CS fanfiction: Caev Sturei, Teers in the Rane, and originul story by Cultr1!!

Mar 14, 2011 at 10:24 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Hey guys so I decided to put my story in its own thread because it is long and stuff.
I will release at least a chapter every week.

Here is a text file with all of the released chapters so far:
Cave Sturei: Teers in the Rane.doc

Table of contents:
Chapters 1-4
Chapter 5
Chapters 6-7

Caev Sturei: Teers in the Rane
By Ellis H-P aka Cultr1 dun steel this!!!!! >.<

Chapter 1: GUN
First there was darkness and then there was a transmission, it was Kazuma and he was typing on his computer and he sed Sue i am stuk in this house and I ran away from the doctor and i escaped. Helloooo??? and then the trasnsmission was over. Quote herd the transmission and so he woke up and he looked around. He saw a save point and he went over to it and he saved and then he left through a door in the cave. When he was outside there was spickes and batts and blobs. One way was a dead end and so he went the other way and he almost fell in to some spikes and he said whoa that was close! and he kept going and then he found a life capsule and he said yes now i can hit the spickes and not be ded and he was happy because now quote has six healths so he could survive spickes. Then he jumped over some water but he didnt jump far enuf so he fell into the water but it was okay but his air was running out and so he got out of the water but he got hit by a bat and he said ouch but he kept trying until yes! he maid it but he fell into some other water but he was oK. there was some water and a big door that was a lionhed and stone so he went to the headd. There was a house inside and there was an old man and he was asleep Helloo? Quote said but the old man was asleep so he didnt answer. Now quote was really angry! He saw a treasure chest and he opened it and he found a gun and it was the polar star! It was a blue gun and it had a star that was white on it but it was only level 1 >:( but quote was still happy because he can kill the bats and the blobs but not the spickes. But then there was another transmission! It was Kazuma again and he said sue i am still stuck and hellp me! but quote was not sue so he is confused. oh well. So then quote left and he was shooting the bats! and the blobs and he was getting golden triangles crystals and level up! and now he was shooting better shots and the blobs died faster. Quote went inside the first room and then he saved again and he went to the ded end and he shot the blocks with the stars on them and then Quote could get through! he went up to the door and was gonna open it but he took some damage!!! and the door had an eye on it and so he shot the door and it died and he gott more triangles crystals and he went thru the dorr.

Chapter 2: the villiage with the mimigas inside of it and then the problem in the town!
Quote walked outside but he wasn’t looking so he tripped and he fell off of a cliff and he said no! really loud. And he fell in front of two mimigas (who are like bunnies and humans) and one fell and one ran away. Quote was talking too the mimiga who fell down and said who are you? and he said I am King and eye’m the number one and i am the strongest ever in this town except Arthur and he was strong and Quote said whoa and King said i don’t like sue she is different and i dont her very much at all. Quote said okay and he went over to the big resivoir and he saw a mimiga called Kanpachi and he was cool. He said oh hai I am kanpachi and i saw sue fell in to the water. Quote looked in the water and he saw something sparkling in the water at the bottom so he went down there and he found a necklace that was silver and looked like a fish and he took it just in case. When he got out of the water he saw the mimiga who ran away named toroko but she ran away and Quote was sad. But anyway Quote left the pool of water and then he saw a fat mimiga and he said to mahin “hey” and the mimiga said hi i am Mahin and you want to know about Sue? she is not from around here and she is cute so yeah and then quote jumped up higher and fell on to a platform and go the Map System! which showed quote the map and then he jumped down and opened the door that was on a little shack, When he was inside he walked around a bit until sumone said “why you!’ and Toroko snuck up on Quote and then she hit him with a leek and that hurt and he said ow jeez dude! and he shot her but only he shot her once and she said eek and fell. Quote said sorry and is was okay toroko said wait you’re not with doctor? and quote then he sed no. But then the grounded start shaking and something was close to dorr. They both looked at the door and then…

Chapter 3: quote and the mimiga who is toroko find a lunchbocks?
And then a big robot guy broke thru the door way! And he said hey i found you finally! I am Balrog and you are going dooownn! And quote said no i don’t thinks so! but then a girl came down and from the skyand said oh wow you found her! you are still dum and Ballrog said i found her first you are dumb! and the girl who is misery went and said oh you must be sue she said to toroko but she said no I am toroko but to late! and the misery put a bubble around toroko and she floated away and so did misery who the girl and balrag said aw man i have to clean the mess! and quote said not so fast, you will be going down soon! and balrog said no!! you have met your match! but then quote said i don’t wanna fight you you are dumb and them balrog said oh okay bye and then he left.

