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Frequently asked modding questions thread (LOOK HERE BEFORE MAKING A NEW THREAD)

Aug 25, 2020 at 5:44 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Are you brand new to modding? Do you feel the need to ask a question that you can just easily search for to see if you got the right answer? Well, maybe that question has already been answered! So free free to check out this thread to see if you find what you are looking for! Veteran modders are free to include their own FAQs to add onto this thread if deemed necessary.

Q: How do I start???
A: Check out these threads, they have a wide variety of subjects on how to get into modding itself and it's pretty easy to learn from them.
Dooey's Grand Gallery of Modding Tutorials
BLink's Resource Guide to Modding

Q: What do I use to modify the bitmaps?
A: Use either of these programs: MsPaint, Paint.NET, Aseprite.

Q: How do I remove the (C) Pixel Requirement?
A: Open up the mod with Booster's Lab and press Save All. Opening the mod will automatically perform that process for you.

Q: Bitmaps aren't saving all colors?
A: When saving them, make sure to save them as 24-bit bitmaps.

Q: When I put the mod on Full Screen, some of the dark colors will be rendered transparent, even though I made sure they're not pure black?
A: Open up DoConfig and set it to Full 32-bit.

Q: Can I port my mod to Cave Story+/NxEngine/PSP Port?
A: Yes, it is possible, but in order for it to fully work with either three, you'll need to make sure your mod meets the proper limitations (mainly, no custom ASM). HaydenStudios' Plus Porter program sets a great example on how your mod can be ported onto CS+.

Q: Can I use Cave Story+ Graphics in my mod?
A: No. There are cases where the Nicalis facepic for Quote is used (most notable in ZarroTsu's version of Jenka's Nightmare), but the stylization of the facepics are altered well enough for the mod to not get in trouble with Nicalis.

Q: Are any of Pixel's other games moddable?
A: While the niche is near non-existent, you can modify these games made by him:
Azarashi, Azarashi 1998, Ikachan, Rain, Jil-Jil, Die-Die Galaxy, Guxt, Glasses, Kado-AI.

Q: Which is better, Cave Editor or Booster's Lab?
A: Booster's Lab. Here is a list showing off the differences in features between these two.

While the two programs share most of the same features, Booster's Lab has the upper hand by having a wider selection of features for slice of life ease, as well as is Hacking Tool and built in Hex Patcher for custom ASM. It is entirely up to preference on which program you'd like to use, depending on how you like their GUI, whether your computer can run Java or not, or if you'd rather use less programs for your mod.
  • Neither Booster's Lab or Cave Editor are compatible with NxEngine or the PSP Port.
  • Autohacker 2 will require installing Python 2.7 in order to be used.
  • While Booster's Lab has a JavaScript based TSC parser, it is generally considered useless, as it requires knowledge in JS in order to be used.
  • Cave Editor holds different Entity Flag ID names compared to Booster's Lab. If consistency is desired between the two editors, use this version of Cave Editor.
  • Booster's Lab has features for editing other programs like Tess, Noxid's CSEngine, and possibly more, but the scope of this ability is very limited, and should be approached with caution.

Q: What programs can I use for ASM/Org making/custom sound effects/internal files?
A: Here you go!
Assembly Tools:
Organya and Sound Effects:
Internal Files:
  • Resource Hacker (Do NOT use the latest update from the Resource Hacker website, they will not allow all files to be inserted)
  • 7-Zip (Can be used for extracting files)

Q: Where can I upload my mod?
A: Here you go!
List of file hosting sites:

Q: Where is the Doukutsu2x executable???
A: You can get it from this link or from #resources in the CSMC server!
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Aug 25, 2020 at 6:23 AM
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Who gave you the power to say anything like this? Unless moderation says so new members can make a thread if they so desire, and its already recommended that people do a search for their question beforehand...
Aug 25, 2020 at 4:41 PM
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Feel like there are still some decently-ish common things that could fit here but none that I could think of right now.
And yeah for a moment I thought DT renamed the big question thread in hopes of preventing more common question threads.
You could argue though that some of these aren't very frequently asked.
Aug 25, 2020 at 7:16 PM
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Q: How do I place an entity into my mod?
A: Press the I button.

