Donald Trump Has Won The Presidential Election

Nov 10, 2016 at 11:40 PM
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found this image about the election and thought it was funny
Nov 10, 2016 at 11:51 PM
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I'm not sure if it's just because this election, but is this really what happens to forums after every election, people spatting their opinions (respectable and fair opinions of course), or is this just this election?
Just this election. You barely heard a word of prior elections before now.
Nov 10, 2016 at 11:51 PM
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found this image about the election and thought it was funny
That is the most accurate image I have ever seen
Nov 11, 2016 at 1:58 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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On Trump's 100 days plan, this one particular section worries me: Five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law. Specifically the first and second actions.
FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action,
memorandum and order issued by President Obama.
SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement
for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list,
who will uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution.
This HEAVILY implies revoking women's health and gay rights. HEAVILY.

^There's way too much of that these days... Sure there is plenty of those who have valid criticism for one reason or another, but man, the comments on some sites are just... random and illogically pessimistic.

Say what you will about him and his own pessimistic tactics, but I really think he wants to make the US as successful as possible (1).
This article with quotes from that book he had a hand in does a pretty good job at describing him for better and for worse:
Of course that's back from 1987, so take it with some salt.

As for his policies... He was aligned with the democrats not that long ago (2). He's not your typical republican or conservative. And he's been in the left's media machine for a while. He does have his plan for the first 100 days which I think he'll stick to for the most part. But beyond that, people should be using this chance to get together and organizing their plans and voices. If there is a particular agenda that you feel strongly about, it seems like now is the time to get involved in politics, rather than shut down and sulk, rebel or run away. With the stars aligning for republicans it just seems like a unique time to get involved in this stuff... for either side since so many people are paying attention more than they were.

Anyway... I just think this presidency will be willing to listen to anyone that has a good plan for the future (3). You just have to be willing to go beyond feeling helpless, and instead desire to start something, work with others, and stick with it; always looking for a better plan and keep evolving while staying true to your core principles or agenda.

Perhaps nothing has changed for you, or maybe it has... but if you have changed, then that's where it starts.
I mean if Trump can become president, then anything is possible D: ;)

(I know I'm missing a lot of details to make a convincing argument, but hopefully you get the spirit of the message.)

Sorry you have to deal with this craziness!
I've numbered some key flaws in your logic.

(1) No he does not. He's interested in helping out big business, but only insofar as keeping the American consumer populace complacent. He makes a few appeasing laws here and there but on the whole he'd destroy consumer protection and rights. The rich would get richer and the poor would get poorer.
(2) No he was not. Donald J. Trump may have SAID he was a democrat but he's been conservative since forever.
(3) Sure, as long as you're a straight white male.
Nov 11, 2016 at 4:16 AM
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found this image about the election and thought it was funny

That is the most accurate image I have ever seen

Both sides had both kinds of people - some on each side did good things and some on each side did bad things. That image is unbelievably inaccurate.
Nov 11, 2016 at 10:56 AM
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You know, considering everything that's come to light this election cycle, it would be nice to see the Democrats held accountable for their incompetence and ineffectiveness. It would be nice to see demand for change being treated seriously, and for the rights of Americans to be treated with less contempt. It would be nice to see progressives pushed to put more effort in than "hey at least I didn't think Obama was a muslim". It would be nice to see something being done about the increasingly worrying situation in colleges over there at the moment. It would be nice to know which accusations made about Clinton's shadiness were true and which ones were echoes of a quarter-century of smear attempts. Above all, it would be nice to see anger and divisiveness in general die down instead of continuing to spread over the internet.

It's a pity that none of that's going to happen now.

