Fab: The Text Adventure

Sep 9, 2011 at 5:46 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
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Class wasn't stimulating enough so I found a way to entertain myself.
You find yourself in a lecture theatre. Obvious exits are NORTH and SOUTH. A PROFESSOR is lecturing about WORLD HISTORY. You have in your inventory a LAPTOP.
>take notes

You attempt to take NOTES but find yourself making a parody of a text adventure. Your PROFESSOR says that you should have a TEXTBOOK and a CLICKER.
>get textbook

Your TEXTBOOK is at home, along with your CLICKER. Good job. Oh well, it’s only the first day.
>make text adventure parody

Nice try, meta-smartass.

Class isn’t over. It would be very rude to exit in the middle of class, and also very counter-productive.
>browse Facebook

Even if you had a Facebook account, that would still be rude and counterproductive.

Sit there and listen to the PROFESSOR, dumbass.
>sit there and listen to the professor

Your PROFESSOR tells you about BLACKBOARD, an online system for submitting and grading ASSIGNMENTS.
>go blackboard

You log onto BLACKBOARD as your PROFESSOR shows you how. There are several assignments on it.
>look assignments

They look awfully familiar, because you already took this class once, fucknuts. Jesus, how do you fail a first-year course? Anyway, one of the things is a discussion response.
>do homework

Before class is even over? Sure, let’s get a head start. The discussion question is:
“How would you define history? What do you think being a historian involves?”
>agree with previous response

Not only is that an awful idea, no one else has posted. Class isn’t even over. You’ll be the trailblazer.
>log off

As you log off BLACKBOARD, you wonder how obvious it is that you are not taking NOTES. Your PROFESSOR is only going over the SYLLABUS. Which is in your INVERTORY. Maybe I should have mentioned that.
>read syllabus

It looks a lot like every SYLLABUS you’ve ever seen, and even more like the one you had for this course last time.
>stop making smartass text adventure

Good luck finding something else to do.
>talk syllabus

That’s a retarded command and you know it. -15 points just for that.
Your score is -15.
>read the screen of person next to you

You’d like to, but they’re taking notes in size 1 font. There’s no way you’ll read that without being extremely obvious.
>wear glasses

You don’t have your GLASSES because they make you look like a doof.
>doof isn’t a word

I don’t understand the command “doof”.
>listen to PROFESSOR

Well there’s an original thought. She’s talking about PLAGARISM, telling an anecdote about some student of hers. No one is laughing except that CHUBBY LOUDMOUTH.
It’s not a very funny story, is probably why.
>talk chubby loudmouth

Dude, you’re in the middle of class. That’s even worse than browsing Facebook. You must really be bored. Luckily for you, class is now over.
>exit NORTH

Thank you for playing HISTORY 190. Your score was -15.
That was written just to entertain myself, but now I've started writing more.

It's that time of day again: night. The time creeps steadily towards 12:00, ignoring your unwillingness to sleep. You are abed in your BED, LAPTOP on your lap, skyping on SKYPE. You are wearing PAJAMA PANTS and HOUSECOAT. The only obvious exit is UP.
Wat do.

You glance up from your screen to survey your familiar surroundings. A LAMP, resting on your nightstand, casts a low, warm light around your BEDROOM. The walls are purple, a decision you do not and probably never will regret making, because purple is awesome. To the EAST, your CLOSET door stands ajar, revealing your DRESSER and SWEET HAT COLLECTION. To the left of the CLOSET is your bedroom door, closed.
>look hat collection

There are only two HATS sitting on the shelf. One of them is not even sweet. There are a few more sweet hats scattered around the house, but your sweet hat collection is definitely lacking in sweet hats.
Anyway, one of them is that sweet hat you got in Germany. The other is just a red baseball cap.
>go up

You get up out of bed. You quickly sit back down due to low blood pressure. Would you like to give that another try?
>yeah sure

You now stand in the middle of your room, on a carpet of dirty clothes. Remember when I said you were lazy? Anyway, you have put your laptop down on the bed instead of casting it to the floor by standing.
>get hat

You don your GERMAN HAT. It probably has a real name, but you'll be damned if you've ever heard it.
>go east

You walk into a wall.
>go door

You walk into a DOOR.
>open door, smartass

You quietly open your door. Your PARENTS are in bed by now and you don't want to disturb them.
Oh ha ha did I say "quietly"? The doorknob clicks loudly as it is turned, and when you pull it the door grinds against the doorframe. You finish opening the door and the hinges groan.

