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Great game

Nov 6, 2007 at 9:18 PM
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Hi guys, I'm new here ;)

What a very pleasing game this is. I stumbled upon it after doing a Google search for 'Free platform based games'.

I'm only up to boss 9 and I must say I love the gameplay. The graphics are great, simple yet pleasing to the eye. The controls are very responsive and as for the weaponry...well, they are a joy to use..especially the level 3 machine gun.

The only things that I personally don't like are boss fights (probably because I'm stuck, lol!) and the storyline...but hey it's free..I'm not complaining..the creator is still a genius imo.

Anyways guys, I wanted to ask if you knew of any other games available similar to Cave Story?...and hello to you all ;)

Nov 6, 2007 at 11:09 PM
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Cave Story has multiple endings as well.

Welcome aboard btw.
Nov 7, 2007 at 7:59 AM
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metroid and castlevania are usually likened to cavestory
Nov 8, 2007 at 2:13 AM
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Pixel made some other games, like Ikachan (game about a squid :D).
Nov 8, 2007 at 4:41 AM
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Platformer said:
Hi guys, I'm new here :D

What a very pleasing game this is. I stumbled upon it after doing a Google search for 'Free platform based games'.

I'm only up to boss 9 and I must say I love the gameplay. The graphics are great, simple yet pleasing to the eye. The controls are very responsive and as for the weaponry...well, they are a joy to use..especially the level 3 machine gun.

The only things that I personally don't like are boss fights (probably because I'm stuck, lol!) and the storyline...but hey it's free..I'm not complaining..the creator is still a genius imo.

Anyways guys, I wanted to ask if you knew of any other games available similar to Cave Story?...and hello to you all :D


Er... finish the game before you make that comment a finality. You're upto boss 9, which I guess is Balrog 4th (although you probably mean Monster X, which is the "Big boss in the labyrith", or The Core, which you fight underwater). I found that it was the STORYLINE that rocked more than anything, and you won't disagree when you've actually finished the game (which is the hard ending that you'll have to try on another playthrough of
the game).

Boss fights are meant to be annoying, but remember that every boss has its own attack pattern, which you have to recognise. I guess you'll REALLY know the meaning of annoying when you face four hard bosses on the trot in the end of the game. I won't even mention the super hard bosses in a secret level, which give you access to the best ending, since it'll take a lifetime to.
Nov 8, 2007 at 7:38 AM
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METROID?!?!? :D I should try that.

Oh btw theres also Guxt by pixel.. Its a rather fun space-ship-shooting game thats not at all like CaveStory but sure worth a try... Its fun if you're good at it! ^^

But it can be boring sometimes because you just keep dying and theres nowhere where you are allowed to save your progress so...


*Blabbers away~*
Nov 8, 2007 at 8:06 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Metalogz said:
METROID?!?!? :D I should try that.

snes- super metriod
gameboy advance- metroid fusion
gameboy advance- metrioid zero mission
nintendo ds- metriod Hunters(or something :D)

Dont play the nes one its too confusing and may put you off the game, at least play the first 3 i mentioned above

and it you have a ds go right ahead and try the awesomeness of 3d metriod (metroid hunters) which i only played 10 mins of it but it was a damn good 10 mins :D
Nov 8, 2007 at 8:24 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Lol maybe Metroid ain't that fun =S...

It doesn't look good...

Castlevania on the other hand... ROCKS!!!!! I've discovered cool fighting techniques like hitting extra fast without powerups :D lol
Nov 8, 2007 at 10:41 AM
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Cave Story rocks, Metroid and Castlevenia? I hate it. But Castlevenia sucks the most. Seriously. Or maybe I'm not giving it another chance because I hated the Gameboy Color Castlevenia. :/

Eh, Metroid is somewhat fun, but not as fun as Cave Story. =P
Nov 8, 2007 at 11:10 AM
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Metriod is awesome, after a while of playing it you become hooked if you give it the oppotunity. Metroid II for gameboy was my first, then I discovered "Super Metroid". :D

Super Metroid is my most recommended of all the 2d Metroid games so try that one first, and aviod the NES title.

Metriod (NES) (2d, insanely hard, stay away)
Metriod II: Return of Samus (GB) (2d)
Super Metriod (SNES) (greatest of the 2d games)
Metriod Fusion (GBA) (2d)
Metriod Zero (GBA) (2d, a bit short, remake of the NES game but is actually worth playing)
Metriod Prime (GC) (3d)
Metriod Prime 2: Echoes (GC) (3d)
Metriod Hunters (DS) (3d, a spin-off from what I've heard)
Metriod Prime 3: Corruption (WII) (3d)
Nov 8, 2007 at 12:59 PM
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Not to continue the overtake of the topic, but...

