CS Orgs and Midis

Aug 2, 2006 at 8:27 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Well, not really... I cant use mp3 for my mod so i need these samples, they are better than mp3, cuz they are much smaller!! and u can use them for doukutsu...
Aug 2, 2006 at 9:21 PM
Been here way too long...
Join Date: Jun 25, 2005
Posts: 372
Are you sure we're talking about the same thing? Samples are the sounds that are changed in pitch and length to be used to make the songs in Cave Story. I think you're talking about the songs themselves, unless I'm misunderstanding you.
Aug 2, 2006 at 9:25 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
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Oh sure, sorry, its just easy to take them off... Use Resource Hacker ^^
Aug 3, 2006 at 10:05 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
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Maybe intresting for sum of u: (this is a message I send skywelse on icq)

ShInInG PhAnToM (10:37 PM) :
u should do it, it take not much time to download and have a quick hear on it, and its very interresting: i saw some people where wondering that the Core Battle Music is named IronH.org... I think i know why, it seems pixel take the Music of the Iron Head Battle in Ilkachan, and remixed it...
Well and it seems that the Title song wasn't for the Plantation level at first time, it seems that in the version that was a different music... One org seems to be the beta music for the level ^^ Cuz the last part of it, have a part of the Title music... But i dont think its that way, cuz the org is name CAVE... O_o