Is it me, or are the current Cave Story editors out of date?

Are the current Cave Story editors out of date?

  • yes

    Votes: 8 42.1%
  • no

    Votes: 11 57.9%

  • Total voters
Dec 18, 2019 at 1:23 AM
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A lot of us have had this same concern for quite a while. Though we might be in the market for a new editor, it seems like the vast majority of us are satisfied with the options we already have. They work well for most people, are generally easy to use, and there aren't many people who can do any better anyway. I've been wanting to make an editor of my own, and I have some sketches and stuff for UI and lots of new ideas. Though it's pretty much nothing, if someone is interested in helping with code shit then be my guest, message me on discord or something idc.
I would be interested - what's your discord?
Dec 18, 2019 at 1:27 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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At this point we just need a dedicated CSE2 editor that can utilize CSE2's limits (or lack thereof) to make visually and technically impressive mods.

Agreed. Actually thinking about making one here soon.

A lot of us have had this same concern for quite a while. Though we might be in the market for a new editor, it seems like the vast majority of us are satisfied with the options we already have. They work well for most people, are generally easy to use, and there aren't many people who can do any better anyway. I've been wanting to make an editor of my own, and I have some sketches and stuff for UI and lots of new ideas. Though it's pretty much nothing, if someone is interested in helping with code shit then be my guest, message me on discord or something idc.

That sounds like a good idea. Hope you can get it done!
Dec 18, 2019 at 4:19 AM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Being able to debug tsc would be cool but it's not a need since you can just put in <MSGs and such as breakpoints.
Oh no, I meant the assembly debugger. :)
Dec 18, 2019 at 4:08 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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The specifications that define how the format works.
Without knowing the specifications of the format, you can't really decode it.
Oh, okie. So you know the unused "Far Back" and "Far Front" layers for the Tile mode in BL? Those are specifically made for an ASM hack made for Cave Story, and v501 has a .bat file to enable that feature. However, the hack was never publically released, so Noxid must've either forgot, or he's just too damn lazy to put it up for download.
Dec 20, 2019 at 7:54 PM
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Wouldn't say out of date, but I think there isn't enough alternative to work on a Cave Story mod without it being safe.(from corruption, crashes/errors etc...)
Dec 20, 2019 at 8:33 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Wouldn't say out of date, but I think there isn't enough alternative to work on a Cave Story mod without it being safe.(from corruption, crashes/errors etc...)
Funny fact: most versions of Booster's Lab (up to v500) are far more stable than v501. And thanks to a image file loading bug in v500 that prevents you from modding CS+, you can use that to mod CSE2 instead.
Dec 20, 2019 at 8:55 PM
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Maybe it could be Electron (think how the desktop Discord app works) based?
I'm a software engineer working with JavaScript most of the time and I can only say that this is a terrible idea
Dec 21, 2019 at 10:51 AM
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you forget that's what I specialize in
Just because you specialize in it doesn't mean it's a good idea. It also doesn't mean that you shouldn't extend your knowledge and learn other languages too.

I highly recommend that you look into ES6 and tools like Webpack or Rollup for your future projects and try to be consistent with what you're using in a project. I've looked at some of your stuff and I see bits of pre-ES6 stuff, other bits of ES6 code, unused variables, or stuff that you use somewhere but not elsewhere. It's not consistent enough and it makes your code less readable. So IMO, some refactoring would be nice.

And why are you deploying a static site to Heroku when there's faster and better alternatives like Netlify that don't even require spinning up an Express server?
Dec 21, 2019 at 8:23 PM
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"It's dangerous to go alone!"
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Just because you specialize in it doesn't mean it's a good idea. It also doesn't mean that you shouldn't extend your knowledge and learn other languages too.
Fair enough.

I highly recommend that you look into ES6 and tools like Webpack or Rollup for your future projects and try to be consistent with what you're using in a project. I've looked at some of your stuff and I see bits of pre-ES6 stuff, other bits of ES6 code, unused variables, or stuff that you use somewhere but not elsewhere. It's not consistent enough and it makes your code less readable. So IMO, some refactoring would be nice.

I'm self taught. Most of what you're seeing is me constantly learning and applying, case in point my terrible "dodgeball" game that I built about a year ago that
  • halfway through the server code, it switches from function(){} to () => {}
  • uses POST requests every third of a second instead of
  • is horribly optimized (the server function for every tick is 150 lines long)
  • i have a cpanel on it and NONE of it is password protected
  • uses a "userid" cookie to see who you are, which can be easily spoofed to take control of someone else's character
  • includes this: req.cookies['uid']] = {"uid":req.cookies['uid'], (more actual information) };
  • a lot of the css uses 'em' as the main units of measurement (as opposed to vw or vh or %)
I generally take what works and think "hey yeah this is good I can use it other places," like let and anonymous functions being typed as `(e) => {}` instead of `function(e) {}`
You're right, I should definitely clean up my code and actually get with conventions.

And why are you deploying a static site to Heroku when there's faster and better alternatives like Netlify that don't even require spinning up an Express server?
I'm planning to host other stuff there that is dynamic.

also, I just realized that the "that's what I specialize in" could be taken to mean "i specialize in Javascript"
it meant "I specialize in stupid ideas"

from my tsc creator:
		var eee /* my variable names are the best */ = "";
		for (let eeee /* this pain train never stops */ = 0; eeee<listItems[key][3].length; eeee++){

  • const: already know about/use this
  • let: already know about/use this
  • block-scoped functions: didn't know about this, but I don't use this anyways
  • arrow functions: already know about/use this (although I haven't used one in an if yet)
  • lexical this: don't use 'this' that often, but it makes sense and I would probably assume it works that way
  • default params: oh hey, I learned about this from the MDN 'classes' page but I thought it was just a thing I didn't know about, not new
  • rest parameter: oh hey, that's cool! going to use this
  • spread operator: that' weird. would've just written a function to do that, but ECMA does what ECMA wants
  • template literals: I use this a lot.
  • Custom Interpolation: habba-whaa?
  • Raw String Access: hmm. I don't see where this would be useful (maybe in eval()?) but sure
  • Binary & Octal Literal: I guess if you work with Binary and Octal this would be useful to you. I know 0x already exists for Hex
  • Unicode String & RegExp Literal: I don't understand, but that's ok
  • Regular Expression Sticky Matching: don't work with Regular too much, so I don't understand this
  • Property Shorthand: Oh hey, I saw this somewhere but I didn't understand what it was! that's pretty neat
  • Computed Property Names: so... you can put expressions as keys in JSON now. OK
  • Method Properties: now I don't have to make "anonymous" functions for object methods, nice
  • Array Matching: used the initial declaration before because I just assumed it worked that way; I didn't know that you don't have to do the reassignment shuffle anymore.
  • more later, i've run out of time
Last edited:
Dec 29, 2019 at 12:54 AM
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If I wanted to I could probably build a pretty decent level editor over the course of a few months, but I'd rather spend my time actually modding the game. I've just gotten used to dealing with BL, in the same way that I use Notepad++ to code and compile through a .bat script. I'd be willing to help out with developing somebody else's project, but I don't think I'd be starting my own.
Dec 29, 2019 at 5:13 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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The name is tentative, right?

I'm not saying it's a bad name, but I lowkey thought Booster's Lab was made to be a Cave Editor 2, at least with the more recent updates (with some features only being supported through its Hackinator).

Actually though, do you have anything to say about your plans? The discord invite link isn't exactly enough to lure us in.