I've played metriod 3 a long while ago, and I own MP1 and MP3... al 3 of which are awesome games, garanteed to keep you occupied for about a week each.
Nov 8, 2007 at 2:09 PM
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ZTaimat said:
Not to continue the overtake of the topic, but...

I've played metriod 3 a long while ago, and I own MP1 and MP3... al 3 of which are awesome games, garanteed to keep you occupied for about a week each.
My first metroid game was Metroid II for gameboy.
Nov 8, 2007 at 2:16 PM
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I like Metroid's gameplay, (I have only played Metroid Fusion), it was great, the thing that put me off was the limited movements. Not that Cave Story has more movements, but well, I never liked Metroid's storyline much either.
Nov 8, 2007 at 4:32 PM
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Hi guys.

Thanks for all the recommended 'what game' advice. :D

Ok, I hear what your saying Rooni Wazlib. I did jump the gun with my comments about the game I'll complete it first, then post my final thoughts about the game...I have no doubt they'll be good though :D

Guys, would you be so kind to throw me a few tips on how to defeat Monster X? You know the room where you take the 'cure all'..is this the closest save point to Monster X? Also, when Monster X stops moving and opens up..where's the best place to stand when taking out the green targets inside?

I've been standing directly below, between the treads, firing upwards..but I seem to be taking a lot of hits here......?
Nov 8, 2007 at 10:34 PM
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Platformer said:
Hi guys.

Thanks for all the recommended 'what game' advice. :D

Ok, I hear what your saying Rooni Wazlib. I did jump the gun with my comments about the game I'll complete it first, then post my final thoughts about the game...I have no doubt they'll be good though :D

Guys, would you be so kind to throw me a few tips on how to defeat Monster X? You know the room where you take the 'cure all'..is this the closest save point to Monster X? Also, when Monster X stops moving and opens up..where's the best place to stand when taking out the green targets inside?

I've been standing directly below, between the treads, firing upwards..but I seem to be taking a lot of hits here......?
Use the blade while standing directly below.
Nov 9, 2007 at 1:08 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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yeah just spamming the monster with the blade is the most easier way, the sword can easily destroy as stuff fired at you so it shouldn't be a problem compared to other boss's :S
Nov 9, 2007 at 6:24 AM
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xristosx said:
yeah just spamming the monster with the blade is the most easier way, the sword can easily destroy as stuff fired at you so it shouldn't be a problem compared to other boss's :S
Platformer said:
Hi guys.

Thanks for all the recommended 'what game' advice. :D

Ok, I hear what your saying Rooni Wazlib. I did jump the gun with my comments about the game I'll complete it first, then post my final thoughts about the game...I have no doubt they'll be good though :p

Guys, would you be so kind to throw me a few tips on how to defeat Monster X? You know the room where you take the 'cure all'..is this the closest save point to Monster X? Also, when Monster X stops moving and opens up..where's the best place to stand when taking out the green targets inside?

I've been standing directly below, between the treads, firing upwards..but I seem to be taking a lot of hits here......?
Yup that's the nearest Save. Your HP should be a MAX of 41 now. If it's not 41, you've missed a few life capsules. Replay the game till where you've reached in that case, since you'll meet bosses 10 times harder, and you'll need as much health as you can get then. I dunno how many missiles you must have now, maybe someone else can clarify that. Either way, you won't need missiles till 2 bosses later. So, Monster X...

You've got mainly two weapon combination choices here -
Blade lv. 3 + Polar Star OR Blade lv. 2.

Here's a tip to level down the blade and fight in lv. 2-
Level DOWN your blade to halfway through level 2 outside your save point ( Get hit by monsters till your health is around 10, go inside, revive, save, rinse, repeat. Once you do that, it's easier to kill MX's purple projectiles. Also, NEVER stay on the wheels when MX's changing direction. And make sure you're on the edge of the "playing field" when he stops and opens up. At this point, spam a few blades and run out into the open, destroying all the purple thingies he shoots at you. You can afford to take a few risks, since you have a weapon with a great rate of fire. Just make sure you finish the four green pods with a decent amout of health. If you've lost lot of health destroyng the first and second pod, DON'T destroy the other 2 before revivng a good amount by destroying projectiles for power-ups. The Game is much more straightforward once the pods are gone. Spam the blade and, once MX closes down, destroy the missiles while keeping an eye on MX.
(Read the next part just incase blade levels up during the fight.

