Aug 25, 2020 at 5:44 AM
Join Date: Jun 27, 2013
Posts: 2902
Age: 30
Pronouns: She/Her
Are you brand new to modding? Do you feel the need to ask a question that you can just easily search for to see if you got the right answer? Well, maybe that question has already been answered! So free free to check out this thread to see if you find what you are looking for! Veteran modders are free to include their own FAQs to add onto this thread if deemed necessary.
Q: How do I start???
A: Check out these threads, they have a wide variety of subjects on how to get into modding itself and it's pretty easy to learn from them.
Dooey's Grand Gallery of Modding Tutorials
BLink's Resource Guide to Modding
Q: What do I use to modify the bitmaps?
A: Use either of these programs: MsPaint, Paint.NET, Aseprite.
Q: How do I remove the (C) Pixel Requirement?
A: Open up the mod with Booster's Lab and press Save All. Opening the mod will automatically perform that process for you.
Q: Bitmaps aren't saving all colors?
A: When saving them, make sure to save them as 24-bit bitmaps.
Q: When I put the mod on Full Screen, some of the dark colors will be rendered transparent, even though I made sure they're not pure black?
A: Open up DoConfig and set it to Full 32-bit.
Q: Can I port my mod to Cave Story+/NxEngine/PSP Port?
A: Yes, it is possible, but in order for it to fully work with either three, you'll need to make sure your mod meets the proper limitations (mainly, no custom ASM). HaydenStudios' Plus Porter program sets a great example on how your mod can be ported onto CS+.
Q: Can I use Cave Story+ Graphics in my mod?
A: No. There are cases where the Nicalis facepic for Quote is used (most notable in ZarroTsu's version of Jenka's Nightmare), but the stylization of the facepics are altered well enough for the mod to not get in trouble with Nicalis.
Q: Are any of Pixel's other games moddable?
A: While the niche is near non-existent, you can modify these games made by him:
Azarashi, Azarashi 1998, Ikachan, Rain, Jil-Jil, Die-Die Galaxy, Guxt, Glasses, Kado-AI.
Q: Which is better, Cave Editor or Booster's Lab?
A: Booster's Lab. Here is a list showing off the differences in features between these two.
While the two programs share most of the same features, Booster's Lab has the upper hand by having a wider selection of features for slice of life ease, as well as is Hacking Tool and built in Hex Patcher for custom ASM. It is entirely up to preference on which program you'd like to use, depending on how you like their GUI, whether your computer can run Java or not, or if you'd rather use less programs for your mod.
Q: What programs can I use for ASM/Org making/custom sound effects/internal files?
A: Here you go!
Assembly Tools:
Q: Where can I upload my mod?
A: Here you go!
List of file hosting sites:
Q: Where is the Doukutsu2x executable???
A: You can get it from this link or from #resources in the CSMC server!
Q: How do I start???
A: Check out these threads, they have a wide variety of subjects on how to get into modding itself and it's pretty easy to learn from them.
Dooey's Grand Gallery of Modding Tutorials
BLink's Resource Guide to Modding
Q: What do I use to modify the bitmaps?
A: Use either of these programs: MsPaint, Paint.NET, Aseprite.
Q: How do I remove the (C) Pixel Requirement?
A: Open up the mod with Booster's Lab and press Save All. Opening the mod will automatically perform that process for you.
Q: Bitmaps aren't saving all colors?
A: When saving them, make sure to save them as 24-bit bitmaps.
Q: When I put the mod on Full Screen, some of the dark colors will be rendered transparent, even though I made sure they're not pure black?
A: Open up DoConfig and set it to Full 32-bit.
Q: Can I port my mod to Cave Story+/NxEngine/PSP Port?
A: Yes, it is possible, but in order for it to fully work with either three, you'll need to make sure your mod meets the proper limitations (mainly, no custom ASM). HaydenStudios' Plus Porter program sets a great example on how your mod can be ported onto CS+.
Q: Can I use Cave Story+ Graphics in my mod?
A: No. There are cases where the Nicalis facepic for Quote is used (most notable in ZarroTsu's version of Jenka's Nightmare), but the stylization of the facepics are altered well enough for the mod to not get in trouble with Nicalis.
Q: Are any of Pixel's other games moddable?
A: While the niche is near non-existent, you can modify these games made by him:
Azarashi, Azarashi 1998, Ikachan, Rain, Jil-Jil, Die-Die Galaxy, Guxt, Glasses, Kado-AI.
Q: Which is better, Cave Editor or Booster's Lab?
A: Booster's Lab. Here is a list showing off the differences in features between these two.

While the two programs share most of the same features, Booster's Lab has the upper hand by having a wider selection of features for slice of life ease, as well as is Hacking Tool and built in Hex Patcher for custom ASM. It is entirely up to preference on which program you'd like to use, depending on how you like their GUI, whether your computer can run Java or not, or if you'd rather use less programs for your mod.
- Neither Booster's Lab or Cave Editor are compatible with NxEngine or the PSP Port.
- Autohacker 2 will require installing Python 2.7 in order to be used.
- While Booster's Lab has a JavaScript based TSC parser, it is generally considered useless, as it requires knowledge in JS in order to be used.
- Cave Editor holds different Entity Flag ID names compared to Booster's Lab. If consistency is desired between the two editors, use this version of Cave Editor.
- Booster's Lab has features for editing other programs like Tess, Noxid's CSEngine, and possibly more, but the scope of this ability is very limited, and should be approached with caution.
Q: What programs can I use for ASM/Org making/custom sound effects/internal files?
A: Here you go!
Assembly Tools:
- Autohacker 2 (Requires Python 2.7)
- Doukutsu Assembler
- HxD
- OllyDbg
- OrgMaker 210
- PixTone (Requires 7Zip to extract files)
- SeaTone
- Resource Hacker (Do NOT use the latest update from the Resource Hacker website, they will not allow all files to be inserted)
- 7-Zip (Can be used for extracting files)
Q: Where can I upload my mod?
A: Here you go!
List of file hosting sites:
Q: Where is the Doukutsu2x executable???
A: You can get it from this link or from #resources in the CSMC server!
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