CSTSF Smash 4 Online Tourney

When should the tourney be held?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Sep 10, 2016 at 6:02 AM
Tommy Thunder
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I think it would be fun to host a small online tournament for those of us with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. There are already a few who are interested, but we're going to need as many people as possible to make this interesting, so please let me know if you want to join! The day is undecided right now because I want those who are interested to choose between potential days so we can determine the most optimal time for everyone. Those of you who want to join, please vote in the poll. If you have any questions, please ask away! If you want to join, post here, contact me in the Discord, etc.

Possible entrants:

  • Best 2 of 3, but Winners Finals/Losers Finals/Grand Finals are best 3 of 5
  • 2 stock & 6 minutes
  • Items & customs turned off
  • Starter stage: 1-2-2-1 stage striking or mutual agreement
  • Counterpick process: winner bans 1 stage (or mutual agreement); loser selects from the remaining stages. winner may choose to select a new character; loser may then choose to select a new character
  • You cannot choose a stage you won on during the same set
  • Starter stages are: Final Destination (Omega Stages), Battlefield, Smashville, Town & City, Lylat Cruise
  • Counterpick stages are: Dream Land (64), Duck Hunt
  • Double elimination-style bracket
  • Seeding is undetermined for now

Finalized bracket
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Sep 10, 2016 at 6:42 AM
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I only have it on 3DS and also i'm bad
Sep 15, 2016 at 6:39 PM
Tommy Thunder
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OK everyone, so I think it's safe to say that Saturday is the most convenient day for this. I wasn't expecting a lot of people to want to get involved, but there were quite a reasonable amount of votes, so I'm excited. If everybody who voted is available for the tourney, we'll have 9 entrants. Realistically I only expect around half of that, but it'll be easier to tell the closer we get to Saturday. Of course, anybody who hasn't voted yet is still more than welcome to join if you let me know on or before Saturday.

We haven't quite decided what time on Saturday we'll be holding it, but I'm hoping for sometime in the afternoon/early evening EDT. Setup and further discussion will be held in the Discord chat (I'll likely be creating a temporary channel specifically for this), so please make sure you're in the server if you're participating!
Sep 16, 2016 at 4:40 PM
Eevee Enthusiast
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I kind of want to try this out but at the same time I haven't practiced with the Wii U version in ages and will probably get dunked as a result.

Also Duck Hunt being a counterpick is horrible and I hate you for including it.
Sep 16, 2016 at 5:29 PM
Tommy Thunder
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After discussing how stage banning works with Seasons, I figured it would make sense to explain how it works here just in case anybody else entering need to know. Not everyone knows the proper procedure for it, and that's totally understandable. So I'll try my best to clarify here.
Banning starter stages goes 1-2-2-1. In other words, Player 1 bans one stage, Player 2 bans two stages, and then Player 1 bans one more stage. That leaves only one stage out of the five starter stages.
For example, let's say Polar and Safusaka are doing matches together and they're banning stages. Polar starts by banning Battlefield because he's a gay Lucas player and wants a flat stage. Then Safu bans Final Destination and Town & City. Finally, Polar bans Lylat, so the first match goes on Smashville.

Games 2 (and 3, if applicable) are even easier to understand. The counterpick stages are now available to choose from along with the starter stages, and the winner bans one stage.
So, let's say Safu lost the first round against Polar. Since Polar won, he gets to ban Dreamland. Now Safu can choose from any of the remaining six stages since he lost. So he goes to Battlefield.

This means that if you're, let's say, a Little Mac player and you don't want to get timed out on Duck Hunt for games 2 and 3, you can use your one ban on Duck hunt if you're the winner, or pick any stage that isn't Duck Hunt if you're the loser.
And of course, you don't even have to do stage bans if you both want to go on the same stage! Mutual agreement negates the banning process, so go ahead and do that if you don't want to deal with all this.
Sep 17, 2016 at 3:51 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Alright, the tourney is starting today and I've made a channel in the Discord for it. Everyone is in the chat except for @Espeon78 and @ColdCallerLoopy, so if you guys are joining can you please let me know so I can add you to the server? I'm hoping we can start sometime early/mid afternoon. Further discussion will be held in the Discord chat :cool:
Sep 17, 2016 at 7:14 PM
The TideWalker
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Sep 17, 2016 at 10:22 PM
Eevee Enthusiast
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That was as enjoyable as I expected it to be: not at all. Roughly two hours of my life that I will never get back.
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Sep 18, 2016 at 12:06 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Thanks all for joining. I had a good time (yeah, I get it, easy for me to say because I won :p). Big thanks to BLink for streaming the matches, which not only made them possible to watch as they were happening, but made them a lot more hype than someone simply reporting the results. An apology to @duncathan for the Winner's Finals and Grand Finals lag; it made what could have been a hype test of skill into what he (accurately) described as a PowerPoint presentation.

There was a bit of discussion regarding another tourney in the future with 3DS, which I think would be a great idea for those who were excluded this time around. So thanks again to everyone who joined, and hopefully we can do this again later.
Sep 18, 2016 at 10:37 AM
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Sorry I didn't join, I just wanted to vote for no reason, I didn't expect to get pulled into the tourney ha-ha. I'm sure it was fun, I had stuff to do yesterday so I couldn't join or do anything regardless. But if you make another tourney soon I'd be happy to join!