Dec 3, 2014 at 8:15 PM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Aug 2, 2014
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Posts: 117
I can't understand this,but I'll try to work it out.
Theory 1:the gate is a larger version of Pandora's Box,somebody opened it,releasing....Hang on,need to run a Lua script.
lua>function a(t) return t[math.floor(math.random()*(#t))+1] end return a({"brutal","large","amazing"}).." "..a({"floating","metal","copper","unobtainium"}).." "..a({"walkers","tanks","tripods"}).." from "..a({"mars","sony","microsoft","cat planet"}).." with "..a({"cats","heat rays","remover guns"})
large metal tripods from mars with heat rays
Okay,so large metal tripods from mars with heat rays are behind the gate,and somebody opened it for whatever reason. Unless it's a metaphor...
Theory 2:This represents software patents.
Opening the gate was them being legalized. Not much more to say.
Theory 3:This is a plot to find people interested in poetry.
Theory 1:the gate is a larger version of Pandora's Box,somebody opened it,releasing....Hang on,need to run a Lua script.
lua>function a(t) return t[math.floor(math.random()*(#t))+1] end return a({"brutal","large","amazing"}).." "..a({"floating","metal","copper","unobtainium"}).." "..a({"walkers","tanks","tripods"}).." from "..a({"mars","sony","microsoft","cat planet"}).." with "..a({"cats","heat rays","remover guns"})
large metal tripods from mars with heat rays
Okay,so large metal tripods from mars with heat rays are behind the gate,and somebody opened it for whatever reason. Unless it's a metaphor...
Theory 2:This represents software patents.
Opening the gate was them being legalized. Not much more to say.
Theory 3:This is a plot to find people interested in poetry.