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Jul 3, 2010 at 3:23 AM
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Of course Ralren missed the point of the forums; he's not part of them. He quit, and he's never un-quit, onky trolled from the shadows. These forums are very much alive. Maybe this isn't their peak anymore, or maybe their peak is yet to come, but we're going strong, and I want to protect us.

Also, I'm sorry for the confusion about who posted the thread. I got the information second-hand, and no one could seem to agree on who it was.
Jul 3, 2010 at 3:24 AM
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cultr1 said:
I think you're missing the point of these forums, Ralren. New mods are developed, released and perfected; discussions are made, theories are thought of. It's not just about Cave Story anymore, people talk, make off topic threads, make compendiums of every line of code.
It seems to me you see the forums as a mechanic to discuss Cave Story and nothing else, but you're wrong. It's gone way beyond that, I look forward to the new 2x res hack, the release of WTF Story demo v.5, and the day I can release my mod in progress.
If you came to these forms just to talk about Cave Story, then yeah, you might find that we're leaving that topic.
If you think these forums are crumbling, then GTFO and stop depressing everyone else.

You're trying too hard.
Jul 3, 2010 at 3:26 AM
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You people are stupid. These aren't "those Cave Story forums," because they aren't meant to be about Cave Story. It just happened to be very popular for its Cave Story sections and pages. Look at all of the other sections, they're still a part of the forums, a lot of them older than the Cave Story sections. Stop bitching about mods and Cave Story. That's not what Miraigamer is meant to be about. I know you people don't realize there's anything but Cave Story on these forums, and I know Nicalis doesn't know anything about us. According to them and everyone who's told them, we're a Cave Story forum and that's simply not true.

I'm worried about Nicalis taking away the actual Miraigamer and replacing us with a generic Cave Story fanforum, which they already think we are.
Jul 3, 2010 at 3:30 AM
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Err... What will happen to those poor zelda3c guys?
Jul 3, 2010 at 3:31 AM
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Noxid said:
Err... What will happen to those poor zelda3c guys?

Well, I don't think Nicalis even knows about them.
Jul 3, 2010 at 3:31 AM
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The Cave Story Discussion forum is bland compared to here, the Satellite Lounge. As for those other forums... I don't think they're very important. Oh well. I've never seen anyone from those post in the Sat Lounge and not Cave Story Forums. CS forums are the most active, but this is really where everyone gets to know (and flame) each other. If this place goes, I go (troll).
Jul 3, 2010 at 8:10 AM
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Jul 3, 2010 at 8:31 AM
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cultr1 said:
Give it to Chandler?

Not what I was going to say, but I think that giving it to chandler would certainly break it.

EDIT: My avatar is freaking me out, should I change it? (addressing everyone here)
Jul 3, 2010 at 10:24 AM
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cultr1 started that thread and then made a request to have it deleted. SP complied. *shrug*

Captain Fabulous said:
Oh, by the way, it IS necessary. MG is hosted by some school or organization that SkyeWelse belongs to, so it's free for him. He's leaving it this year, though, so he has to give it to someone else or have it shut down.
Actually the hosting costs Skye money last I remember of it. When the forums were updated back in 2008 Skye took the opportunity to switch to a cheaper host. The thing is the new host had unlimited storage space and unlimited bandwidth, which allowed Skye to use it for his own projects, miraigamer, and any other sites with very little added cost. If Skye was handing over ownership I doubt it would be due to financial concerns.
Jul 3, 2010 at 3:34 PM
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This is false.

This is correct.

Jul 3, 2010 at 3:51 PM
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If NiCALIS ask for us to take down the Cave Story Remix Project 2, I Swear I will start a Massacre
Jul 3, 2010 at 4:09 PM
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Heehee why would do that? There's no law against remixes.
I believe the project will be safe.
Jul 3, 2010 at 6:58 PM
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Okay. So. I was misinformed. I'm sorry about this whole thread. Gardebiter is not working for the Ministry of Truth, and Nicalis won't be invading for some time, if ever. We've all expressed our concerns (although you people all think they're going to fuck up your mods and remixes for some reason. Why would they do that?), and now I'd like someone to lock this thread, because it was made under the impression that Gardebiter deleted the other thread without Cultr1 tellig him to, which is incorrect.
Jul 3, 2010 at 9:58 PM
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As requested.

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