Aug 23, 2008 at 5:10 AM
Join Date: Mar 21, 2008
Location: Where you don't
Posts: 761
Age: 16
I do recall that Kage has done quite a lot to piss some of us off(including me )Roonil Wazlib said:2. (sorry DT, have to bring this up here) DT had made completely offtopic posts and troll demanding Kageryushin's ban in a thread that had nothing to do with him. Why hasn't any action been taken on him? If it has by PM, why are you treating me and Metalogz like threat to the forums and telling the world that you've warned us?
And I do recall it's not much... let him do whatever he wantslike a mischievous brat, like Anwar while ignoring him, and no worries...
But his previous post above is kinda... ironic. He often posts something that actually promotes himself, thinking he's superior... what a vain.
But good job on clearing the mispell and grammar error issue.
In case of Metal,
- remember that he has the memory of a Metalogz
- he uses the mind of a Metalogz to think , thus he can't think of his own
- you may ignore these three points
- notice that he tries to imitate you guys' attitude and posting styles. They already suck, and you know he often (not always) fails, thus making his posts suck even more. I'm sorry Metal, but you should stop this so that you may gain more respect (from me), fail less, and reduce your risk of getting banned.I somehow think that Metal is the l...equents here, except when it comes to his mod
And make sure you understand that there is no offense intended in this post, but I may include some doom which is available for some epic guys to read.