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Code Warfare - Unfinished Release

Dec 7, 2019 at 1:35 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
Join Date: Nov 12, 2014
Location: East Coast America
Posts: 759
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/him
Hey everyone, it's been quite a while since I've posted a mod release.

Some background on this mod. I created as a sort of last hurrah with the Cave Story modding scene as part of an Independent Study class at my high school during senior year. The characters in it are based around myself and people I know - many of the jokes made are direct references to things those people have done or said. There are some references to a program called "AppLab" - it's an extremely crappy "learn to code" program that we were forced to use in an AP class that I took, despite the fact that we had all already gone through AP Computer Science and were far from beginners. That being said, at its core this mod is about the level design, so I think you'll still find the mod enjoyable.

I'm a sophomore in college now and I've moved quite far ahead. Perhaps one day I'll come back to Cave Story modding but for now I want to focus on my music work. I've recently started producing PxTone stuff on my SoundCloud, Scarlet Lotus Productions.

For now, here's my mod. There will be glitches, some unfinished looking stuff... and probably most notably there will be a ton of balance issues. I basically stripped the mod of any and all resemblance to Cave Story's semi-open world style and item collection and focused entirely on building playable levels - weapons are basically what you get out of the box when you select your character and you can't obtain new ones. This mod will likely stay in the state it is in, as I do not intend to finish it. I recommend using the initial character (Agent N) on your first run through of the game, as I primarily balanced levels around that character.

All the music in the mod was created by myself. I utilized several hacks manufactured by forum members:
  • Clownacy - The .dll mod loader and the .ogg music mod.
  • Noxid - Booster's Lab, and many of the hacks included (i.e. TSC+) as well as general assembly assistance.
The big focus of this mod was to make it a proof-of-concept for a Level-Based Cave Story modification. There is a functioning Level Select and Character Select screen. If you take a peek at the TSC code for it it's a hot mess, but it's doable. There is a limited Hub world space - everything else is entirely level-based. Levels 1-4 and 7 are completed in their entirety. There are also a few secret areas you can access. The ORGs that I use in this mod are also included in a separate folder in lieu of a properly functioning ORG player.

So, without further ado...

Download Link:
Code Warfare v1.0.0

Dec 7, 2019 at 3:31 AM
Soup Man
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
Join Date: Jul 15, 2014
Posts: 670
Age: 8
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did enjoy
orgs are nice and the mod is fun
fireball is a tad OP though, since it does 8 damage at level one
Dec 7, 2019 at 11:57 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 25, 2019
Posts: 206
Played it. Here's a couple of notes:
1.So, at the beginning I chose to play as the agent with the nemesis, who was powerful, but trying to avoid energy when every monster drops some just because otherwise your weapon gets weaker is just not a very good idea. Though, I gotta say, I liked the idea of shooting bunnies and it is surprisingly not too bad in terms of damage. Still a problem for me.
2.The art is a mixed bag: sometimes it's beautiful, some it's meh.
3.I think this was intentional, but all the faces seem to be in a different style, which I find kinda weird but that's not really an issue.
4.The bosses are WAY too easy.
5.I did like the complex design of level 3, though.
Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari 12_7_2019 12_26_51 PM.png
Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari 12_7_2019 12_14_24 PM.png
I stopped playing after beating level 3 but I might come back to it eventually.
Good job on this one.
Dec 7, 2019 at 7:21 PM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
Join Date: Nov 12, 2014
Location: East Coast America
Posts: 759
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/him
I don't know if any of the hackinator files included with Booster's Lab were actually made by Noxid...

Oh, well, thanks to whoever did them I guess?

did enjoy
orgs are nice and the mod is fun
fireball is a tad OP though, since it does 8 damage at level one

Glad you enjoyed it!

Played it. Here's a couple of notes:
1.So, at the beginning I chose to play as the agent with the nemesis, who was powerful, but trying to avoid energy when every monster drops some just because otherwise your weapon gets weaker is just not a very good idea. Though, I gotta say, I liked the idea of shooting bunnies and it is surprisingly not too bad in terms of damage. Still a problem for me.
2.The art is a mixed bag: sometimes it's beautiful, some it's meh.
3.I think this was intentional, but all the faces seem to be in a different style, which I find kinda weird but that's not really an issue.
4.The bosses are WAY too easy.
5.I did like the complex design of level 3, though.
I stopped playing after beating level 3 but I might come back to it eventually.
Good job on this one.

Yeah IDK what's up with the bosses, I think I broke something because no matter how much health I added they just... still died at the same rate. The art is definitely lackluster, I'm not the best at it but I wanted to at least have things looking a little different. Glad you liked it! Past Level 3 there's only Levels 4 and 7 anyway.