Not here, the BATHROOM is literally two feet away. God, you're lazy.
>not what i meant

That's what I interpreted it as.

You are facing out your door and into the darkened HALLWAY.
>look hallway

It's fucking dark, numbnuts. You can hardly make anything out.
>turn on light

You reach across the HALLWAY and flip the HOLY MOTHER OF CHRIST IT BURNS
>turn off light

You turn the LIGHT back off. Any night vision you had is now gone. You know where to go from memory, though. The HALLWAY stretches away NORTH. Exits are PARENTS' ROOM, BATHROOM and KITCHEN. There is also another CLOSET.
>go closet

You squeeze yourself into the CLOSET. All the RANDOM SHIT and COATS in there make quite a bit of noise. That was a stupid idea. Now you've woken up your parents. How inconsiderate. You are a terrible son.
>go hallway

You are now back in the dark hallway.
>go kitchen

You tiptoe into the KITCHEN, making a fuckload of noise on account of the squeaky floor. It's still fairly dark in here, but there is some streetlight filtering through the curtains. The CUPBOARDS and FRIDGE are filled with DELICIOUS NOMZ.
>acquire delicious nomz

You pick up a bag of pretzels. The crinkling lets your PARENTS know of your unhealthy eating habits. I guess they haven't taught you better.

Disregard guilt, acquire salty awesomeness.
>go hallway

You are now back in the dark HALLWAY.
>go bedroom

You squeak back into your BEDROOM, grinding the door shut and clicking the doorknob.
>go down

On what? Loner.
>fuck off

The command "fuck" can't be used in this context.
>eat a dick

You try but simply aren't flexible enough. You never have been and never will be.
>go into bed

You slip into BED still fully clothed, clutching the bad of pretzels. Your LAPTOP is still on the BED.

You cannot possibly SLEEP. You are wearing a GERMAN HAT and holding a BAG OF PRETZELS. Besides, the goal of this game is to PROCRASTINATE SLEEPING.
>eat pretzels

You start eating the PRETZELS. You are now feeling rather GERMAN.
>weiter essen brezeln

Du bist wirklich in die TASCHE jetzt graben. Sie sagen voraus, dass sie essen werden diese für eine weile.
>be english

You revert back to the only language you can speak. Your mouth begins to feel quite dry because of all these PRETZELS.
>drink water

You have no water to drink. You do not sleep in the BATHROOM or the KITCHEN.
>sleep in bathroom

That's pretty much the worst idea ever. Do you want to wake up when someone has to poop? Do you want to sleep in a place that smells like poop afterward? The BATHTUB is too small to lie in anyway.
>go door

Walk into your door again. Your PARENTS definitely heard it this time. You sure do excel at disturbing their sleep.

You open your DOOR noisily again.
>can't you do it quiety?

That's as quiet as it gets. Stop asking questions, just issue commands.
>go hallway

You are now back in the dark HALLWAY.
>open bathroom door

Wow, you're getting good at opening doors! You open the BATHROOM DOOR. It's just as dark in there as it is out here.
>go bathroom

You feel your way into the BATHROOM, managing not to hit anything. It's still dark.
>close door

Privacy is always important. You close the BATHROOM DOOR.
>sleep in bathroom

What? No. That's stupid. I already told you how stupid that is. That's an awful, awful idea.
>sleep in bathtub

You don't even have any PILLOWS and you're still wearing your stupid HAT.
>remove hat

You remove your hat and put it down where the COUNTER should be. Luckily for you, the COUNTER is still there.
>drink water

You grope your way over to the TOILET, lift up the lid and...
>drink from the sink, also fuck you

Maybe you should be more specific. You turn on the cold tap and dip your head down to collect vital WATER into your mouth. However, the way is blocked by something soft.
>look soft thing

It's dark. You can't. Why do you think you're a cat or something?
>feel soft thing

You don't just want to turn on the light? Okay. You examine the object and discover that it is your HAT. You accidentally put it in the SINK, then poured WATER on it.
>you son of a bitch

You had a random enCOUNTER and lost. Deal with it.
>that's not funny

Yes it is.
>take hat

You retrieve your soggy headgear from the SINK. It drips on the floor and makes you hate yourself for being STUPID.
>not really

It sure does. You wonder if your HAT will be permanently damaged.
>drink water

You might as well get what you came here for. You return to the TOILET and lap up some WATER.

