Dec 30, 2013 at 5:52 AM
Senior Member
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Location: Grassland
Posts: 123
Age: 28
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I tried my best to not make the title to this thread misleading in any way. However to make it very clear, I really was hoping someone could help me make active progress in collaboratively making music. I'm not sure if this was better here, or in the music section, but I settled on this considering it falls under "hack development". I really wanted to do this project entirely by myself, but I simply am not musically talented. This does not mean I will stop trying by any means, but I really want to meet deadlines I have made for myself. If you want an example of the music I am able to do, here is my poorly done rendition of the Super Mario 64 select screen music. As for a little exposition so it doesn't seem like I'm asking without any proof of work, This mod was initially planned to be done within the course of 2 months, however as I now have to share a computer with a friend half the time, I extended it to 4 months, essentially giving me the same amount of time to finish the project. A short description of the story: You are cat. Simon Cat. You do cat things. Riveting story I know. With a completely original title. It's called "Kitty story ~ The amazing triumph". I'm not focusing a lot on story, because I feel that it might get too complex and off-base of what I wanted to create, which is just a fun little mod about a kitty, that WILL be completed. I know what you're thinking "Pics or it didn't happen!", so here are some pics.
Yep. I really don't want to ask for help. I just suck at it, but I'll continue trying regardless. I would like someone to work with on music but I understand that there are many people who have better things to do. I won't post the Beta on here. However if you work with me, then I will send it to you, or alternatively just PM me that you want the link. It's not a whole lot so far, but I've plunged some work into it. The pics don't really do it justice, because many sprites are not completely done yet (thus not worth showing yet), but should be by tomorrow night.
Thank you for your time Cave story forums community.
Yep. I really don't want to ask for help. I just suck at it, but I'll continue trying regardless. I would like someone to work with on music but I understand that there are many people who have better things to do. I won't post the Beta on here. However if you work with me, then I will send it to you, or alternatively just PM me that you want the link. It's not a whole lot so far, but I've plunged some work into it. The pics don't really do it justice, because many sprites are not completely done yet (thus not worth showing yet), but should be by tomorrow night.
Thank you for your time Cave story forums community.