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Freeware Cave Story Sanctuary Time Attack

Oct 15, 2019 at 7:58 AM
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"Officially Worth 1 Rupee"
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Now before you even clicked on this thread, you were probably thinking to yourself..."OMGMGMG I THOUGHT THIS ALREADY EXISTED ON CAVE STORY+!!11!!111 WTF ?!!?/@?!@@"

Yes, it did. But this mod is officially for the people that are poor and cannot afford Cave Story+ just for the Sanctuary Time Attack mode.

Almost identical to the CS+ version. But, of course, everything, including the starting area, isn't EXACTLY the same as in the mode CS+ challenge. Everything is the same. Weapons, health, etc.

I was bored, so I decided to make this. So don't whine to me like "WAIIIIT NONONO WHY DID YOU MAKE THISSSSS ITS TRASH OMG I HATE YOU".


Now there are probably questions that you are wondering.

Q: "Will I unlock other modes after completing this?
A: "No, you will not."

Q: "Will I get the same characters as a reward, depending on my times?
A: "Yes, you will."

Q: "Will my time save?"
A: "Of course it will."

Q: "Why does the title screen look like crap?
A: "The creator decided to edit the title screen badly, too."

Best of the best.
What do you think?
It doesn't matter what your time is.
All that matters is that you're having fun.
Plus, this isn't really necessary.

Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/onjgoqjvtmg549l/Cave Story Sanctuary Time Attack.zip?dl=0

Choose whichever one, they all work the same. You only need one.

Note: When a new version is released, the link above will be updated, then a spoiler will be available to click on to view the other versions of this mod.

Replacing the Spur Weapon or replacing the Polar Star don't work as intended.
Curly's Nemesis fires more damage than usual.

The "Bugs" spoiler will be updated when a bug has been spotted by the creator of the mod or by a user.

Have fun.


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Oct 15, 2019 at 8:38 AM
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this mod is officially for the people that are poor and cannot afford Cave Story+ just for the Sanctuary Time Attack mode.
As good of an intent as this may be, the problem is that people are a bit wary about having CS+ content in a mod here. Someone may have to correct me on this if I'm wrong
Hell, that "Stolen game mode" tag doesn't really help here.
Then again the starting area you remade isn't 1:1 with CS+ anyway, but it'd probably be a good idea to make your own starting area instead of something that looks almost the same.
That's just my 2c though.