How to change the Version popup text

Jan 9, 2017 at 5:06 PM
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I'm pretty sure no one wanted this, but screw it, I'm making it.
It's actually pretty simple to change this.
  1. Open up your favorite hex editor.
  2. Open up your CS mod executable.
  3. Go to address 8C2BC.
  4. If you haven't modified it already, you should see this string:
    2004/12/20 - %04d/%02d/%02d
    Studio Pixel
    Those %d's and %04d's are formatting codes. The %d's are replaced with the version number, and the %04d's are replaced with a Japanese-formatted (duh) date.
  5. To modify the date, go to address 8C420. The date format is:
    dd MMM yyyy
    dd - Day in 2 digits (single digit days get a 0 stuck on the end)
    MMM - First 3 letters of month name (i.e. Jan, Feb, etc.)
    yyyy - Year in 4 digits
That's it! It's that easy.

EDIT (20/1/17): Clarified date format.
Last edited:
Jan 9, 2017 at 5:35 PM
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I’ll take it! I’ve actually wondered how to change these for some time now. Admittedly I haven’t looked very hard for the answer, but this should prove handy.