What would your PARENTS think?
>spit out water

Nope, you drank it. You wonder exactly how many days ago you cleaned the bowl.
>open door

You open the BATHROOM DOOR. It's quieter than yours.
>go hallway

You are now back in the dark HALLWAY.
>go bedroom

Here we are again.
>place hat on heating vent

I didn't even tell you about a HEATING VENT. Aren't you just the cleverest little thing. Anyway, you put your HAT on it in hopes of drying it off faster. Unfortunately, it is still early SEPTEMBER and it's too warm for the furance to activate.
>oh well. eat a pretzel

You find yourself giving surprisingly few fucks about the hat. You munch on a single PRETZEL as you stare at the damage you've done to it. Half of it is all wet. The half with the feather in it.
>take pillow

You pick up your PILLOW and tuck it under one arm. Your other hand is still carrying the BAG.
>disregard bag, acquire blanket

You set the BAG OF PRETZELS down on the floor because you're such a tidy person. You take your DUVET BLANKET and roll it up into a manageable ball.
>turn off lamp

You switch off your LAMP. Everything is once again pitch black, but you don't really need to see to get around.
>go hallway

You trip over the bag of pretzels on your way out the door. Good going there.
>go bathroom.

You enter the... hold on, what the fuck, god damn it. No. Don't.
>close door

You close the DOOR, but that's a pretty fucking terrible idea because what are you going to do in a bathroom with a pillow and a blanket I mean really.
>sleep in bathtub

Alright, fine sleep in the fucking bathtub for whatever retarded reason you want to. It's not very comfortable because it's a fucking bathtub, but the thick blanket protects you from the worst of it. When your mother finds you like that in the morning, she sets you up with a therapist, you weird sack of shit.

And you wrecked your hat forever, too.

Game over, your score was "what the actual fuck is wrong with you."
That started as a realistic scenario, but I have never done any stupid stuff like that.
¯\_Sitting In Class_/¯
_/ Anthropology 101 \_

An adventure in not giving a shit

You find yourself in the same classroom as before. However, it is different this time. There are different students, and a different professor. It is ANTH 101. You are once again completely bored by the professor’s introduction to the class. You have decided to make... A TEXT ADVENTURE.

Your are on your laptop. IRC and Skype are active. What will you do?
>ignore professor

But he’s talking about anthropology. It’s a subject you have some interest in. That’s why you’re taking this course!
>listen to professor

He’s been talking about different anthropological subjects. Right now, it’s values and polygamy. You will definitely not be tested on whatever he’s saying.
>ignore professor

Yeah alright. You resume typing.
>be self-conscious

Uh oh, this isn’t note-taking material. There’s no way you could be taking notes. You’re not fooling anyone.
>ignore self-consciousness

You decide to screw whatever your classmates think. However. Your professor can still see you typing. He’s much more important than your classmates.
>look professor

Good idea. Your professor is a casually dressed man with short white hair and a goatee. He looks like a high school teacher somehow. Must be the lack of a tie. At any rate, he doesn’t look like he’ll get mad at you for not paying attention. At this point in time, he is talking about your syllabus and how you should pay attention to it.
>look syllabus

It’s pretty standard, albeit with some interesting design decisions. It has two required texts listed. Good thing you have them in your bag!
>look bag

It’s a black satchel with Velcro and plastic clips. Because of the Velcro, you don’t want to open it without good reason.
>listen to professor

He has introduced another speaker who will talk about the Learning Skills Center, a boring place for dummies that you have certainly never set foot in.
>listen to speaker

She’s droning on about stuff you learned last year.
>look speaker

No, she’s not hot.
>ignore speaker

You are rubber and her words are also rubber. It’s like a ballpit over here.
>check IRC

Active users are Noxid, CptFabulous and WildDesu. WildDesu is talking about her cat, as usual.
>make cat rape joke

You don’t think that would fly, so you just write “>make cat rape joke.” WildDesu interprets this as a Pokemon move. Close enough.
>stop ignoring self-consciousness

Oh god what if someone behind you saw that, now they probably think you’re some kind of zoophile.
>ignore self-consciousness

No, it could have been a cute girl back there. What if it’s a cute girl? You have to confirm.
>turn around

You can’t just turn around! Could you possibly do anything more awkward?
>ignore self-consciousness

Too late for that man, you have to find some way to find out if a cute girl thinks you’re a zoophile.
>use powers of reasoning

This university has 60% female attendance, and everyone knows that the ladies love Anthropology. The chances of a female reading your screen are good. Also, anyone behind you would pretty much be sitting at the back of class. People who sit at the back of class are not the best students. You try to think how this could correlate with attractiveness, but to know avail.
You are now fairly sure the cute girl behind you is completely disgusted with you.
>use powers of reasoning

Okay, you don’t know who’s behind you. Think of something!
>look reflection

Reflection? Where?
>computer screen

You try to use your computer screen as a mirror to see behind you, but it’s too brightly lit. Seeing anything past your huge nose is impossible.