Q: Oh no, my [insert graphic here] was supposed to be black but it's invisible. Help me?
A: The in-game engine turns black graphics invisible. If you want something black in your mod, you can get around this by using slightly lighter shades of black (i.e the RGB numbers aren't all 0)

Q: I find writing the same scripts to be tedious? Is there an easier way?
A: There is. Highlight the selected script and use CTRL+C to copy then go to your other script and use CTRL+V to paste it. It'll appear as plain-text which seems useless at first. However, take a bit of the script and move it back as if erasing it and goes from plaintext to script (that you wrote). (Learnt that one from @Cibryll only a few days ago)
Aug 25, 2020 at 8:02 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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It'll appear as plain-text which seems useless at first. However, take a bit of the script and move it back as if erasing it and goes from plaintext to script (that you wrote). (Learnt that one from @Cibryll only a few days ago)
You can also move the highlight cursor through it by using the arrow keys to make them appear more normal. :p
Aug 26, 2020 at 12:17 PM
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You can also move the highlight cursor through it by using the arrow keys to make them appear more normal. :p
I've tried it out and you're right. It works (and is far less tedious too).

Q: Which map was the intro cutscene in again and how do I change the Pixel Presents text?
A: The intro cutscene is in Map 75 and the Pixel Presents can be changed by altering the map name. The rest of it is altering tiles and the events as you see fit.

Q: How many maps can I have in a single mod?
A: Up to 127 with Booster's Lab and only 100 in CaveEditor. Tempting as it is, try not to waste maps because you'll run out quickly (though it's only a problem if you're planning to have a lot of content).
Aug 26, 2020 at 12:36 PM
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Somebody probably said this already, but just to make sure.

Q: How do I change the background, tileset and map name?
A: Open the map you want to edit and select Mapdata(the option is in the top left, next to the list of maps and right beneath Script). However, do NOT edit the Filename yet unless you know what you're doing.
Aug 26, 2020 at 2:14 PM
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Do you think it would be worthwhile to have the answers also provide links to posts/threads where said question is answered in greater detail? I get that we want to make these "quick responses," but some of these answers could use some elaboration. On the other hand, if we turned it into that, it would almost become a repeat of that "Grand Gallery of Modding Tutorials" thread.
Aug 26, 2020 at 4:40 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Maybe, it'd be good if it's needed to help extend the answer. I'd say also link to other useful sources of information if needed. I've been avoiding CSE2 based questions for that reason...
Aug 28, 2020 at 4:06 PM
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Q: How do I get those pretty little lights on the teleporter to work?
A: Simple. The entity for that is Entity #23: Teleporter Lights which needs to be placed on the Teleporter entity for it to work. The numbers can be left blank. (Learnt this while looking through Shadow of the Star's scripts in Booster's Lab)

Q: HELP ME! How do I script teleporters?
A: Scripting teleporters can be a real pain in the keister but it can done. The script is as follows:
<PRI<MSG[insert text here]<YNJ0000<CLO<KEY<CNP0300:0111:0002<HMC<WAI0060<ANP[teleporter event number]:0001:0000<WAI0100<FAO0004<TRA[man number]:[event number]:0002[Y coordinate]:[Z coordinate]<END
In addition, you'll also need two Null entities, one with Event #0300 and one with Event #0301. Event #0300 needs to be one tile below the Teleporter and Event #0300 needs to be one tile left of it.
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Sep 1, 2020 at 3:04 AM
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Q: Which map was the intro cutscene in again and how do I change the Pixel Presents text?
A: The intro cutscene is in Map 75 and the Pixel Presents can be changed by altering the map name. The rest of it is altering tiles and the events as you see fit.
Whether you're joking or not, I hate to break it to you chief
Sep 1, 2020 at 5:52 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I thought Kings was the map's filename. Also you can change the starting room to however you'd like with BL.
Sep 7, 2020 at 9:51 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Dec 22, 2020 at 5:08 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Updated cuz i heard a certain mod executable is being sought after.
Aug 11, 2021 at 6:23 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Bump, because we're getting too many of the same questions regarding certain ASM hacks. This time it will be on a separate post because, yeah. It's pretty much its own category. And I'm doing this because too many newbies have no idea what "lurk more" means.

Q: How do I learn assembly?
A: Here is a very quick rundown on how to even start on learning it. I EXTREMELY recommend looking into it, especially as all important lessons and resources and stuff are provided by ASM hackers. I do advise however, that based on current circumstances where more and more people leave for game development or separate modding communities altogether, there will very likely be nobody that will be able to help you much when it comes to hands-on learning.

Assembly hacking is where you crack open the .exe of the game and look at the actual code of the game. The language the game is in, is x86 assembly, referred to as x86 or just asm for short.

This is very, very important. Nobody is going to praise your mod if you have cool assembly hacks in it, but can't even put together a level that doesn't have 20 deathtraps in it, frustrating gameplay, and a lack of quality and polish put into it. Assembly is the last frontier for your mods. It is the most powerful, but has the power to destroy your creation (both literally and figuratively) if you do not have the fundamentals of modding down.

