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Garage Games Secured Rights To Cave Story!!!

Mar 25, 2006 at 2:56 AM
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Variant Games Secured Rights To Cave Story!!!


OMG is this true? while handheld ports would be cool it would ruin the charm of the game. did pixel really sell out? And besides, i dont even want to think about these "improvements" :o
Mar 25, 2006 at 4:51 AM
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Whats "TAP platform"?

Getting it released on ds or gba would be a great idea.
Mar 25, 2006 at 5:10 AM
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A DS VERSION WOULD BE AWESOME. perhaps with some sort of multiplayer mode utilizing the wifi features, but no "improvements". Most of the time "improvements" mean take out half of the game to the point it sucks.
Mar 25, 2006 at 5:19 AM
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From what they were saying, I think the "improvements" are mostly Audio/Visual. Being intended for the PSP, this doesn't come as much of a surprise ("WTF?!? TIHS L00KS LIEK TEH LAMEBOY! THIS SUXXORS!!1one!1")

But they also mentioned that they were optional. AV changes would probably be switched between "Classic" and "Enhanced", and gameplay alterations should hopefully be individually selectable. Or it may end up like Bubble Bobble: Old and New - Old looks like the original, but plays like a screwed-up remake...
Mar 25, 2006 at 5:58 AM
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I think the TAP platform means something to do with Torque.

and the "improvements" look like they'll just be modernizing the graphics and sound.

Also, a company paying Pixel for the rights to produce a port could hardly be called Pixel selling out. Seriously, he invested five years of his life into its creation, and there's no reason he shouldn't be allowed to reap some benefit.
Mar 25, 2006 at 6:33 AM
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That's true. Selling out is when he loses creative control and allows them to butcher the story, create numerous crappy sequels and/or spin-offs and try to remarket the things to the "mainstream" audience - all while giving up ownership of any and all relevant material. I don't think he'd fall for that old trick.

And why is it not going onto the "last bastion of 2D platformers", the GBA? I always thought that CS ports should be released for the GBA, DS and PSP simultaneously. That way, gamers can get the DS's extra features, kids/emulators don't need a new machine, and people who like worthless, shiny black things aren't left out...
Mar 25, 2006 at 7:47 AM
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hopefully noone notices this bull, and only the freeware version we all know and love continues to grow popular, leaving this one in the dust. i still have a hard time even believing this is true, the guys at garage games are a bunch of jerks anyway. They dont know how to make games so they buy out little indie companies.

and as far as a linux version (i have a computer that runs off of SLAX linux) it would be awesome, but ive always thought pixel would let some fan do the port (look at the mac version).
Mar 25, 2006 at 8:12 AM
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OMG, I cant believe this, there gonna completely screw up an amazing and beautiful game.

Doesnt come out till '07

they still have enought time to go under :o
Mar 25, 2006 at 10:19 AM
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wadeizzle said:
[fairly large screenshot]

OMG, I cant believe this, there gonna completely screw up an amazing and beautiful game.

Doesnt come out till '07

they still have enought time to go under :o

Three things.

1) The important part of that screenshot was the text. In this case copy-paste would have been much better than printscreen-paste-save-upload-link image

2) You see how there's a button at on top of your post so you can edit it? You can add stuff into the post that way without double posting. When you double post, it looks like you're talking to yourself. And if your post is still the last one in the thread, there's a good chance that noone else has read it yet.

3) What makes you think they're going to ruin the game? From what I read there, it looks like all they're going to change is adding optional "enhanced" graphics and sound. Key word there is optional. As in you have a choice between them and the original, so if you don't like them you don't need to use them. Also, like it says on their website, the original game will still be out and freely available for download. So there's absolutely no way that what they do can harm your playing experience.
Also, as you may have noticed from your screenshot, it's not even Garage Games that's doing it. It's a little independent studio that uses tools from Garage Games.
Mar 25, 2006 at 1:04 PM
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I'm not gonna get a PSP until this AND some other classics (mostly old Id/Apogee computer games) come out for it. (tough luck with that!)
And, OMG, why can't ppl appreciate pixel art anymore!! I want pixels!! Not 3-D push-a-few-buttons-and-get-photo-like-art stuff!!

Speaking of art, so many people have a hard time understanding why "their" stuff comes out better in photoshop. Anyone can go on google, look for a picture, and edit it. I don't do that. And i don't really find that to be good art. I hate when ppl are like "look at my p\/\/n4g3 edited picture!!111oneshift+one All I did was click a few buttons and change the colors!!1!1"
Yeah, but, its off topic, so nobody cares.

EDIT: Hey, at first, I thought Pixel was nice and just wanted their games to make people happy. But it COULD be that he thought it just wasn't good enough to make money, so when the first chance came, he went with it.
Mar 25, 2006 at 2:58 PM
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Well all I can say is way to go Pixel! Wahoo! This is a very interesting prospect for him and I think you all should be very happy for him. Not only is Pixel going to recieve compensation for all of the hard work he spent on creating this game, but now his story, Cave Story will be told not just through the medium of the internet but also through the mainstream handheld markets. Pixel's international fandom just became much, much bigger and if that happens we will be seeing more professional releases by him in the future. I mean isn't that why he started making games in the first place? This is something that can really start his career for him.

