Sep 12, 2015 at 1:37 AM
Join Date: Nov 26, 2014
Location: Archania
Posts: 6
Pronouns: he/him
A 3DS with OOT3DHAX/Ninjhax/Smashhax/Basehax/*hax with a firmware between 9.0 and Latest (11.0.0-33U as of 6/09/16) (If you don't have your 3DS homebrewed follow this link:
The game currently works fine on O3DS and N3DS, O3DS however has some slowdown issues. Nightlies do not always work properly, so if a Nightly build doesn't work, try downloading a stable build from here.
A 3DS with OOT3DHAX/Ninjhax/Smashhax/Basehax/*hax with a firmware between 9.0 and Latest (11.0.0-33U as of 6/09/16) (If you don't have your 3DS homebrewed follow this link:
The game currently works fine on O3DS and N3DS, O3DS however has some slowdown issues. Nightlies do not always work properly, so if a Nightly build doesn't work, try downloading a stable build from here.
- Download the latest nightly build of Libretro 3DS from and a Windows Version of Cave Story (You can only use the English translation of the game from my experience).
- Extract the nxengine_libretro folder in the libretro_nightly.7z to your SD:\3ds\ folder on your SD card, and extract the Cave Story stuff wherever you want on your SD card.
- Load your 3DS up and boot up your preferred *hax, find the nxengine_libretro app, and boot it.
- (Optional) Change your Keybindings, and if you are more experienced, your audio and video settings.
- Click Load Content, find your Doutsuku.exe file, boot it up, and play!
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