Chapter 4: big mushrooms and a creepy guy
Quote wnet back upstairs in the town and he saved just in case and there was a farm all all the way up and quote wnet there and he found a pond with a life circle and yes and more health and then quote thot he saw a beast fang but he didnt because it was invisibul. Then quote went to the saved point and went his go to see the mimga Jakk who said toroko is kidnaped oh no and left kwot there but quote never sed any thing so quote was angry and sad. Anyway quote desided to go in the hole jak was in font of so he did and it was graveyard and quote was sad becus he was robot and not die ever so he was sad. He wnet on mushrooms but they hurt quot and he was confused becaos in Mario you can on mushrooms and squish but this was different storee so he shoot them in the face in stead and they said no! and left but not drop gold triangul and quote was angry because level 2 polar stare. Then Quote a guy who wore a blu shirt that was big and had a knife so quote shot bullers really fast but ther didn’t work!!! then the knife guy used his knife on quote and he exploded. The end!

BUT WAS NOT THE END because quote had made saved point just in case and he was there. Next tim ill saved more often, haha he laughed and then he sgot serious and he said your going down, knife guy! and he walked real fast to the graveyard and then he jumped over the knife guy and the mushrooms and shot them in the head but in the back and they died! abd the guy made trangles crystals yes! adn then quote made levl 3 happen and the bullets wer big amd fast, but only two because shot real far like airplane and quote got arthers key and went to arthurs house and opende the dorr.
Mar 14, 2011 at 10:29 PM
Tommy Thunder
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It was just so epic it needed its own thread.
Mar 14, 2011 at 11:57 PM
daughter of chivalry
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cultr1 said:
eye’m the number one and i am the strongest ever

i see what you did there
Mar 15, 2011 at 1:40 AM
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wao dis is awesome pleaz continyew *shot
Mar 15, 2011 at 3:12 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Chapter 5: go dragon!
In side hous there was a saved point so quote went up there and saved and got free hearts from the box full of hearts and save again. he got down and went to computer that said go to egg corridor????? and quote said yeah! and wrote yes on the computer and went and teleportered to egg zone and then bam he was there and it was tan and greeen and eggs there and quot saw a shiny white guy in the bottom and he went and talkd to guy but blow up. The end!

BUT NOT THE END because Quote had saved point and he lernd his lesson to run way from the shinny guy so he went teleporter and back He fell down and ran really fast like lazers past the bottom guy and jumped to get the hearts cylandar! amd be careful not to be exlpod by the basil bottom and he didn’t. Jump up and talked too the blue robot who said watch out for bottom guy, POW! and Quote said ._. and kept go right.Saw elephants and quot jumped but land on elefant but not damage and quote said wow and shotted the elefants and the die make crystals triangle but quote was full of and he was okay. He kept walking super speedy and found a house named Cthulu House and went in and saw Cthulu Man and he said U lost memri? lols and quote said you are a dum I hait u and he went up to top of hause and saw lifecube but the jump was long and the tall was short so he had to try lots of times but yes!got hearts and kept going and he almost fell into bottom guy and guote said ahh! super loud but it was okay. He jump over a wall and saw sue (who was mimga) and big mimga who had evil eyes who said raawwuuoohhrr and sue said I can beet you in a fite but she got owned threes times and then said to quote who are you? and quote didnt say anything because he was watch sue get punched by big mimiga and then take away. Quote said no! realy loud like a megafone and then he ran after the big mimiga guy until he was so tired that he had to go inside the middle house and inside of the middle lab house he found a saved point and he save. He was sooo tired but couldn’t sleep on the bed because it had flowers on it. So he had to sleep on flor for the night and it was hard floor so not get health but he already had lots.
Mar 15, 2011 at 3:34 AM
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Mar 15, 2011 at 3:36 AM
Been here way too long...
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You should really just post the written version. Really.
Mar 15, 2011 at 3:37 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Captain Fabulous said:

Ha you won't believe who already recommended that to me.
Also ladnon WHYYYYYYYY
Mar 15, 2011 at 8:37 AM
Bonds that separate us
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Someone should make a live action version of this with CMod
Mar 15, 2011 at 10:18 AM
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I would be a great quote im almost as white as milk.
Mar 15, 2011 at 1:34 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Marx said:
I would be a great quote im almost as white as milk.

