very pedastal, using down to place it there.

Now heading down thatnewly created path, you can enter the ruins, w00ties for you! Congratulate yourself for getting past, whats seems to be, the prologue. Now get ready for a headache as you enter the ruins of La-MuLana!


Later on when you get the Shuriken (Also in Part 01) you can open up a shortcut back to the village from the enterance, useful until you get the grail (Then it becomes a useless path). To do so smash the wall in the picture from this side, until it opens, with shurikens, it only works from this side however so don't try it from the otherside!

Feb 19, 2007 at 7:01 AM
Senior Member
"Master using it, and you can have this!"
Join Date: Oct 18, 2006
Location: Preston England (w00t)
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Age: 32
Well, so far Part 01 is about 10% complete -.- I didn't save, being a mister cocky-ass-know-it-all and drowned myself... silly me @_@