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Jul 2, 2010 at 7:51 PM
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So, last night, while I was asleep, WoodenRat* made a thread informing everyone that SkyeWelse is handing over ownership of the forums to Nicalis. I'm not sure how much he said, because Gardebiter immediately deleted the thread.

The fuck, dudes.

When I first heard of this news last week, I wasn't happy, but I decided to give Nicalis the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they won't try to change Mirai Gamer. They could just own the place, and maybe put some advertisements on it. I'd be okay with that, even though it sure was having an ad-free website. But if they try to turn this into a mirror image of their own forums, I will not be amused.

Now this. The whole deal starts out with Gardebiter deleting the first thread to talk about it. If this was just Gardebiter being drunk and confused as usual, then I guess I'm overreacting. But if he was drunk, confused and following orders from SkyeWelse or Nicalis, I'm pissed off right now.

*It was actually cultr1. My bad.
Lies and slander have been spoilered for your convenience. Turns out Cutlr1 PM'd Gardebiter to delete the thread. Blame Fire1052 for misinforming me.
Jul 2, 2010 at 8:10 PM
The Bucket Fairy
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Thread deleted in 5
Jul 2, 2010 at 8:19 PM
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God damn it Captain, are you seriously trying to piss off SP? Really?
Regardless, these forums are going to hell anyways.
Jul 2, 2010 at 9:20 PM
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I made a thread about that last night,
But when I found out I shouldn't have I requested That SP deleted it, which he did.
Not sure if you meant that :/
Jul 2, 2010 at 9:28 PM
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I wasn't there. I only heard that WoodenRat made a thread about it, and it got deleted. Perhaps you both did it.
Jul 2, 2010 at 9:37 PM
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Jul 2, 2010 at 9:38 PM
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I truthfully am not that bothered by the switch (although I feel it is unnecessary). New members aren't that much of a problem really (even if they do think that cavestory wii is better). There's only one thing that could get me really pissed off though: if we lose the cavestory mods. If they do that, you probably won't see me here anymore (I'll probably join a touhou forum or something).

And please try to not bother SP too much.
Jul 2, 2010 at 9:46 PM
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Let me explain why I am upset:
The Nicalis forums are boring.
Mirai Gamer wouldn't be the same without the flamewars, swearing and abundant sexual innuendo. The mods section is probably the safest out of everything, don't worry, Landon.
If they try to make us a happy, helpful little community that follows the rules and gets along with everyone, well... I refuse to be a part of that. I have no problem with the change of ownership, as long as that's the only thing that changes.

Oh, by the way, it IS necessary. MG is hosted by some school or organization that SkyeWelse belongs to, so it's free for him. He's leaving it this year, though, so he has to give it to someone else or have it shut down. I suppose he made the best choice possible, since Nicalis likes Cave Story as much as any of us, and they have enough money to support Mirai Gamer.
Jul 2, 2010 at 11:09 PM
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Does anyone know if Nicalis will squash any and all mods in the first place?
Jul 2, 2010 at 11:12 PM
The Bucket Fairy
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cultr1 said:
Does anyone know if Nicalis will squash any and all mods in the first place?
Probably not, because Pixel himself said that mods were allowed.
Jul 2, 2010 at 11:18 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Hopefully they're safe.
If Nicalis tries to baby-fy the forums, is there an alternative forum?
I heard tile 44 will be up soon, but I heard there will be another.
Jul 2, 2010 at 11:22 PM
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No. There is no replacement for Mirai Gamer. It will be a gaping chasm in our hearts and minds.
By the way, I'd like some confirmation from WoodenRat that he did make a thread.
Jul 2, 2010 at 11:38 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
No. There is no replacement for Mirai Gamer. It will be a gaping chasm in our hearts and minds.
By the way, I'd like some confirmation from WoodenRat that he did make a thread.

I'm not talking about a full replacement, just some cheap caulk to fill the hole that Nicalis will create.
Jul 3, 2010 at 1:12 AM
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Lol I was wondering if anyone would spot that heehee.
Jul 3, 2010 at 1:26 AM
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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Why can't you all shut your ***** mouths?
Why you need to do this...
This isn't very helpful.

Think about it again...

[Personal Opinion] I'm afraid of what's going to happen to MG if Nicalis is involved.
I bet there are Agreements, but still.
Looks like other interests are out of the game, because of money.
[/Personal Opinion]

Anyways, let's lurk.
Jul 3, 2010 at 1:26 AM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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Caulk! hehe

Hey Cultr1,
How do you break a tuba?
Jul 3, 2010 at 2:08 AM
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Landonpeanut said:
Caulk! hehe

Hey Cultr1,
How do you break a tuba?

Give it to Chandler?
Jul 3, 2010 at 2:26 AM
"All your forum are belong to us!"
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By the fucking way, quit saying Woodenrat made the thread. It was Cultr1 who did it, Woodenrat didn't do shit. He probably posted something in the thread but nothing else. Life goes on folks, good things just have to go. The sad thing is that these forums used to be a good thing, (somewhat), but right now they are just blowing up into rubble. There aren't any discussions about Cavestory, and everyone just dissected everything out of it. A forum about one game isn't going to last forever. Good game guys.
Jul 3, 2010 at 3:09 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Ralren said:
The sad thing is that these forums used to be a good thing, (somewhat), but right now they are just blowing up into rubble. There aren't any discussions about Cavestory, and everyone just dissected everything out of it. A forum about one game isn't going to last forever. Good game guys.

I think you're missing the point of these forums, Ralren. New mods are developed, released and perfected; discussions are made, theories are thought of. It's not just about Cave Story anymore, people talk, make off topic threads, make compendiums of every line of code.
It seems to me you see the forums as a mechanic to discuss Cave Story and nothing else, but you're wrong. It's gone way beyond that, I look forward to the new 2x res hack, the release of WTF Story demo v.5, and the day I can release my mod in progress.
If you came to these forms just to talk about Cave Story, then yeah, you might find that we're leaving that topic.
If you think these forums are crumbling, then GTFO and stop depressing everyone else.
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