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Final Fantasy XIV

Jun 24, 2024 at 5:16 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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inb4 "Critically Acclaimed MMORPG" copypasta

Making a thread now, even though in retrospect, I probably should've made one when Endwalker started. I know there's only like, three people here play this game, but to be very honest, I'm very excited for Dawntrail, and I'm so glad I have the day off when the early access drops! Anyone else also playing the game, feel free to express your thoughts on the game, post screenshots, story spoilers are allowed, as long as they are marked as such. To those who haven't played, but are interested, definitely try the demo. It's free, it lets you play through the first three expansions (A Realm Reborn, Heavensward, Stormblood), and if you enjoy it, that's great! If you don't, that's also okay!

As for me right now, I'm already set up for when the new expansion drops, I got sets of gear for the upcoming new jobs, Pictomancer and Viper, and I got my Wondrous Tails book ready to get free tomes once 7.0 launches. The fact that I have to link some of this for context...

Also, to those who are playing, what are your scores on the benchmark for the expansion? I'll start and share mine, I'm definitely going to run the game without a problem :3
Jun 24, 2024 at 3:54 PM
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Elden Ring Dee El Cee

I won't be playing until after I move out, because I really don't want to go through this expansion with the most dogshit internet on the planet. Also personal symbolic reasons but that's not as important.
I'm stuck in the europe server because that's where most of my friends play so don't expect to see me running around anywhere.

...I bought a fantasia right before it was announced that everyone would be getting a free one.
Jun 24, 2024 at 7:14 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I'm stuck in the europe server because that's where most of my friends play so don't expect to see me running around anywhere.
Hey, maybe when you're finally able to, we can definitely meet in the Oceania server. :p
Jun 25, 2024 at 10:15 PM
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The gameplay sucks, the story is mid at worst and at best it's some of the best writing in the entire FF series. The music is great, environment design and stuff is great.
Plus there's a graphical update about to drop. (An incomplete one, but a graphical update nonetheless)

That said, it's a huge time sink, and if you don't have time to waste then I wouldn't recommend it. It's very grindy for the sake of wasting your time.
The sidequests are pretty endearing, and overall this is something that's more geared towards the people who want to engage with lore and exploring a very lively RPG.
But if your priority is gameplay go play PSO2 or something.
Jun 25, 2024 at 10:26 PM
The miracles of alchemy...!
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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That said, it's a huge time sink,
Just to be clear on this; It's estimated that getting from the start to the game to what currently (while the new expansion isn't out yet) is the main story takes about at least 400 hours of your life and that's not including all the hundreds of distractions along the way or Dawntrail!!
Combat can be repetitive and difficulty for main content is build to be doable for the less skilled players, when you aren't watching cutscenes or in a dungeon most of the time doing story content is running back and forth NPCs.
Crafting is trash compared to Atelier and can feel like a horrible time investment when you're not actually making something useful.

And honestly? As someone who's been around since Stormblood it's been worth the ride.
Gameplay and story has it's highs here and there and in the end it's still an MMO so if you got people to chill with that's always good especially in a game like this where character customization sees a lot of options and everything looks decent.
Jun 25, 2024 at 11:32 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Oh no yeah, the time sink is a huge part. If you want to just go to the new content in Dawntrail, the fastest route is definitely stick to the main scenario quests. If any of the side content look interesting to you along the way, don't be afraid to do them. The game is versatile enough where you can literally spend thousands of hours in the demo alone, the limit being not having more titles to your character, the level cap for all available jobs is Lv 70, and you'd be excluded from jobs that are available from Shadowbringers onwards, and the most glaring part about the demo is the gil limit.

You know the funny part about the game being a massive time sink, tho? It's worse if you're either into hardcore content, if you're into social events, or if you enjoy afk'ing in Limsa Lominsa. :greydroll: Or if you're one of them erp'ers standing around in the Quicksand over on the Balmung server.
Jun 26, 2024 at 7:30 AM
The miracles of alchemy...!
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Don't forget that MMOs are timesinks by design partially to encourage people staying online and down to do stuff with others.
XIV is just one if the ones that suffers from it in particular because the main story is linear and has been expanding for at least 10 years.

It's kinda like other long running media like big animes such as One Piece or games like Falcom's Legend of Heroes.
Sure, everyone's talking about the latest and newest thing and it's where the endgame and all the hype is at, as well as a noticeable difference in quality.
But honestly so long as you're the type that isn't obsessed with high end raiding over story and pace yourself you got a very beefy RPG to sink your teeth into.