Assembly Compendium [link] (direct download)
This is a generic text file with a lot of info on assembly, a lot of the data in this file is VERY dated, and some of it is incorrect, but it is a starting point.

Noxid's Function list (Enlight's Edit) [link] (direct download)
This is Noxid's list of all the known functions in the game. This file is also pretty old so some things in it are outdated, but both this and the previous file plan to be updated sometime in the future.

OllyDBG (Txin's bugfixed version+BLink's skins) [link] (direct download)
This will let you edit the .exe of the game, if there isn't a hex patch or pre-made hack for what you need then you'll have to dig into the code yourself. Using this tool is only recommended if you have to make edits to already existing code and don't plan to completely overwrite it. (Unless your name is Thomas Xin)

Doukutsu Assembler [link] (direct link)
This is another hacking tool, if you are writing entire functions (suck as NPCs) this is the go-to tool to write your code in cases where you don't have to inject it into other code. There are a plethora of DouA hacks (mostly made by me lol) that you can find here. [link]
If you use these hacks PLEASE credit the people who originally made these hacks!
Original thread(s) with these hacks.
(I think Hina made a thread but I can't find it anywhere...)

Carrotlord's ASM hacking guide [link]https://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/beginners-guide-to-cavestory-assembly.2305/
Be sure to check out version 1.04b and 2.0 because there is some info that is not in both versions. This teaches you about asm, but goes a bit off into the weeds talking about things that really don't apply to most CS mods. All the information is valuable, but things like the stack aren't exactly ""beginner"" friendly overall, going over details of the language but not exactly how to build functions and the like based off of it.

Also this guide lies, you CAN use EBX, EDI, and ESI freely, so feel free to do so in your asm hacks. (Doukutsu assembler by default uses EDI for it's pointers to NPCs now, so be sure to not use EDI for anything other than that though if you're writing NPC code)

BLink's NPC hacking guide [link]
This assumes some knowledge related to Carrotlord's guide, but not very much. It's more aimed at absolute beginners and can ease you into logic on how to actually build things in asm.

Q: TSC+ Improved is broken! Will Serri ever fix this?
A: Blame BLink for not realizing <BUY is an obtrusive hack to <VAR, and there is a groundwork for an update to be made. I do suggest however, using the default version that has been pre-included in BL and drop these in the Hex Patcher for a couple commands that Noxid never really put code in for various reasons.
A1 84 E1 49 00 C1 E0 05 01 45 F4 01 45 FC EB 0C
89 4D F4 8B 55 FC 83 C2 20 89 55 FC

8b 0d 84 e1 49 00 c1 e1 05 90 90 8b 55 08 8b 42
58 01 c8 90 8b 55 08 89 42 58 8b 55 08 8b 42 60
01 c8 90

8b 15 84 e1 49 00 c1 e2 05 90 90 8b 45 08 8b 48
58 01 d1 90 8b 45 08 89 48 58 8b 45 08 8b 48 60
01 d1 90

8b 0d 84 e1 49 00 c1 e1 05 90 90 8b 55 08 8b 42
58 01 c8 90 8b 55 08 89 42 58 8b 55 08 8b 42 60
01 c8 90
0f b7 0d 9c e0 49 00 c1 e1 05 90 8b 55 08 8b 42
58 01 c8 90 8b 55 08 89 42 58 8b 55 08 8b 42 60
01 c8 90

0f b7 15 9c e0 49 00 c1 e2 05 90 8b 45 08 8b 48
58 01 d1 90 8b 45 08 89 48 58 8b 45 08 8b 48 60
01 d1 90

0f b7 0d 9c e0 49 00 c1 e1 05 90 8b 55 08 8b 42
58 01 c8 90 8b 55 08 89 42 58 8b 55 08 8b 42 60
01 c8 90

Q: Where do I learn how to use the commands used in the normal TSC+ hack?
A: Click on "oh god what do i do", open the TSC subfolder, and there will be a tab for "Hackinator TSC+".

Q: How do I use TIMG?
A: See previous question.

Q: Hacking Tool vs Hackinator?
Only v511 has it called "Hackinator". Leo40Story was the one who made it renamed to that, cuz too many people in the CSMS would get confused to why it's called "Hackinator" when Noxid named it "Hacking Tool". Not like it matters anyway because v511 is functionally the same as v500, but with more bugs.

Q: Can I make tilesets larger than 256x256px?
A: No.

Q: How do I make [weaponX] shoot [weaponY]?

Q: How do I make [this feature on Mod Loader] work?
A: Look in this thread, as well as take a direct look at how the files and configs are set up. If you have any further questions on how it works, do ask @Clownacy if he's even available here or on Github.