This line I've gone with so far is "disappointment for everyone involved" and I'm sticking to it. Even the awful things are going to be disappointing in their lack of extreme awfulness. If Hillary was to be a grudging acceptance of the status quo, then Trump is a bellowing demand for as little genuine change as possible. I'm still not sure he himself understands how ideal his timing was, being able to co-opt the language Republicans have been pushing for years, refocus it more directly on liberal elitism (i.e. a more flammable target) than big government socialism, and then carry that momentum straight through to the rising of a new reactionary right online. That real base - his most genuine and vocal supporters - combined with a quickly revitalised Republican party, will ensure America goes absolutely nowhere while he's in office. They will hold him accountable for nothing, because any accountability will threaten his (and by extension, their) immunity to any sort of behavioural or intellectual criticism. It's the mantra of social media; if a problem can't be solved by telling someone to go screw themselves, then it isn't a problem worth solving. All that will result is an online discourse dominated by people who are ever increasingly angry that their intentionally meaningless anger doesn't mean anything. Just how we always wanted it.
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Nov 11, 2016 at 2:20 PM
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all i'm saying is
at least we aren't going to die now
Nov 12, 2016 at 4:20 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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You know, considering everything that's come to light this election cycle, it would be nice to see the Democrats held accountable for their incompetence and ineffectiveness. It would be nice to see demand for change being treated seriously, and for the rights of Americans to be treated with less contempt. It would be nice to see progressives pushed to put more effort in than "hey at least I didn't think Obama was a muslim". It would be nice to see something being done about the increasingly worrying situation in colleges over there at the moment. It would be nice to know which accusations made about Clinton's shadiness were true and which ones were echoes of a quarter-century of smear attempts. Above all, it would be nice to see anger and divisiveness in general die down instead of continuing to spread over the internet.

It's a pity that none of that's going to happen now.

This line I've gone with so far is "disappointment for everyone involved" and I'm sticking to it. Even the awful things are going to be disappointing in their lack of extreme awfulness. If Hillary was to be a grudging acceptance of the status quo, then Trump is a bellowing demand for as little genuine change as possible. I'm still not sure he himself understands how ideal his timing was, being able to co-opt the language Republicans have been pushing for years, refocus it more directly on liberal elitism (i.e. a more flammable target) than big government socialism, and then carry that momentum straight through to the rising of a new reactionary right online. That real base - his most genuine and vocal supporters - combined with a quickly revitalised Republican party, will ensure America goes absolutely nowhere while he's in office. They will hold him accountable for nothing, because any accountability will threaten his (and by extension, their) immunity to any sort of behavioural or intellectual criticism. It's the mantra of social media; if a problem can't be solved by telling someone to go screw themselves, then it isn't a problem worth solving. All that will result is an online discourse dominated by people who are ever increasingly angry that their intentionally meaningless anger doesn't mean anything. Just how we always wanted it.

tl,dr; the majority of Americans are assholes, which I agree with. Nobody in this entire country has any kind of forward thinking.

Our planet has finite resources. Additionally, keeping the entire human race on one small rock in space makes it easy for us to all be wiped out by one single major disaster. Additionally, with the advent of manned space flight, we are closer than ever to actually expanding "human territory" beyond our Earth. If our species manages to survive another hundred years, population growth and a demand for natural resources and land will reach a head. As time continues, we will have fewer and fewer options until eventually the only one left is to colonize other planets.

Space exploration and colonization is the next step for humanity. But if we don't begin preparing for it now by 1) settling the differences between us internationally, 2) uniting under the common goal of our species' survival, and 3) conserving natural resources that will allow us to build the things that will get us off planet, then we will be stuck here forever. That means our species will ultimately go extinct.

Additionally, the very nature of our economic system will have to change as we get closer and closer to a point where automation will take control of manufacturing and labor-intensive jobs. Eventually, the only jobs that would be practical for humans to have over machines and robots would be space exploration and colonization, government, and entertainment. The economy will have to gradually shift over time to reflect this. Capitalism forces us to remain in a constant social, political, and economic stasis as we're too busy arguing about wealth and government to get anything meaningful done. Meanwhile communism stifles the creativity and inventiveness of its population by oppressing it. Only a socialist democracy can sustain itself in a future where the human race expands out into space.