For these kinds of things it's better to have the mentality of "wow this'll last me for a while!" rather than looking at it like something you HAVE to get through ASAP.
Between events being low level, the level sync system (applied to content by default) and stuff like being able to teleport to even later zone's housing districts (if you got a fc/friend with a house/room in one) it's not like being low level is that big of an issue socially anyway.

Best thing you can do is try the free trial if you're curious and see if it's something you enjoy.
Except maybe not now because there's gonna be a lot of congestion in the coming weeks.
Jun 29, 2024 at 5:34 PM
The miracles of alchemy...!
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Wow, that's a pretty big time sink. I think the other MMOs might be worth playing than this game that you mentioned.
I'm curious to see what other MMOs you are comparing with because MMORPGs are timesinks by design, and a lot of them incentivize you to come back every day/week (not that this one doesn't but it's at a tolerable degree).

If you don't like timesinks that's okay but MMORPGs and even large RPGs (especially the likes Xenoblade Chronicles and freemium mobile ones) may just not be your thing to begin with.
Jun 29, 2024 at 6:18 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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And even if you accept that fact and decide to try any of them (FFXIV, PSO2, WoW, Runescape, Maplestory, EVE Online, etc), be at least responsible with how much time you spend playing. Don't be like me a couple nights ago and yesterday, and spend an all nighter and play it all day. My girlfriend really needed my help to grind her Viper to Level 90, and DPS queue is a nightmare right now.
Jun 30, 2024 at 5:46 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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So yeah, Dawntrail, I'm really liking the graphics update in some parts, it caught me off guard a few times when I went in a few duty roulettes. And the most I've seen in login queue is like, 1.2k players, it's not as bad as when it was during Endwalker's launch. And omg the soundtrack for the new city, I've heard people say it doesn't suit the area at all, I just think it's a bop.
Jul 19, 2024 at 11:17 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Pictomancer is such a busted job, I absolutely love it. I just know it's going to get a nerf when 7.1 comes, its opener is so busted for trials and raids. But damn, is it fun to try to get the attacks in just right. I'm really enjoying playing it in the meantime, probably beat Black Mage as my favorite caster job, lol.

EDIT: (8/4/2024) I don't feel bothered to make a new post in this thread rn, so I'm just gonna say that Viper is also pretty busted. It's a pretty consistent job when it comes to nonstop dps but damn is it still very high. I was actually kinda scared to play it at first because my only other Scouting job (Ninja) was at lv 44, Viper's way easier in comparison!

Oh yeah, and I'm finally using the test builds of Penumbra because fuck it.

EDIT: (8/9/2024) Moonfire Faire is up, and I managed to scale the parkour tower before my sub ends!
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Sep 15, 2024 at 8:04 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Thanks Dawntrail, for making Oceania servers open for NA, EU, and JP players to meet up at! Now if only I can hop onto Ragnarok without doing a world transfer, tyvm. Also hi Jade.
Nov 25, 2024 at 6:20 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I swear, one of these days I will write a detailed post about Dawntrail (and Patch 7.1), but for now, one retrospective that I've picked up more and more on is that all the bosses in Endwalker and especially in Dawntrail (dungeon, trials, and raids) are much busier compared to older content, I was doing the new alliance raid and I got scared of the mechanics, as a TANK. It can really hurt if you don't catch the mechanics on time. :koron:

...at least I had a decent first run. :p

Speaking of the alliance raid, I should really do some more runs on it after getting the weekly loot. It was pretty fun to play the first time, even though I panicked. >w<
Now, as someone who has only ever played FF1, FF6, and a little bit of FF5, I should say that you don't have to understand every single reference to the other games, even if certain content is tied to them. However, I do admit that I am tempted to try FF11 out, so I can understand the story more, even with characters explaining some of it as a means to catch up or have a grasp on how the storyline for the alliance raids will go. It's far more elaborate than the Maiden's Rhapsody collab event that happens once in a blue moon. Also have Prishe eating a taco.
Mar 7, 2025 at 8:16 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I swear, one of these days I will write a detailed post about Dawntrail (and Patch 7.1)
Well, I'm on my break from playing the game and I am currently waiting for Patch 7.2 to come out in a couple weeks, may as well do this now. I'll try to avoid putting in spoilers to the story, but should I find myself referring to a part, I'll just blur them out.

