I was going to be mildly impressed when you said "blade only" because you would have modded out Curly's nemesis, but no it's still there.
I'm not saying this is a bad run, but It's very middle of the road for hell runs, and doesn't really use any speedrunning strats to go fast. In my opinion it's not really worth making an entirely new thread for. Also pointing out that it's blade only doesn't really change anything? It's just a setup some people go with for these runs anyways. If it was done with a poor weapon, like bubbler, or polar star, then it would be worth mentioning, but this is kinda just silly.
Also the video says world record on it but I'm sure it's far from it.
Also if it counts for anything, just now I did two hell runs blade only (plus curly) just now and got 3'57