A group of people is never going to comprehend the... ahem... gravity of the situation. Especially not career politicians like the ones in America. We need one single, strong-minded, powerful, non-corrupt, and moral individual to rebuild not only our government but the world's and its outlook and goals for the future.
Nov 12, 2016 at 5:20 AM
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A group of people is never going to comprehend the... ahem... gravity of the situation. Especially not career politicians like the ones in America. We need one single, strong-minded, powerful, non-corrupt, and moral individual to rebuild not only our government but the world's and its outlook and goals for the future.

To do so you'd need to grow them up around certain ideals from day 1 and you'd have to give them friends that are given the same ideals so one doesn't corrupt the rest / other. And to all humans; we all have different view points on what'd make this perfect leader, perfect. It's a matter of perspective and that's your way of perceiving it. Others may have different methods and ideals they'd rather teach; for better or for worse is up to your judgment. Considering we've had (assuming off estimation and possible prior knowledge) 100 billion people, no leader is perfect, some say the gods choose them (DEAD). Others say the political system is rancid and we must fix it together (DEAD). Our economy doesn't need consumer goods to sustain our forces (DEAD). No matter how you look at it, every possible leader has risen and fallen, no leader is perfect, nor their people, that's what makes biodiversity; the difference between every tiny and little thing. You can unify a ton of people under your ideal, but no matter what, there will always be someone to oppose or want it to be burned to the ground.
Nov 12, 2016 at 11:43 AM
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I still think that if someone implemented compulsory voting, one presidential candidate per party per election, checks and balances on political donations, and a campaign to election timeframe limit of 4 months then the system would run more efficiently and would be presidents would be far more interested in voter concerns then those of their bankrollers.
Nov 12, 2016 at 8:27 PM
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a) Nobody in this entire country has any kind of forward thinking.

b) Meanwhile communism stifles the creativity and inventiveness of its population by oppressing it.

c) A group of people is never going to comprehend the... ahem... gravity of the situation. Especially not career politicians like the ones in America. We need one single, strong-minded, powerful, non-corrupt, and moral individual to rebuild not only our government but the world's and its outlook and goals for the future.

a) I'd argue that although many in this country are not forward-thinking as you say, we've plenty of forward-thinkers in America. Eliminating or slowing climate-change is one such example of forward thinking - we're thinking about the future and the habitat and biodiversity loss and the other catastrophes that climate change will bring.

b) Define Communism please, and do not Google it. I want to know what you think Communism/Marxism is. I think most people misunderstand it. It certainly does not inherently oppress the people nor their creativity.

c) Consolidation of power to one single person is how we end up with corrupt dictators. Now while a benevolent or enlightened dictator as you describe might be ideal, none exists nor will ever exist because nobody knows the perfect solution to every problem. And as @ColdCallerLoopy said, perfection is very subjective, especially when it comes to the plans a government undertakes. Some might think climate change is a hoax and that having any policies relating to it is atrocious, while others think international decisions and policies are necessary to combat it. Government should never consolidate all power or decisions to one person. Power must be divided between many people who all have advisers who are experts in specific topics and who can give proper guidance on what decisions should be made.

I still think that if someone implemented compulsory voting, one presidential candidate per party per election, checks and balances on political donations, and a campaign to election timeframe limit of 4 months then the system would run more efficiently and would be presidents would be far more interested in voter concerns then those of their bankrollers.

Yeah we should really get those things going in the US. Elections in the US are riddled with issues, some of them serious problems and others more so significant annoyances (like 18 month campaigns).
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Nov 13, 2016 at 2:46 AM
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Yeah we should really get those things going in the US. Elections in the US are riddled with issues, some of them serious problems and others more so significant annoyances (like 18 month campaigns).
I'm so done with this 18 trillion year campaign, I remember a world called last may; before trump, before Hillary, we just talked about games and just our minor funny moments of life, possibly stupid ones. This whole election, the way I see it, has literally torn people on this forum apart both figuratively and possibly literally. We have article after article of people and politicians just throwing shit at the fan every second. You can't go anywhere, anyhow without seeing a political ad, commercial, possible sponsorship. Ads that lash at the other candidate, ads that "promote/support" the other candidate. People like SuperJaws, andwhyisit, Me, etc...we all have different view points on this discussion and there's nothing wrong with expressing your feelings and thought on a certain subject. But it's becoming toxic, especially to some people on this forum who feel that the other user's points are unjustified and must be slayed by their "politically correct" points of view. I had a similar experience with my ex-girlfriend; she was nice to talk to at first and we dated for awhile, but eventually you see the flaws in all of it and the relationship becomes toxic and hazardous to their health, possibly affecting them mentally and or psychologically. Every time I go on the forums now ever since SuperJaws made the "Welcome to America" thread, I prey to come to the forums and find my 'alerts' empty, every time I see the alert lead to these threads I just watch helplessly as people of various ages and background yell political jargan I probably won't get until I get into APGov.