NOTE: At some points I do refer to other expansions as their numbers instead of their names, or even their abbreviations, but in case this is confusing, here's a reference key:
2.0/2.x - A Realm Reborn (ARR)
3.0/3.x - Heavensward (HW)
4.0/4.x - Stormblood (SB)
5.0/5.x - Shadowbringers (ShB)
6.0/6.x - Endwalker (EW)
7.0/7.x - Dawntrail (DT)

Just going to say this flat out, I did enjoy the story to Dawntrail so far. While there have been quite the few parts that are very polarizing in the FFXIV community (to the point of inflammatory hatred toward a character's voice actress just because she's trans), this isn't the first time where fans are upset with how things are handled in the story in previous expansions, it's just way more focused on than it needed to be. Go work on your Island Sanctuary or smth. While we're on the topic of said character, as over the top as she can be at times, she does exhibit character growth that's more than just "Wahhhhh I'm scared of getting on boats!" her losing the "I'm going to become the next Hokage!" bravado that she expressed herself with for the first half of the expansion's story. While yes, it is good that she shows right off the bat that she is vulnerable and that she's biting off more than she can chew, it can be jarring when it was done during moments where it wasn't warranted.

Also in the first half, it was really, really cool to see that you get to explore the different regions in Tural and even get to explore their many cultures, something that otherwise would've been very hard to accomplish this far into the game's main quest scenario. Final Fantasy XIV's story, throughout six expansions, is massive. And while yes, you do learn about some places during the story, for other places that also show an amount of importance, it's often explored in side content. Not to say the direction to take it was bad, but there tend to be hints to said side content even if you didn't unlock the content in regards to it.
An example of mentioned places you should know about but haven't interacted with is in the postgame for Shadowbringers, and even in Endwalker, where the Bozja questline was brought up, even if you haven't unlocked them yet. It was mentioned for the MSQ, as well as in the lv 80 job quest for Gunbreaker (one of the jobs you can play). I think I was already finished with Endwalker when I finally got caught up with MSQs during 6.2, and I'd like to say it was during 6.4 when I finally unlocked the Bozja questline for the relic weapon (best weapon you can unlock), which I... still really need to do so I can use the final stage of it as a cosmetic.
I get the first half of the story can feel dragged on at times (it was noticeable on my end too), I'm just more favored to it because I love exploration in a video game and picking up some lore doesn't hurt either. And even right now as of Patch 7.1 you can do more with Society Quests and the Crafting/Gathering questline. And even moreso with Patch 7.2, even if one of the new upcoming features will be more tied in to Endwalker than to Dawntrail.

Now, the second half, I also enjoyed, but it felt much longer than the first half, and probably the part that got people angry at Yoshi-P for, especially how Endwalker's postgame went and Dawntrail had taken a similar direction with that. Now, I should let this be known, the only other Final Fantasy games I have ever played were 1 and 6. I have always stood on the opinion that it doesn't require experience with any of the other games to understand references or even just to enjoy the game by itself, which is a lot to say about an MMORPG. But to my understanding, the whole second half was blatant Final Fantasy 9 fanservice, while not as blatant as Endwalker's postgame literally just being Final Fantasy 4, it was still very noticeable by fans.
The second half of the story was a curveball that I knew was going to happen, especially with one of the trailers for 7.0, I was expecting the Allagans to return, it really wouldn't have been that far of a stretch if they had territories in Tural, the Allagan Empire had control of Aldenard, Othard, Ilsabard, and even Meracydia, but the direction said curveball was going in was also a welcome one. Besides fanservice to another FF game, explaining this half of the story would require explaining Shadowbringers and even Endwalker, which would stack spoilers on top of spoilers that it'd be messy even for those who are currently in postgame to catch up on. Even the message for the end of 7.0 parallels the end for 5.0 and 6.0, which is a theme that I wonder how things will go when the next expansion comes along. The second half of 7.0's story is also where the featured character's experience in the first half gets put to the test, which I really appreciate with how it goes, and hoo boy, she really got pushed to her absolute limits (physically, mentally, and emotionally). Again, I know people don't like how much in the spotlight she's in, even though this really isn't the first time where the Warrior of Light stepped into the sidelines (Stormblood and Shadowbringers, *cough*), and for what it's worth, her character arc does conclude at the end. In Patch 7.1's storyline, she wasn't as prominent as people feared she'd be, even if she's still a main character, she did also take a step into the sidelines.

