Aug 17, 2013 at 4:32 AM
Join Date: Aug 12, 2013
Posts: 383
Pronouns: he/him
So it seems that I am the only one who does not know how to make custom bosses and enemies. If you do not know what i mean
If you look at some mods they have boss bars for normal enemies, or if you look at Cavern Story there is one Balrog boss with a custom attack pattern. How do I 1. Add a boss bar and 2. Make custom attack patterns?
If you look at the King mod by Noxid (iz epic, try it out nao) you see 2 different enemies - The giant robots that shoot low-ranged bullets and those rolly-thingies in the cave.
So how did Noxid make those custom enemies?
If you look at some mods they have boss bars for normal enemies, or if you look at Cavern Story there is one Balrog boss with a custom attack pattern. How do I 1. Add a boss bar and 2. Make custom attack patterns?
If you look at the King mod by Noxid (iz epic, try it out nao) you see 2 different enemies - The giant robots that shoot low-ranged bullets and those rolly-thingies in the cave.
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(Oh, and those flying things that shoot bullets, if you didn't know, are certainly those fish in the plantation with different sprites)
So how did Noxid make those custom enemies?