Blade lv. 3 + Polar Star
OK, this is from an FAQ by HAPPYPUPPET. It's a flawless run FAQ , so it assumes that you never get hit in the fight, therefore, that your blade never levels down. If it does, just level it up using the projectiles. Just try to not take ANY damage while fighting MX, and you'll most likely have just managed it.
Talk to people in the clinic, enter and leave. If Curly isn't gone yet, repeat.
When she's left, you're ready to move on. Make sure you save.

Make your way towards the right. You'll see Monster X there. The fight starts
farther right in between the two small ramps of destroyed blocks. It's hard to
describe... maybe some ASCII art will help?
_____,-` `-,_S___,-,_____

The S represents when Monster X will start charging at you (the same time the
Boss Music begins). Use the Bubbler's range to kill as many Gaudis as you can
before you start the fight.


The real pain about this battle is how long it takes to get to him from the
last save point if you die.

Finish off the Gaudis on the far right quickly. When Monster X reaches you,
ideally there will be none left. If there are, things might get tricky, with
dodging the treads and the Gaudis that are left both. Eliminate them quickly.

For both phases of this battle, try to time it so that Monster X is as close to
the edge as possible when he opens his center up. Having a lot of room to move
around to dodge his attacks is key.

You should already know Monster X's movement pattern. An important thing to
remember is not to be on the treads when he changes direction. Don't let the
chance of the game's physics decide whether it just barely knocks you off of
the treads and leaves you no room to escape being crushed.

For the first phase, he has 4 little pods that shoot the same things as Flying
Gaudis. When he opens up, throw ONE Level 3 Blade at his center, then run out
into the open, pull out the Polar Star, and dodge/shoot the projectiles. It's
too risky to try to damage him any more, because there's going to be so many of
the projectiles, and it's a one hit kill from them. Once he has only one or two
pods left, you can afford to be a LITTLE bit more aggressive. Don't get

When all four pods are gone, he enters the second phase. Again, when he opens
up, throw ONE Level 3 Blade at his center and run out into the open. Blade the
homing missiles he fires. There should be 2-4 left when he starts rolling at
you. Get rid of the missiles as fast as you can. This part takes awhile and
there's a lot of opportunity to get hit. Expect to have to try Monster X many
times before you finally defeat him.

If you're feeling lucky, hit Monster X with as many blades as you can while
dodging the missiles he's firing. If you hit him enough, he'll stop firing and
start rolling again, and you'll only have to deal with about half the missiles
you usually would. This is risky though, especially since you can't afford to
get hit.

I tried using Level 3 Missiles on both phases, but they didn't work too well on
either one of them. Stick to the Blade.

When you win, some little rodent pops out of the destroyed machine. Man this
game is weird...


As I said, this is a flawless run FAQ. Threrfore, 1 HP kill would mean 2+ HP damage to you.

EDIT: What say reserve this thread for gameplay related "I'm stuck!" problems
rather than hijacking it completely.
Nov 9, 2007 at 7:32 AM
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That's overkill.

I start off with lvl3 blade directly below and against the projectiles and gaudi since there are more than one eye and lvl3 blade is good against multiple targets (but useless against one target), as the eyes start to run out I would already be at level 2 and still piling on damage. When I am at lvl2 with the blade I will use lvl3 bubbler against the fish missiles when Monster X is moving but when it stops I will switch to lvl 2 blade, or Missile Launcher if my blade is lvl1 and start spamming Monster X from below until he is finished off.
Nov 9, 2007 at 7:37 AM
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andwhyisit said:
That's overkill.

I start off with lvl3 blade directly below and against the projectiles and gaudi since there are more than one eye and lvl3 blade is good against multiple targets (but useless against one target), as the eyes start to run out I would already be at level 2 and still piling on damage. When I am at lvl2 with the blade I will use lvl3 bubbler against the fish missiles when Monster X is moving but when it stops I will switch to lvl 2 blade, or Missile Launcher if my blade is lvl1 and start spamming Monster X from below until he is finished off.
Nah, lv. 3is useful to take missiles out as well. Saves you a lot with its splash damage.
Nov 9, 2007 at 7:48 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Nah, lv. 3is useful to take missiles out as well. Saves you a lot with its splash damage.
That's what I meant by "projectiles", I use lvl3 for everything up until I hit lvl2 then I switch to bubbler for the missiles and other projectiles and switch back for attacking Monster-X, and if my blade ends up as lvl1 I replace it with Missiles.