As for Patch 7.1's storyline, it was nice to focus on a character that fans were really wanting to see more of during 7.0, especially when compared to the featured character and one of the antagonists, was slept on for the most part. There was also plenty of focus on another character that was important to the story, who arguably had it rougher than the rest of the cast of characters involved. It was also pretty interesting that the storyline started with a resolution to 7.0's end, which if you have played to the end, it looks like even Creative Studio 3 (the division of Square Enix) was saying "yeah we want to move on from Dawntrail's main storyline too". I really hate how it had to end on a cliffhanger, which, isn't a criticism I'm stating, it just got me more invested into what's going to happen next.

Now for the content of Dawntrail, which I can pretty much just group both 7.0's and 7.1's content here, since there wasn't much put in for postgame so far, which I mean fair, people were dooming so hard on how FFXIV had nothing going on. At the very least Patch 7.2 will be stepping in with content that we haven't seen since Shadowbringers, and I'm very excited to get into that when it comes out. In 7.0, you have your standard dungeons (for lv 91, 93, 95, 97, and 99), your three endgame dungeons, and three trials (lv 93, 99, and 100), I love the consistency on how much the difficulty has been increasing over the years, if you were to go from ARR all the way to DT now, things can get very hectic during boss fights and in the trials, and it's enough to keep you on your toes, even if you play Black Mage. In 7.1, there's a new dungeon to run too, bosses are still as busy as ever, even moreso with the last boss. And then there's the raids and the alliance raid, which are even more fun to do, if you enjoyed the dungeon/trial bosses. I love doing the raids, and they're just so good when you got everything down and figured out. The questline for the 7.0 raids is fun and I'm even more excited to continue through it when 7.2 drops. The alliance raid for 7.1 is also very fun to go through, besides how busy they can be, there are a couple spots where the mechanics can become instakill if you aren't careful, one of which can be a bit annoying if there are tanks and ranged dps in the 24-man group and NONE of them use their Interrupts, whether it's because they don't have them, they just don't use them, or worse, they were waiting for someone else to do it but all of them have their Interrupts on cooldown.
Want things to be even more difficult? Need higher ilvl gear on you? You want to become BiS (best in slot)? There are the extreme trials, savage raids, and the new ultimate raid and the chaotic alliance raid. I wanted to start doing the high end content, but the static (raid group) I joined were getting pretty upset with how far behind I was, I mean can you even blame me? I was literally brand new to doing it, and they were all being very impatient with me (tbf I was getting into it in the middle of 7.1, so oops on my part). Hopefully I'll get better luck when 7.2 starts, so I can learn with everyone. The only high end content I ever really got to do was EX3 and the chaotic raid; I still wish I could get a clear on the chaotic raid, I was doing pretty good at it, every wipe was to due to not having enough people being alive for a mechanic.
As for other side content that came out during Patch 7.1, really all I got into were the society questline (since it required playing a combat job to run the daily quests), the beginning of the Hildibrand questline, which I mean, every expansion is legally required to feature the gentlemanly inspector, and the conclusion for the DPS role quests. Sorry, I don't craft and gather as much as I should, my highest level crafter is lv 24, and my highest level gatherer is lv 72. Patch 7.2 will have more Hildibrand quests, the upcoming relic questline, which I am very excited for, because I didn't get to experience the Eureka and Bozja questlines that much, it probably would've been way better to do them while they were current content. There will also be Cosmic Exploration, which I've heard will be similar to Island Sanctuary in Endwalker. And watch, even with the higher amount of content coming out during 7.2, we're still going to have to deal with the amount of players on Youtube saying FFXIV has no new content. We were literally spoonfed new content with every patch during Endwalker (Island Sanctuary, Variant Dungeons, new Deep Dungeon since Stormblood), it's on us if Dawntrail gave us less as a result. Idk go do content from earlier expansions that you know you haven't done. Binding Coil, Grand Company, Firmament, Ocean Fishing, role quests, Tataru's Grand Endeavor, etc. Go do them if you're still going to be playing FFXIV, you know who you are. ;)

So um, yeah, what does this mean for me? I should really play more video games, I'm trying hard on that! I can't wait for Patch 7.2 to come out in a couple weeks, maybe I'll do a follow-up to this probably when Patch 7.5 is already out.
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