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Favorite Retro Final Fantasy Game

Favorite retro Final Fantasy

  • Final Fantasy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy III

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy IV

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy VIII

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Dec 18, 2011 at 3:48 PM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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So in commemoration of Final Fantasy day i am starting this poll to see what is your favorite retro Final Fantasy.

Take Note: when giving your oppinion remakes do not count. Direct ports (straight ports with no new content) do.

edit: Also i consider anything prior to the ps2,gamecube and gba to be retro.
Dec 18, 2011 at 4:03 PM
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Definitely Final Fantasy IV. It was the first one I played, and was what got me hooked on RPGs of any kind.
Dec 18, 2011 at 5:36 PM
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Final Fantasy IX is retro? Well in that case, I'm old.
Dec 18, 2011 at 5:49 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
Final Fantasy IX is retro? Well in that case, I'm old.

Oh yeah, definitely can't get enough of those retro classics like Halo 1 and Luigi's Mansion
Dec 18, 2011 at 5:52 PM
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Is there an option for never playing any?
Dec 18, 2011 at 6:13 PM
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Best guess would be, don't pick any of them. I got 1 2 and 3 on my Ipod, I am gonna see if I can find copies of the ones after 4 so I can play them too.
Dec 18, 2011 at 9:08 PM
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Noxid said:
Oh yeah, definitely can't get enough of those retro classics like Halo 1 and Luigi's Mansion

The Halo franchise is still retro. I bought the Anniversary Edition, which is the singleplayer from Halo 1 and the multiplayer from Halo Reach. It was difficult telling the two apart when I used the updated graphics.

Anyway, Final Fantasy. Regardless of what counts as retro, I feel that I and II are underrepresented amongst all the steampunk giant swords androgynous protagonist games. Final Fantasy started out as medieval fantasy, with knights and kings and castles and wizards, and I like to think about what would happen if it returned to its roots.

Edit: oh look, the first game was released 24 years ago today. Maybe next year there will be an anniversary edition of that, too?
Dec 18, 2011 at 10:57 PM
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I have 17 hours on Final Fantasy 1 for GBA and I'm still not at the end of the game, god damn this game is long

I didn't vote because that's the only one I've played, why is it so long and sometimes confusing
Dec 18, 2011 at 11:24 PM
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Final Fantasy V. The class changing system on that was f**king addictive.

As for Final Fantasy IV I never understood what anyone saw in that game. It focused too much on the story and left any character development on the sidelines. Even when characters died I didn't care because I had no emotional involvement. Sure, when it came out the game was revolutionary, but play it without those rose-tinted spectacles and it hadn't aged well. Plus any additions it made to the franchise were reused for the next 5 or more games. I forced myself to play though the whole game hoping that it would get better but it never did.

Captain Fabulous said:
Final Fantasy started out as medieval fantasy, with knights and kings and castles and wizards, and I like to think about what would happen if it returned to its roots.
Did you somehow miss FF9 and FF12?
Dec 19, 2011 at 2:25 AM
Demon taming, headphone wearing, casanova
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I again have to agree. The job system in FF V was pretty much the best and the simplest. I honestly really LOVE FF V.
Dec 19, 2011 at 3:30 AM
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I classify retro as any games that came out before the playstation/ n64 but I guess that's changing?


anyways I haven't played that many ff games tbqh.
II's remake was good but I heard that they totally changed the level up system and added a bunch of shit from the previous one so under marx's guidelines it doesn't count.

in that case IV which was really great!
Dec 19, 2011 at 3:31 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
Anyway, Final Fantasy. Regardless of what counts as retro, I feel that I and II are underrepresented
I still has a pretty huge cult following, and II gets a bad rap (somewhat fairly) because it's so broken/unfair. Both have been re-released a ton of times on various consoles. III is probably the most underappreciated overall, it didn't get a release outside Japan until the DS remake only a few years ago.

Captain Fabulous said:
Final Fantasy started out as medieval fantasy, with knights and kings and castles and wizards, and I like to think about what would happen if it returned to its roots.
Final Fantasy has always had elements of technology blended in with 'traditional' fantasy, that's part of what helped set it apart from Dragon Quest.

I voted V, as it's my favourite anyway. Actually, here's how I've liked all of the ones I've played (One > = small change, >>> = large-ish):
V > VII >> IV >> I > VI >>> VIII > X > IX
FF is always good for some discussion/argumentation :muscledoc:
Dec 19, 2011 at 5:15 AM
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I must confess that I didn't like any of the Final Fantasies I played, although I still have to try out III because it was before they started using that stupid active battle system. I hate navigating menus on a time limit, which is the reason I never finished Chrono Trigger, despite liking everything else about the game.

The most recent FF game I've played is VI, which honestly bored me. Not the storyline, just the battles. They felt like a chore. This is completely hypocritical, since I love Pokemon, but maybe consider shutting your face?
Dec 19, 2011 at 7:01 AM
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Captain Fabulous said:
I must confess that I didn't like any of the Final Fantasies I played, although I still have to try out III because it was before they started using that stupid active battle system. I hate navigating menus on a time limit, which is the reason I never finished Chrono Trigger, despite liking everything else about the game.

The most recent FF game I've played is VI, which honestly bored me. Not the storyline, just the battles. They felt like a chore. This is completely hypocritical, since I love Pokemon, but maybe consider shutting your face?

The last area of FF III is utter bullshit. The four minibosses before Cloud of Darkness get to attack three times before you can, and if you're unlucky, all three will hit the same party member and insta-KO him/her. By that point in the game, the only decent place to grind for reasonable amounts of XP is IN that last section, and you can't leave once you enter. Hell if I'm gonna grind for 10+ levels without the ability to save.

Anyhoo. FFVI was my favorite of the 2D FF's. The battles are pretty bland until you finally start learning magic (where EVERYONE can start learning magic, not just Terra/Celes through leveling), which takes longer than it should. Kefka's a fun villain, even if his development is pretty flat, he pretty much just wants to see the world burn for the hell of it. Maybe I just have a thing for the batshit-crazy, I dunno.

If you could call FFIX retro, I'd choose that. Mainly because I love the overall atmosphere/feel/theme/something of the game, it brought Final FANTASY back to its FANTASY roots. I uh... never actually beat it though. I burned myself out playing chocobo hot-and-cold to find Chocobo Paradise and never really had the will to finish the main storyline after that. I was on the last disk, too...
Dec 19, 2011 at 9:53 PM
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The sixth. Was my first FF ever.