May 18, 2008 at 4:39 AM
Join Date: May 3, 2008
Posts: 188
Tweaked some stuff, edited a couple things, and changed a bit around. The second beta is here!Hooray! I've updated the first cave and the start point a bit. Also I've added in a few graphical edits. However, Mimiga Village STILL ISN'T DONE YET (
)! There's some stuff left to be tested, and generally, how it looks now will probably be nothing like how it looks at the time of a final release (thankfully). If you want to torment yourself some more, you may get the updated version right here. 
EDIT: Forgot to address an important point, which is the fact that you CAN get stuck at save points and have to restart.
Tweaked some stuff, edited a couple things, and changed a bit around. The second beta is here!

EDIT: Forgot to address an important point, which is the fact that you CAN get stuck at save points and have to restart.