Encyclopedia Dramatica

May 31, 2011 at 1:19 AM
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If you got this far, congrats. You are not repulsed by those two words. Or maybe you don't know what Encyclopedia Dramatica is, you lucky bastard.
First thing: I'm not proud of this thread. ED isn't something I want to bring to the forums, but if there is even one person here who likes it, then I must inform them:
It's alive.
On April 19th, the owner of Encyclopedia Dramatica sold the domain name and the website was replaced with OhInternet, a poor imitation of Know Your Meme. Obviously, ED users were enraged. I thought it was all over, and I mourned the loss of such a... unique... website. Then I found EncyclopediaDramatica.ch, and I was relieved. It's missing a few articles, but it doesn't have those god-awful ads anymore! Hooray!


So now I guess anyone who cares, which I can't imagine is a lot of you, can comment on the greatness/awfulness of ED.
May 31, 2011 at 1:26 AM
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captain fabulous there are young children on these forums and honestly you should not expose them to this shit

don't give me this "oh I provided a warning and didn't link it" shit because you know very well you have piqued their curiosity and they will find it and they will be mortified and they will keep reading
May 31, 2011 at 1:49 AM
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It's kind of a boring site.
May 31, 2011 at 1:52 AM
A old relic from older days
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I was a bit perplexed when I saw this thread, thinking "What's Fab mentioning ED for?" I think Sexplosive brings up a good point on the younger half of the forum members here. To be fair, it's true the content of forums here isn't 100% sfw. The thread pairing members together is a more extreme example, and I'll even admit I gave some support to that smut. With that in mind, maybe I'm a bit of a hypocrite for saying this, but I think ED might be a bit too broad and extreme of a corruptive realm to be mentioning. It's more than the errant slashfic or nsfw image.

Maybe I'm just trying to balance out my karma, I dunno.
May 31, 2011 at 2:16 AM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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what cripplechair said

I mean ED is obviously satire but it's very brazen and unrelenting in how it deals with things and just

I dunno you can easily avoid the stuff you see here while there it's just... everywhere

speaking of which I need to get back on my Lace x WoC fic
May 31, 2011 at 6:00 AM
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Look, ED has incredibly, incredibly awful things on it. If you don't want to see incredibly, incredibly awful things, don't look it up. If you will be scarred for life but can't help yourself and you go look it up anyway, get off the internet, dumbass.
Anyone who stays on the site after seeing goatse the first time is able to deal with it, anyone else who sees goatse won't go on the website again. Simple.
I'd like to give more warnings, but we all know that will make you stupid, hypothetical kids want to scar yourselves.
I'm no father.
May 31, 2011 at 11:46 AM
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Me and this guy were huge fans of ED back when were 13-14. In fact it was the only thing keeping us together as friends! I guess it's interesting to read the articles about people who did won/failed amazingly at something but aren't famous at all. Also some of the jokes are gold, it's awesome if you see someone you know getting mentioned.
May 31, 2011 at 10:51 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
So now I guess anyone who cares, which I can't imagine is a lot of you, can comment on the greatness/awfulness of ED.
Erectile dysfunction sucks.
May 31, 2011 at 11:00 PM
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Thank you Lace, I honestly didn't think we'd go nine whole posts without an erectile dysfunction joke. It had to be done.
May 31, 2011 at 11:18 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Lace said:
Erectile dysfunction sucks.

Pretty sure there is nothing getting sucked when it comes to ED.
May 31, 2011 at 11:26 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
Thank you Lace, I honestly didn't think we'd go nine whole posts without an erectile dysfunction joke. It had to be done.
I know! And you set it up so nicely, too!
Jun 11, 2011 at 8:20 AM
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The site does have some horrible shit on it. Specifically one article containing every horrifically mind-scarring image on the net. But I will give ED some credit, because their Billy Mays article is fucking golden.
Jun 13, 2011 at 11:13 AM
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This site is kind of boring.
Jun 14, 2011 at 3:15 AM
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This site affected my way of thinking. I think it robbed me of arrogance, though, and made me not want to just sit on the intermet forever.
Still isolated myself, but it was a start...
Jun 14, 2011 at 3:46 PM
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Satire at its best. That's what ED is all about.

Some articles are pretty interesting to read, especially the ones about internet users that fucked up big.
Jun 14, 2011 at 9:15 PM
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The articles on specific people are usually pretty boring, as they are full of /b/tards and LJ drama queens ragging on someone to make themselves feel better. I find the political articles to be among the best, especially Sandalgate.
Jun 15, 2011 at 4:04 PM
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WD said:
I'm not a fan of the invasion of privacy and sharing of personal information and thus ruining of lives, honestly. But I guess it's just natural for people to get entertainment out of that e_e

That's just how things work.