Feb 26, 2013 at 12:56 PM
Join Date: Oct 29, 2012
Location: England
Posts: 178
Age: 26
Pronouns: he/him

Has anyone here played this game, it is awesome and free!
If you have not played this yet and you are a fan of Metroidvania games then I must advice you to get it immediately. The game itself is inspired by Maze of Galious and La-Mulana, but it focuses less on puzzles and more on action and exploration. You explore a large castle collecting items to help you on your quest. Throughout the castle there are doors that need keys to open, these doors lead to the different worlds.
The game is really fun, has great music, and awesome pixel art.

Gameplay Some gameplay of the castle and a few of the worlds.
Game - http://www.vector.co.jp/download/file/win95/game/fh549490.html
Translation Patch - http://www.mediafire.com/?rgs6noj5hze6f4r