I'm so white I make milk look like tar

Yeah DT, I heard that some guy in japan made my story into a game. He called it doukutsu monogatari or something.
You should check it out.

But srsly, I was planning on shittily drawing out each scene and doing a dramatic reading of it.
Mar 18, 2011 at 2:01 AM
Been here way too long...
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cultr1 said:
I was planning on shittily drawing out each scene and doing a dramatic reading of it.

Mar 27, 2011 at 5:58 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Okay, sorry for the lack of chapters posted, I was on vacation. I have two chapters written, but typing them is work and I'm lazy and tired, so you'll see them tomorrow.

But, now that I'm back, I have a present for you~! :3
Concept art!
Mar 27, 2011 at 8:05 AM
daughter of chivalry
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K-onsept art

Again cult, you are a crafty one
Mar 27, 2011 at 1:25 PM
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why did u burn paper?
Mar 27, 2011 at 4:17 PM
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dis iz hilarius i wunt moar
Mar 27, 2011 at 4:17 PM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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I try my best, Dasu.
WoodenRat said:
why did u burn paper?

I was working by candlelight, because of that dippy "turn off ur electricity for an hour," and the short candle caught the corner on fire ._.
The paper was folded a bunch, so that corner really stuck up
Mar 28, 2011 at 5:03 AM
Only Love, Maximum Love, Forever
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Chapter 6: Missle Gun
Quotes woke up but not full healths because the pteals were on bed and hard flor. Quote rides the elevator but go down not up and he said lame but then it went up and he said oK! and was top and found treasure and inside the treasure was missels! And he shoot the missles out of missle gun and at the wall for practise but ran out so he went down in elevator an got three. He shat them but the flor next to him and he blew up. BUT nO because cannot blow up with misiles so yeah. He wint by computers and the said “eggs are good” but too of them said which were called six and 1 said “this is not a good egg” and so kwote went gone back wards and shot missile wepon at the jump greens and asploed Take That! he said, and gone backwards to six fater than befor. when he saw the egg 6 and was said “there is egg 6 now i must be go inside and see the matter." And he was jumped down and fell insid ethe egg and was empty except for a tresur box and and misl and opened the treasur boxs found a eyedee square and he used is wiht the eyedee box in 1 egg and a shield left on the wall. Kwote was saw a boss their so he went on his go to the lab room haus and made a saved point just in case.

Chapter 7: there is a boss and Kwot finds sue
Quote went back to the gone shield and saw the big mimga who is Iggor and he says "you can't touch this guys eggs!!!" and ran at quote but quote said I think no! and jumped real high over the boss! and shot some bullets super fast at the mimiga and he said nooooooooooooooo!! and fell down quote used missles to finish the fight! then igor went Small again and was dead. Quote sad of this but also happy, because he was better now at gun! he tried to saved point but it was locked door so he went other door next. Inside was the Soo mimga and she was fall down and not move for long time. But then quot wanted to talk to her and she sais Why did you save at me? I could have win with help no, but you did for me!! But okay whar u from>> and quote said ... becus he was nervous amd she sed loot at egg it is helping us leave. But she forgot he password and she said Aw man! and left QUot there. He jsut lef the room and gone in the doot locked where ther was saved point so he made on just in case. He ranned back real fast like a race car to the beggining and used missles and bullets/ Sometims the bugs wod come up hehind him fast and then kwot woud take damg but was okay he had lots. Finnaly, he maid it bak to the tell porter and went inside, and said gooby to the egg collidor.
Mar 28, 2011 at 5:15 AM
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