In addition, fans don't get messed with either. Not only do we get to keep playing the original release on the net, free of charge I might add, but now we may get to play it on the Sony PSP with both the updated graphics/sound and the original. What couldn't be better about this news? It is surely much better than some guy figuring out a way to port it to GBA and making it so there would be little need to release it into the handheld markets. Besides, with the PSP's widescreen it will be the perfect system to have Cave Story on.

And look at this promotional artwork:


All I can say is: Wow! It looks to me like they are right on target to me.

Mar 25, 2006 at 3:14 PM
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Hey, his hat DOES say "Curly Brace" on it! I wonder why...
Does King's hand look REALLY big, though?

Hmm, PSP can have other stuff besides games on it, right, like songs and movies (or something like that)? And it can access web sites? Cause maybe I'll look into buying one. (Normally, I'd say how much I hate PlayStation, but that's only because i get made fun of by PS players for playing Nintendo games. But I heard about an SNES emulator for PSP. Yay.)

EDIT: And it would be awesome to get a PSP and Cave Story before May, since we're going on a big field trip. My friends would actually get to see cave story for the first time (because they were either too lazy to bother downloading, restricted from downloading things, or on a Dial-up connection.)
So when's it coming out (gotta check)
Mar 25, 2006 at 3:27 PM
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I hope this also comes out for the DS, mainly because we bought two for myself and my brother, so there's no way that we will get a PSP >_<.

I hope they also add a few more levels, because once you've finished the game, your going to be looking for more to do.

Or even better, a fully developed Level Editor, with the option to import graphics and whatnot.

It would be awesome, if they did voice-acting aswell, but it had better be good, or else >: (.
Mar 25, 2006 at 3:48 PM
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It coming with an editor would be all kinds of tight... you could send your edited game to your friends... I'd also like to see a co'op mode. Mmmm that'd be tight.

Anyway, I hope they sell the game for a reasonable enough price that people give it a chance. Now a days people don't want to pay 40+ bucks for a game unless it promises like 40+ hours. Especially if it's 2D (main stream gamers hate 2D). O well, I think it's kinda early to speculate on this kinda thing. All I can say is that i wish the best for pixel, he made a great game and I hope he makes many more. This has the potential to really jump start a profesional game developing career for him and let him do that, so... when the game comes out... just buy it... even if you don't have the system, or you hate what they did to the graphics.

This was already said, but it's impossible for them to ruin the game. No one is coming to your pc and deleting your game. They are just adding things, weither added things are better then the original or not is yet to be known, only thing to do is hope for the best, and stop crying about it.
Mar 25, 2006 at 4:08 PM
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in the picture on the top, i think they've got it all right.i only have a problem with that square headed robot in the back.is that Malco?because if it is he definately looks to big.or at least to me...
Mar 25, 2006 at 4:30 PM
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Yeah, he is big. But look at King's hand!! It's big too!! C'mon, ppl!!
Oh, and speaking of square heads, i like the square-headed sprite quote better than the drawn one.
Oh, and he looks too human. (well, mainly his arms IMO)

Mar 25, 2006 at 4:57 PM
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Huh. I had heard a little about this before (Variant was asking about using the translation), but I never heard any indication that it was going to be a commercial enterprise. Maybe the ports are going to be freeware too. I'll see if I can ask Variant or Pixel for more details on the situation.
Mar 25, 2006 at 6:31 PM
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Shih Tzu said:
Huh. I had heard a little about this before (Variant was asking about using the translation), but I never heard any indication that it was going to be a commercial enterprise. Maybe the ports are going to be freeware too. I'll see if I can ask Variant or Pixel for more details on the situation.

Thanks Shih Tzu, that would be very helpful. Nice to see you around the boards as well.

Mar 25, 2006 at 11:34 PM
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if its just a straight up port, thats not a big deal. But if they start changing the storyline and character names, im gonna be mad. :mad:

I am glad that pixel got this break. I see now he didnt really "sell out", just gave them some of the the rights to do a handheld port. He definitely deserves this, spent five years on this masterpiece. I have no clue however why curly is on quotes hat :o Although if the game was free it would be nice if it were playable throug a ds modchip like this one:http://www.gameboy-advance.net/nintendo_ds/passme.htm

And also its nice to see one of the translators on here, nice to see ya Shih Tzu!
Mar 26, 2006 at 12:12 AM
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As long as the remake is just visual and audio 'improvements', and possibly one or two gameplay touches (Eight-way aiming would be pretty neat), I wouldn't mind. If only this game could also be on the DS... The items menu on the bottom screen would be a pretty neat feature. Or, the action taking place on both screens, in a style similar to Sonic Rush.

Edit: Maybe having the option to play as Culy Brace would be neat, as well...