(Just another two sense of mine, I don't know, I just wanted to vent that outta my system.)
Nov 13, 2016 at 1:19 PM
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last may? this has been going on for like at least a year and a half now
Nov 13, 2016 at 4:22 PM
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last may? this has been going on for like at least a year and a half now
I mean as in: Trump announced his campaign on June 16th, and Hillary announced her's on April 12th. By that point in May not much was going on, and I get that the presidential thing is really only in the Satellite Lounge, but it just gives the forums a different atmosphere, the fact that people are arguing over a topic like our current president, I get that I'm 16 and I have little to no knowledge on our current political system, but it all just seems dumb to argue and yell at each other because Trump won, regardless if Hillary won it'd just be the same thing just reversed.
Nov 14, 2016 at 12:01 AM
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My man this thread is civil even by our usual standards, let alone many other forums right now
Nov 14, 2016 at 12:41 AM
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My man this thread is civil even by our usual standards, let alone many other forums right now
I think we realized that we're all still people, whether or not we supported the same candidate and policies and have the same ideas. That makes it much easier to lay out our thoughts without completely attacking the other person.

I think writing on a forum message board also makes civil conversations easier than if we were doing this over an IM service because IM, is, well, instant messaging. We think of something, we type it, and we hit enter, without even really thinking much about what we said. In a message board, you type out long, carefully planned thoughts and probably read it through or at least revises it to some degree before clicking submit. We lay out our thoughts a lot more in a message board than in an IM service.
Nov 14, 2016 at 1:55 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
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I think we realized that we're all still people, whether or not we supported the same candidate and policies and have the same ideas. That makes it much easier to lay out our thoughts without completely attacking the other person.

Personally, it's fascinating to see how people from other countries view our elections and what they think we should do to fix our government. The political threads that I have created were less intended to voice my opinion and more intended to see others' reactions to it and also to get a "foreign" take on our government. It's been enlightening.

Also, @ColdCallerLoopy I wasn't implying we needed a perfect leader, what we need is a leader who wants to shift our focus towards the Space Age and is also aware of the impending economic disaster that will occur when most of the industrial sector is automated and labor-based jobs are no longer a viable career choice.
Nov 14, 2016 at 4:03 AM
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Also, @ColdCallerLoopy I wasn't implying we needed a perfect leader, what we need is a leader who wants to shift our focus towards the Space Age and is also aware of the impending economic disaster that will occur when most of the industrial sector is automated and labor-based jobs are no longer a viable career choice.

Elon Musk for president
Nov 14, 2016 at 5:47 AM
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Also, @ColdCallerLoopy I wasn't implying we needed a perfect leader, what we need is a leader who wants to shift our focus towards the Space Age and is also aware of the impending economic disaster that will occur when most of the industrial sector is automated and labor-based jobs are no longer a viable career choice.
That only applies to the manufacturing industry. Your tradie type jobs such as builders, plasterers, road workers, crane drivers, brick layers, plasterers, electricians, plumbers, etc. will exist for a long time because they require human involvement, and those jobs should make up a sizable part of your labor workforce (if not the majority). When that is no longer the case and humans become redundant in those jobs then there is need to worry about job losses, because Skynet will make sure we have job vacancies in everything by then.
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Nov 15, 2016 at 5:58 AM
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I'm honestly worried about my muslim grandpa, cause these ignorant people can end up terrorizing anyone and anything that's not "right" to them in their eyes.