I'm gone now - Bye bye

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Jan 27, 2011 at 11:49 AM
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jk jk
Jan 27, 2011 at 5:46 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
Says the person who made a goodbye thread and then came back.
I guess S.P. really looks up to me. I'm sort of a role model for him.
Jan 28, 2011 at 12:26 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
I guess S.P. really looks up to me. I'm sort of a role model for him.

At least he didn't puss out and have someone else do it for him.
Jan 28, 2011 at 12:55 AM
graters gonna grate
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SP still seems to have admin (or at least mod) status. Wasn't he going to remove that?
Jan 28, 2011 at 1:06 AM
I don't anymore.
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MetaSeraphim said:
At least he didn't puss out and have someone else do it for him.

If S.P. had someone else do it for him, it would nit have been a flounce. Besides, there isn't much courage required to leave a website. Having someone else do it for you most likley means you didn't feel like doing it. But I shouldn't speak because I never saw that post.
Jan 28, 2011 at 1:43 AM
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MetaSeraphim said:
At least he didn't puss out and have someone else do it for him.
If you are referring to when I made T-Jack post for me, that was because I didn't know my password and people kept saying dumb stuff. Quite appropriate comments for such a thread.
But this isn't about me, it's about S.P., and how nobody cares anymore.
Jan 28, 2011 at 5:41 AM
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Well, that is truly too bad. However the reasons for leaving are sound. This forum no longer has a purpose, and idle hands are the devil's workshop and whatnot. As a longtime lurker, I had much respect for you S.P. and the way you handled yourself on the fourms. I wish you luck in whichever way you choose to progress.
Jan 28, 2011 at 2:09 PM
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I never understood the point of flounces.

I've quit many forums, but it never happened instantly. I just gradually visit a site less often until I completely forget about it.
Jan 28, 2011 at 7:48 PM
daughter of chivalry
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That's the way to go, usually.
Jan 29, 2011 at 10:00 AM
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HyMyNameIsMatt said:
If S.P. had someone else do it for him, it would nit have been a flounce.

Having someone else do it for you makes it even more of a flounce.

Captain Fabulous said:
But this isn't about me, it's about S.P., and how nobody cares anymore.

I think the caring of Oliver is still more than the caring about you.
Jan 29, 2011 at 5:19 PM
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MetaSeraphim said:
I think the caring of Oliver is still more than the caring about you.


But you're right meta, nobody cared much when fab left lol. Everyone simply, forgot about him. There were no posts about him, no one talked about him on irc...It's as though he had never been here.
Jan 30, 2011 at 5:48 AM
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The worst thread :J

Best 800th post ever WOO
Jan 30, 2011 at 4:24 PM
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cultr1 said:
Best 800th post ever WOO
Back in my day, you had to EARN eight hundred posts. Posts didn't just leap from the rocks. Ha! In my day, laddie, In MY day they took away half your posts once you thought you were about to making any progress. Indeed, in the great rapture of oh ten, yours truly lost over six hundred posts. Most on the forum. And I'm PROUD of that. I've lost so many posts that I've gotten 1337 five times now. You younguns have it so easy with this new, properly maintained board. Not enough suffering, if you ask me. Suffering builds character. Those like you, the unsuffered unsufferables, well, you guys have no character. No personality. Ha! Maybe that's why it's so hard for me to tell you apart.

And now what do you do, eh? A fresh new kid comes to MY forums, proud of the one and only thing he has ever created, and you snatch it from him. You take his happy little :J, and flash it around like it was yours.

Horrible. It almost makes me wish I had never had sex with your mother.
Jan 30, 2011 at 4:29 PM
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Nah, I've made more than :J.
Jan 30, 2011 at 7:33 PM
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Lace obviously isn't friends with rashno on Skype :awesomeface:
Jan 30, 2011 at 7:42 PM
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cultr1 said:
Lace obviously isn't friends with rashno on Skype :awesomeface:

Does Lace even have Skype?
Jan 30, 2011 at 8:08 PM
graters gonna grate
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Lace said:
Suffering builds character.

Lace said:
Although I do believe that frustration is merely your brain telling you that you're doing it wrong.

Cool story bro.
Jan 30, 2011 at 8:38 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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But those aren't the same people! That was Crazy Old Man Lace, but the other one was just Lace.

There's a difference, you know.
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