In an alternate universe where Toroko and King don't die in front of Quote, maybe Quote would have joined the Doctor.
Zero encounter: See the pendant but don't pick it up.
First encounter: Balrog busts into the Shack looking for Sue, and asks you if you are going to fight. You say no. (Toroko is inside Arthur's House)
Second encounter: Balrog arrives, saving you from the dreaded MALCO. Do you know where Sue is? (YES/NO)
Third encounter: Misery shows up in Grasstown, recognizes you, and finds out you lost your memories. If you told Balrog where Sue is, he shows up with the news and Misery leaves.
Curly 1 encounter: Fight Curly, win, and answer you are a killer robot.
Fourth encounter: Misery shows up in Sand Zone, asks you for your help in retrieving the Storehouse Key. She tells you, you are a Killer Robot, once enslaved by humans now free to make your own choices.
Jenka encounter: Collect all puppies and answer a series of (YES/NO) questions without revealing that Misery sent you. If you convince her, you get the Storehouse Key.
Sixth encounter: Arrive at the Storehouse and unlock it, allowing Misery and Balrog to arrive. Misery thanks you and leaves to fetch the Doctor. You learn a bit more about their background from Balrog.
Doctor encounter: Misery and Doctor arrive. The Doctor is impressed, and asks for a demonstration. Balrog vs Quote? Defeat Balrog and the Doctor has no need of him. Misery sends him to the labyrinth.