You turn the backlight off. Now you can see a dark, slightly green mirror image of the row behind you. Your head blocks your view of the person directly behind you, which means you’re safe from them. To your left is two men. To your right... two women! You study their reflections closely, but can’t quite make out their facial features.
>listen to girls

Brilliant! They’re having a quiet conversation. Maybe they sound ugly or something. It’s worth a shot!
“...my girlfriend was—” Well, that’s one down. And the other one probably can’t read your screen at such an extreme angle. She should be listening to the professor, anyway.
>listen to professor

He’s started talking again. Something about class being over.
>put laptop in bag

You close your laptop and slide it into your satchel. Everyone else is already standing up and leaving because they were paying attention.
>stand up and leave

You meld with the crowd as it oozes out the doors.
You won. Your score was 0 fucks given about class.
I didn't have time to CAPITALIZE shit, and it was throwing off my groove anyway.

I'll be writing more of these and posting them on the forums if you guys want to read them. You might notice that they don't cover terribly interesting situations; that's because I don't have time to write them during terribly interesting situations. It's more fun to make these while I'm experiencing them, but I'll have to move on to non-computer-having situations eventually.
Sep 9, 2011 at 5:57 AM
inside is yello
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Wow, that's pretty good!
Sep 9, 2011 at 12:09 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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You know, a little elf told me about this!
I'll read when I'm not supposed to be leaving for school.
Sep 9, 2011 at 1:37 PM
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Heh, very good. I read all of them. Everyone has at one tiem or another been rude to one of these machines. It's funny to see one being rude to you.
Sep 9, 2011 at 3:45 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I'm bumping this because it's way cooler than norevenge's "threds."

Like I said before Fab, these are amazing. You should consider making moar, for the good of mankind.
Sep 9, 2011 at 8:58 PM
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"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Those are pretty good. Humorous, yet entertaining, and fun. Interactive Fiction is fun to play sometimes.

Kind of reminds me of this.
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:07 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
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ShinyElectricBlueTiger said:
Humorous yet entertaining.
Either you go by a different definition of 'humorous' than I do, or a different definition of 'yet'.
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:21 PM
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Nice. Now I feel sorry we only had regular (paper) notebooks @ the university. Some clases were so boring and worthless, I'd have done definitely do something like that. That way I had to play the "5 in a row" game with myself. Also I ate much before the most boring classes, and digested there peacefully while other students were nervous about the time lost in the classroom :momo:
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:22 PM
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"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Lace said:
Either you go by a different definition of 'humorous' than I do, or a different definition of 'yet'.

Sorry about that. Fail on my part.
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:26 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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ShinyElectricBlueTiger said:
Kind of reminds me of this.

You are likely to be eaten by a GRUE.
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:32 PM
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"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Captain Fabulous said:
You are likely to be eaten by a GRUE.
Actually, I have. Thankfully, I brought my laptop down with me. I'm having a hard time concentrating due to the screaming, laughing, and all of the heat. Maybe I should go up...
Sep 9, 2011 at 9:41 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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ShinyElectricBlueTiger said:
Sorry about that. Fail on my part.
'Sall good. I was just worrying that I wasn't understanding something important.
Sep 9, 2011 at 10:10 PM
daughter of chivalry
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I envy Fab's creativity
Sep 9, 2011 at 11:20 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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>make disparaging joke towards Cpt. Fabulous
Sep 10, 2011 at 2:22 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
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You do not have the items needed to make one of those!
Sep 10, 2011 at 2:32 AM
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"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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>get items to make DISPARAGING
Sep 10, 2011 at 6:33 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
Pronouns: he/him
My laptop an hero'd, so you probably won't see another one of these until it's fixed or replaced.

Also Minecraft.
Sep 10, 2011 at 11:15 PM
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I didn't read any of that lol.