Jun 3, 2011 at 10:02 AM
Join Date: Apr 27, 2011
Posts: 42
mrthadawee's revew this week!! no1
hi IM gonna do a review on a different game every week if i have enough time!
this one is... mario kart wii!!!!
now if you dont know what mario kart wii is well it is a racing game with bright coulers amd funny gimmiks that make the game more fun!
good designe wepons choose on/of
12 charicters to choos from at the start(more can be unlocked)
up to 32 traks to race on
wifi problems are a real nusanse
wepons can be a bit too frantic example you are in first place and a blue shell that flys up and explodes the person in first you find yourself in near last!!!
that can be very annoying!
well its a good game that dosent involve too much violence i recomend it to be for kids! I rate it a 7/10!!!
hi IM gonna do a review on a different game every week if i have enough time!
this one is... mario kart wii!!!!
now if you dont know what mario kart wii is well it is a racing game with bright coulers amd funny gimmiks that make the game more fun!

12 charicters to choos from at the start(more can be unlocked)
up to 32 traks to race on

wifi problems are a real nusanse
wepons can be a bit too frantic example you are in first place and a blue shell that flys up and explodes the person in first you find yourself in near last!!!
that can be very annoying!
well its a good game that dosent involve too much violence i recomend it to be for kids! I rate it a 7/10!!!