
Nov 1, 2012 at 2:21 PM
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I do not remember that we had this topic so far.

What are you doing to make the world a better place? What charities are/were you involved in? What are your thoughts about charity?

-I was a member of UNICEF's Voices of Youth. It had a forum just like ours. A handful of us (8-9) gathered and created the youth charity group "Article 2: Youth for a Change". We raised money, wrote articles, sent charity material, made local change in our towns...sometimes quite ripe for us being mostly teenagers. The small group was featured on the front page of UNICEF's official website as the rolemodel how youth charity groups should be. The group is no longer exists - still good memories
-Now I am part of a doctor's/nurse's group which provides free blood-pressure, blood sugar, ECG and breast examination for the public totally free several times a year. My job is to interpret the results. We are doing it totally free, but it is good fun
Nov 9, 2012 at 1:48 PM
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Yet again trickybilly is shown to be the only person here with an interesting life :koron: I can't say I do anything directly, but my folks donate to a number of things (Red Cross, WWF, etc). Once I can find myself a stable source of income I'll defs look into charity/volunteer work more.
Nov 9, 2012 at 2:27 PM
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- From summer 2009 to early 2011, me, my mom, my older brother, and my younger sister babysat the kids of friends of ours for free. It was pretty exhausting at a certain point, but the kids loved us, and the parents were extremely grateful.
- From Summer 2009 to somewhere around late 2010, me, my mom, my older brother, and my younger sister went to a (can't freaking believe I'm drawing a blank on the exact terminology) place where poor homeless people receive assistance and meals to help get them back on their feet, and we helped them by sorting cans.
- From Fall 2011 to early 2012, me, my mom, and my younger sister went to a local ancient museum and looked through archives of the news from 1945 and typed down any birth or death dates we could find, and then handed them in so that we could help make a compendium of people's ancestry. This was by far my least favorite of the three.

All of these things took place on a weekly basis.
Nov 9, 2012 at 2:48 PM
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I volunteered for a while in high school.
Nov 9, 2012 at 4:20 PM
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I really should do some more charity work, I haven't done much for the community. I did help out at a children's Halloween party for my friend's church recently, though.
Nov 9, 2012 at 5:33 PM
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HaydenStudios said:
- From Summer 2009 to somewhere around late 2010, me, my mom, my older brother, and my younger sister went to a (can't freaking believe I'm drawing a blank on the exact terminology) place where poor homeless people receive assistance and meals to help get them back on their feet, and we helped them by sorting cans.
I think that's called a "shelter" - although whether USA terminology is different from SA terminology, I have no idea.

I haven't done anything for the community (except annoying them by existing, according to one of the townspeople).
The only thing I remember doing that was related to helping the community was helping my parents with things like painting the house when we moved into it in April/May 2005.
But then again, that probably doesn't count in this case, does it? >_<
Nov 10, 2012 at 2:21 AM
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Dude, I torrent indie games just for the hell of it. Charity is the last thing on my mind.

Even so, I donated blood a month ago and used to donate money to orphanages for whatever reason there might be.
Nov 10, 2012 at 3:06 AM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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I haven't given my time in a while. These days, I've been donating my money to a few causes... an animal shelter, some rainforest protection campaign and some things like that. Both of my parents are regular donors to a number of causes, and I only recently found out that my mom is a sponsor of an underprivileged child. Apparently she received a letter from them, but she lost it, so I didn't get to see it.

Historically, I have:

- Worked for about a month at a soup kitchen, feeding the homeless of my region. Food preparation and serving. I think I I mentioned in the IRC that I met a woman who was sleeping on the street whose lone possession was a book that she was able to trade for another via one of those free book trades. She was really happy about this recent book she read and she wanted me to read it. I said I'd be happy to. I didn't realize that the next time she turned up for food, someone else would be working there, as my term was ending. Still feel kind of sad about it to this day.

- Worked on a community garden plot. In parts of Australia, environmental restoration is a big thing. It involved a lot of getting rid of invasive species and planting natives. It was a lot of fun.

- Donating blood, but I don't plan on doing it again, sadly. I guess my body wasn't built to handle it.

And I'm probably forgetting something.

It was pretty sad though because when it came to eating time, I heard that one fellow classmate's child said "Wow, I get to eat today!" ;_;

All my tears.

Even so, I donated blood a month ago and used to donate money to orphanages for whatever reason there might be.

Donating blood is super good/important, don't downplay the significance of that. I did once, but I'll never do it again. I was fine throughout the whole thing. Got up. Talked to the lady who did it. Walked through the lobby, had my cookie. Took the elevator down and outside. Once I'm outside and I get to the sidewalk, boom. Out of nowhere, fainted right there on the pavement.

It was embarrassing.